
【题目】John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather __________ with them to school.

A. took

B. had taken

C. were taking

D. would take


【解析】句意:约翰得到他父亲和祖父上学时携带的那个行李箱。题干中John was given为过去的时间参照点,父亲和祖父上学为在此之前的事,表示过去的过去,故用过去完成时。


【题目】The Hawaiian people did not celebrate Christmas before the arrival of Captain Cook in 1778. It was, however, the protestant missionaries(传教士)from New England who first arrived in 1820 that first introduced Christmas to the Hawaiian people.

The missionaries reduced the Hawaiian language to written form, enabling the Hawaiian people to read and write in their own language. Many words for which there were no clear Hawaiian language equivalents(对应词)were translated phonetically.

Let’s look at some key phrases that you may hear in Hawaii during the Christmas and New Year’s Day holiday season.

Mele Kalikimaka—Merry Christmas. The words “Mele Kalikimaka” are a phonetic translation. When the missionaries and other Westerners first brought the custom of Christmas to the islands, the Hawaiians had difficulty pronouncing “Merry Christmas” and turned it into words that rolled more easily off their tongues.

Hau’ oli Makahiki Hou—Happy New Year. The western Christmas and New Year fell during this same time of the year when the Hawaiians traditionally honored the earth for giving them plenty to eat. This period of resting and feasting was called Makahiki (mah-kah-HEE-kee). It lasted for 4 months, and no wars or conflicts were allowed during this time. Because makahiki also means “year”, the Hawaiian phrase for “Happy New Year” became “Hau’ oli(happy) Makahiki (year) Hou (new)”.

Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau’ oli Makahiki Hou—Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Mahalo Nui Loa—Thank you very much. When you receive a nice gift or are treated to a special meal or beautiful song, you’ll want to express your appreciation for the kindness.

【1】改编】Who made the greatest contribution to Hawaiian language according to the passage?

A. Captain Cook B. The missionaries

C. Westerners D. The Hawaiian people

【2】 The underlined word “phonetically” in Paragraph 2 probably means“ ”.

A. by sound B. by meaning

C. by appearance D. by form

【3】Makahiki is a traditional time for the Hawaiian people to .

A. celebrate the New Year B. show thanks to God

C. show thanks to the earth D. go for holidays

【4】What is the text mainly about?

A. How the Hawaiian people celebrate their holidays.

B. The development of the Hawaiian language.

C. How Christmas was brought to the Hawaiian people.

D. Some phrases used in Hawaii during festivals.

【题目】War,money and power are a few things that countries and people are concerned about.____I agree that those things are important,I believe that everyone should start to____more on a growing problem—global warming.

Global warming will not only____our country and our generation,but also the entire____and future generations.It is____because the weather has been a lot warmer over the past few years,which____the melting (融化) of the ice in the Antarctic.This will soon cause water levels to____and flood parts of the world.

Many people ignore this problem because they feel____they can’t do anything about it and have more____things to worry about.If we all____so,then our ozone layer (臭氧层) will be____and the planet will no longer be able to make life continue to exist.We should do our best to limit the use of our planet’ s____resources (资源) and keep our air clean.____ future generations will suffer from our ____.

Some might feel that they cant stop global warming from____.But if every single person does his or her part in keeping the air clean,then it will become a____effort.Sure,there are some things that cause pollution and that we won t be able to____change.This may include cars burning oil,but we can____adjust some of these things.People can start carpooling,taking the bus,riding their bikes,or____ just walking.

If everyone takes____ now,I believe we can start seeing remarkable results within a few years.

【1】A.When B.As C.How D.Though

【2】A.depend B.focus C.hang D.remark

【3】A.annoy B.interrupt C.affect D.confuse

【4】A.world B.continent C.industry D.climate

【5】A.failing B.completing C.changing D.occurring

【6】A.lies in B.results in C.suffers from D.escapes from

【7】A.reduce B.rise C.drop D.move

【8】A.as if B.in case C.even though D.if only

【9】A.popular B.suitable C.important D.difficult

【10】A.do B.keep C.like D.find

【11】A.protected B.strengthened C.destroyed D.surrounded

【12】A.unlimited B.natural C.recycled D.industrial

【13】A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.However D.Instead

【14】A.illnesses B.failures C.decisions D.mistakes

【15】A.continuing B.arriving C.improving D.disappearing

【16】A.physical B.mental C.national D.worldwide

【17】A.slightly B.fully C.hardly D.slowly

【18】A.at least B.at most C.at first D.at last

【19】A.yet B.even C.still D.thus

【20】A.time B.turns C.action D.arms

【题目】The National Geographic Magazine, later shortened to National Geographic, is the official journal of the National Geographic Society. It published its first issue in 1888, just nine months after the Society itself was founded. It has become one of the world’s best-known magazines and is immediately identifiable by the characteristic yellow border running around the edge of its cover.

There are 12 monthly issues of National Geographic per year, plus additional map supplements. On rare occasions, special editions are also issued. It contains articles about geography, popular science, history, culture, current events, and photography. The current Editor-in-Chief of National Geographic Magazine is the well-known photographer, Chris Johns, who has photographed extensively in Africa. The foreword to Johns’ own illustrated book on Africa was written by Nelson Mandela.

Society Executive Vice President John Q. Griffin, and President of the Magazine Group, has overall responsibility for the English language magazines at National Geographic. Terry B. Adamson, Society Executive Vice President who also is the Society’s chief legal officer and heads governmental relations, has overall responsibility for the Society’s international publications.

With a worldwide circulation in all languages of nearly nine million, more than fifty million people read the magazine every month. In May, 2007, National Geographic magazine won the American Society of Magazine Editors’ prestigious General Excellence Award in the over two million circulation category and the best photography award for three issues of the magazine in 2006.

【1】How many issues does the National Geographic Magazine have per year?

A. Less than 10 issues. B. Less than 11 issues.

C. Less than 12 issues. D. About 12 issues.

【2】Who wrote the introduction to Johns’ own illustrated book on Africa?

A. John Q. Griffin. B. Terry B. Adamson.

C. Nelson Mandela. D. Chris Johns.

【3】【改编】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. With its first issue in 1888, there are over fifty million people in the world.

B. As an official magazine, there are 12 monthly issues with additional map supplements.

C. It contains articles about geography, popular science, history, politics, and photography.

D. It is identified by the orange border running around the edge of its cover.

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