
Family time is one of the most important times in a child’s life.My family and I 1 a lot of time together,including every 2   .Even when my father is  3   on business,my mother,my sister,and I sit down at the table to eat and  4  our day.We don’t watch television but have

  5  together.As a teenager,   6   with my parents is not the most fun thing I do but I feel it is necessary.I learn from them  7  we talk, whether it is about my dad’s job or my mother’s day.

I did a little research on the “family table”  8  .Statistics show that only 50% of  9  sit down to dinner together each night.That’s a  10 ,because researchers  11  that kids who have these regular family dinners have  12  behavior,grades,and a larger vocabulary.They are also less  13  to smoke,drink,do drugs,or have eating disorders Time with their parents makes kids more  14  and gives them a sense of  15  and safety.Plus,they learn better manners.

Now with many single—parent families or homes  16  both parents work,making time together has become harder.There have been many recent studies showing kids are“  17   ”than they used to be.I think it’s primarily parents’  18  .Only good things  19   taking 15 minutes away from television and five minutes from video games to have this time with your family.By spending 20 minutes with   20  ,I believe this idea of “wild kids” would decrease greatly.

1.A.spend                   B.pass                    C.take                    D.cost

2.A.morning                B.dinner                 C.weekend             D.party

3.A.away                    B.lonely                  C.back                   D.alone

4.A.welcome               B memorize               C.discuss               D.remember

5.A.snacks                  B.meal                    C.sports                 D.fun

6.A.putting up             B.getting up            C.keeping up           D.hanging out

7.A.every time             B.before                 C.some time           D.since

8.A.plan                      B.manner                C.idea                    D.project

9.A.parents                 B.sisters                 C.brothers              D.families


10.A.wonder               B.shame                 C.miracle                D.worry

11.A.suppose               B.claim                  C.assume               D doubt

12.A.higher                 B.worse                 C.lower                  D.better

13.A.unlikely               B.probably              C.likely                   D.impossibly

14.A.stubborn             B.nervous               C.silent                   D.stable

15.A.belonging            B.anxiety               C.honor                  D.achievement

16.A.whose                 B.where                 C.that                     D.which

17.A.smarter               B.quicker                C.wilder                D.slower

18.A.duty                    B.fault                    C.power                 D.burden

19.A.come out             B.contribute to        C.come from          D.result in

20.A.the other            B.another one          C.the rest              D.each other

1—5  ABACD  6—10  DADDB   11—15  BDCDA  16—20  BCBCD




Imagine landing in a foreign country where you cannot speak the language, understand the culture and don’t know anybody. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a friend who could help you out?

John Smith, an English explorer who landed in America in 1607, found the best friend ever. She was a Native American named Pocahontas (1595-1617). And she did more than teach Smith the language: she saved his life, twice.

Smith was captured by members of Pocahontas’s tribe (部落) and was going to be killed. But for some reason, the Chief’s daughter, Pocahontas, felt sorry for Smith (who was probably the first white man she had ever seen) and threw her body over his to protect him. Smith returned safely to the small village he was living in.

During the winter the English settlers did not know how to get food from nature. Pocahontas often brought food for Smith and his friends.

A year later Pocahontas’s father tried to kill Smith again because the Native Americans were very scared the English would try to take over their land. Pocahontas warned him and he was able to escape.

Later she became a Christian and eventually married an Englishman named John Rolfe.

She spent the last year of her life in London.

Pocahontas has become an American legend (传奇). Her life story has been re-created in many books and films, including Disney’s 1995 film, Pocahontas.

One of the reasons she is so popular is that many Europeans look at Pocahontas as an excellent example of how a minority can adjust into the majority. Pocahontas is also respected because of her selfless love. She proved that people can be kind and loving even to people of a different race or culture. John Smith was very different from Pocahontas but she could see he was a good man and that was all that mattered. No race or country owns goodness, love and loyalty.

1.What difficulties might early European settlers meet in America EXCEPT ______?

A. the fierce conflict with Native Americans

B. bad-tempered natives who enjoyed killing

C. unfamiliarity with a foreign land

D. lack of food in winter

2.Pocahontas saved John Smith twice because ______.

A. he was the first white man she had ever seen in her life

B. she wanted to become a Christian and marry an Englishman

C. she believed in general kindness even to people of a different race

D. she was on the settlers’ side and against her cruel father

3.Which is NOT an element to make Pocahontas a legend?

A. Her tribal background and her marriage to a white settler.

B. Her selfless help to people regarded as enemy of her tribe.

C. Her complicated life story different from common people’s.

D. The recreation of her life story in the 1995 Disney film.

4.According to the text, Europeans think Pocahontas _____.

A. was brave to break away from her own tribe

B. set a good example for other natives to accept the white settlers

C. was a selfless Christian who can love her enemy

D. was open to a more advanced culture

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The battles between early settlers and Native Americans resulted from their               fighting for land.

B. The Europeans think the early settlers should have learned to adjust to the local cultures.

C. The creation of America is based on the settlers’ victory over the Native  Americans.

D. People from different cultures can never really get along well with each other.


Chinese students aren’t the only ones who have a sleep loss problem. In Australia, teenagers are also missing out on, on average, one hour’s sleep every night during the school week.

Organized activities and homework push bedtimes later, the first large-scale Australian study of children’s sleeping habits has revealed (显示). Their sleep deprivation (剥夺) is enough to cause “serious drop-offs in school performance, attention and memory”, and governments should consider later or flexible school start times, said the study’s leader, Tim Olds.

 His survey, of more than 4,000 children aged 9 to 18, found those who slept least did not watch more television but spent their time socializing (相处) with family or friends or listening to music.

“Almost all children get up at 7 or 7:15 — they have to get to school on time,” said Olds. He favors a later start over an earlier finish because he believes organized sports and activities would still consume the latter end of the day.

Olds’research also establishes lack of sleep as a cause of weight gain in children, and a possible source of future problems with depression, anxiety and increased susceptibility (易感性) to illness.

It was already known that overweight children sleep less, but Professor Olds found sleep duration (时长) was strongly linked to weight across the full range of body sizes. The thinnest children sleep 20 minutes more than the obese. This showed being overweight had no specific effect on sleep patterns, and it was more likely that shorter sleep times stimulate (刺激) appetite and make kids hungry.

The US National Sleep Foundation says teenagers aged 13 to 18 need eight to nine hours’ sleep a night. Younger school-aged kids need 9 to 11 hours.

On that basis, Professor Olds said, half of Australian children are under-sleeping on weekdays and a quarter on weekends.

6. The Australian students surveyed don’t sleep enough because they spend more time on the following EXCEPT _____.

A. organized activities and homework

B. communication with friends and family

C. watching television programs

D. enjoying music 

7. What effects does lack of sleep directly have on the students according to the survey?

A. They become overweight but begin to eat less than before.

B. They feel more depressed and anxious about their school work.

C. They are more likely to be affected with illness in the future.

D. They pay less attention in class and their memory declines.

8. Which of the following suggestions did Mr. Olds raise?

A. The students should go to bed earlier to have longer sleeping time.

B. The students should participate less in organized activities.

C. The school should put off the start time in the morning.

D. The school should finish earlier in the afternoon.

9. What does "obese" in the sixth paragraph mean?

A. average      B. fat     C. sleepless   D. overeating

10. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Australian students usually take part in activities in the afternoon.

B. More students are short of sleep on weekends than on weekdays.

C. Being overweight has an effect on the length of the sleeping time.

D. The survey suggests that teenagers need 8-9 hours’ sleep a night.


By day he is just a normal cat but when the lights go out, he glows (发光) in the dark.

Scientists have genetically modified (更改) a cat as part of an experiment that could lead to treatments for diseases.

Named Mr. Green Genes, he looks like a six-month-old cat but, under ultraviolet (紫外线的) light, his eyes, gums (牙龈) and tongue glow green. That is the result of a genetic experiment at the Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species in New Orleans, US.

Mr. Green Genes is the first fluorescent (荧光的) cat in the US and probably the world, said Betsy Dresser, the center's director.

The researchers made him so they could learn whether a gene could be introduced harmlessly into a cat's genetic sequence (次序).

If so, it would be the first step in a process that could lead to the development of ways to treat diseases via gene therapy (治疗).

The gene, which was added to Mr. Green Genes' DNA, has no effect on his health, Ms Dresser said.

Cats are ideal for this project because their genetic makeup is similar to that of humans, said Dr Martha Gomez, a scientist at the center.

To show that the gene went where it was supposed to go, the researchers settled on one that would glow.

The gene "is just a marker",said Leslie Lyons, an assistant professor at the University of California, Davis. Lyons is familiar with the center's work.

 "The glowing part is the fun part," she said.

 Glowing creatures made international news earlier this month when the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to three scientists who had discovered the gene through their work with jellyfish (水母).

11.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A. A Glowing Cat                  B. Mr. Green Genes

C. One Cat’s Life                  D. An experiment on cats

12. What can we conclude from the passage?

A. Fortunately, scientists have found ways to treat diseases via gene therapy.

B. Scientists think cats’ genetic makeup is the same as that of human beings.

C. Three scientists who had discovered the gene were given Nobel Prize in  Physics.

D. Scientists have managed to introduce a gene into a cat’s genetic sequence.               

13. What does “settled on” most probably mean in Paragraph 9?

A. chose         B. killed        C. took          D. raised

14. From the passage we can see that ____.

A. Mr. Green Genes was made by researchers to treat diseases

B. the cat named Mr. Green Genes can glow when it is dark

C. Mr. Green Genes is the first fluorescent cat in the world

D. Mr. Green Genes is a cat of seven months old up to now

15. Which of the following is WRONG according to the text?

A. The gene added to Mr. Green Genes’ DNA doesn’t affect its health at all.

B. The scientists came up with the idea of the glowing genes totally for fun.

C. Earlier this month glowing creatures became news all through the world.

D. Scientists had discovered the gene from the jellyfish they worked with.

Now you’re a fool for helping. “I don’t want to get involved” seems to have become a national motto. One summer I was driving from my hometown of Tahoe City, California to New Orleans, Louisiana. In the middle of the desert, I passed a young man standing by the roadside. He had his  ?   out and held a gas can in his other hand. I drove right by him. There was a time  ?  you’d be called a jerk (混蛋) for passing by somebody ?? .

?? Several days later I was still  ?   about the hitchhiker (搭便车的人), about how I didn’t even lift my foot  ?   the accelerator (加速踏板) for him. “Does anyone stop any more?” I wondered. I recalled Blanche DuBois’s famous line—”I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.” Was that  ?   these days? One way to test this would be for a person to journey  ?   the US without any money, just  ?   on the good will of others. What would happen? Would he find food, shelter and support?

?? The idea intrigued (激起兴趣) me.

?? The week I  ?   37, I realized that I had never done something truly crazy.  ?   I decided to really do it: travel from the Pacific to the Atlantic without a penny. I would only accept  ?   of rides, food and places to sleep. For six weeks I hitched 82 rides and covered 4,223 miles across 14 states. I was treated kindly  ?   I went. I was  ?   by people’s readiness to help a stranger.

   ? In Oregon, a house painter named Mike  ?   the cold weather and asked if I had a coat. I didn’t, so he gave me a big green army-style jacket. A lumber-mill worker in Michigan named Tim invited me to a  ?   dinner with his family in their shabby house. Then he offered me a tent. I refused, but Tim insisted, packing it into my bag himself. I found people were generally compassionate. Hearing I had no money and would take none, people bought me food or  ?   with them whatever they happened to have. Those who had the  ?   to give often gave the most.

?? I’m  ?   to all the people I met for their rides, their food, their shelter and their gifts. My faith in ordinary folks was  ? . I was proud to live in a country where people were still willing to help. In spite of everything, you can still depend on the  ?   of strangers.

1.A. thumb    ?? B. finger       ?????? C. foot         ????????? D. hand

2.A. that ????  ? B. where      ?????? C. which      ???????? D. when

3.A. in danger     B. in need      ????? C. in trouble   ??????? D. in favor

4.A. worrying   ? B. considering  ???? C. bringing     ??????? D. thinking

5.A. off          ?? B. on          ??????? C. away         ???????? D. from

6.A. interesting   B. possible     ????? C. necessary      ?????? D. important

7.A. across   ??? B. through     ????? C. in      ???????????? D. over

8.A. basing   ??? B. relying    ??????? C. insisting   ???????? D. relating

9.A. seemed   ?? B. got      ????????? C. became   ????????? D. turned

10.A. But        ?? B. So    ??????????? C. And   ???????????  D. Howeve

11.A. jobs   ????? B. supplies      ????? C. helps           ?????? D. offers

12.A. nowhere  ?? B. everywhere ????   C. anywhere  ??????  D. somewhere

13.A. frightened ?  B. annoyed   ?????? C. disappointed  ????? D. amazed

14.A. noted  ????  B. saw           ?????  C. felt           ?    ???? D. sensed

15.A. simple   ??? B. rich            ????? C. delicious  ????????  D. interesting

16.A. supplied ??  B. offered  ???????  C. shared    ?????????? D. provided

17.A. fewest  ???  B. most    ????????? C. least   ??????????? D. best

18.A. careful  ???  B. grateful   ?????? C. hopeful   ?????????? D. helpful

19.A. created   ??? B. reminded   ????? C. renewed   ????????? D. returned

20.A. kindness ??  B. happiness      ??  C. fairness  ??????????  D. brightness


Have you got any wonderful plans for your coming winter vacation?  Here are some wonderful films for you to kill time.

Away We Go

    Verona De Tessant (Maya Rudolph) and Burt Farlander (John Krasinski) are in their early thirties and struggling to meet daily needs and build fulfilling lives as an artist and a salesman.

    When they learn they will soon become parents, they are faced with the challenge of how and where to raise a child and build a happy family. With a baby on his way, the young couple, look at their lives and are puzzled about what they really want.

Another Happy Day

    Lynn was married to Pual, but they broke up and Lynn took their daughter Alice while Paul got their son Dylan.

    Years later, now Dylan is getting married, and Lynn is attending the wedding, with her younger son Elliot and Ben. Elliot is a drug addict and Ben keeps everything to himself. Dylan hasn’t spoken to Lynn in years, and Lynn is fearful of Pual and his wife Patty. At last, all this has put Lynn in a depressed situation, and she’s not sure just how she’s going to get through the day.

La Vita e bella

    Also named as Life is Beautiful, the film is a black comedy and also a best medicine that heals the scar left by war. This movie has some kind of characteristics as natural and active. On the 7th Oscar Award Ceremony , the movie won three great awards.

    It is not a sad movie from the very beginning , but when the father uses a great way to hide his murder from his son, all people are impressed by this moving deed. Under the protection of the father, the son has lived a happy life.

The Shawshank Redemption

    The film is an American film directed by Frank Darabont and starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. The film tells the story of Andy, a banker who spends nearly two decades in Shawshank State Prison for the murder of his wife and his wife’s lover despite his claims of innocence. There he makes friends with Red. Andy manages to escape from the prison by digging a tunnel with the rock hammer over the years. When Red is later released , he remembers Andy’s advice. He then visits the place Andy mentions before he escapes. There, he finds money and a note left by Andy, telling him to get to Zihuatanejo.

1.This passage aims to _______________

A. make comments on films for a cinema

B. recommend several films for fun

C. introduce films for a film corporation

D. advertise several films for a website

2. Which film might best help a newly married couple to figure out their new roles in future life?

A. La Vita e bella                    B. Another Happy Day

C. Away We Go                     D. The Shawshank Redemption.

3.What is the ending of The Shawshank Redemption?

A. Andy killed his wife and his wife’s lover.

B. Andy became famous for helping Red.

C. Red felt cheated by Andy in a way.

D. Red and Andy got reunited happily.


The wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29 has focused the world’s camera lenses(镜头)on the UK.

In Britain, there is a constant debate about the relevance of the royal family to modern British society. However, Windsor (the fam­ily name of the British Royal Family) and Middleton have been seen to represent a more modern, forward-looking nation.

Nigel Baker, the British ambassador to Bolivia, believes that the royal wedding is “about modern Britain”. “The estimated 2 billion spectators across the world will see that Britain is one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse nations in the world, home to 270 nationalities speaking 300 different languages, founded on tolerance and respect for difference,” wrote Baker on his blog.

According to Baker, the wedding could help viewers to see “why Britain is one of the most dynamic and creative countries in the world”: The television on which most people watched the event was invented by John Logie Baird, a Briton, and the World Wide Web that broadcast the event to millions more was invented by another Briton, Tim Berners-Lee.

The guests who attended the wedding ceremony gave more than a few clues as to the nature of modern Britain. David and Victoria Beckham represent Britain’s obsession(着迷)with football and celebrity.

Leaders from different religious backgrounds supported Baker’s com­ments on the multicultural nature of modern British society.

Before the wedding, David Elliott, arts director of the British Council China, agreed that the wedding would be a showcase for modern Britain: “I think, and hope, that it (modern British influence) would be values like openness, multiculturalism, creativity, sense of humor and the traditional British sense of fair play,” he said.

Furthermore, events such as the Olympics in London in 2012 may also increase people’s sense of Britishness.

According to a poll published in Daily Telegraph, more than a third of people in the UK admitted they felt “very British” when watching the Olympics.

1. What is the main point of the article?

A. To introduce Prince William’s wedding arrangements in detail.

B. To comment on the significance of the royal wedding.

C. To question the relevance of the royal family in modern British society.

D. To explain why the royal wedding is linked with the 2012 Olympics.

2. What can be concluded from the article?

A. Some say that the royal wedding is a reflection on modern Britain.

B. Some think the royal wedding only shows Britain’s multiculturalism and sense of fair play.

C. About 2 billion people across the world will see the wedding ceremony online.

D. Britons are obsessed with football due to the influence of David Beckham.

3.Why is the inventor of the World Wide Web mentioned?

A. To inform readers about some well-known British inventors.

B. To point to the importance of the World Wide Web for the wedding.

C. In support of the idea that Britain is a nation of creative and original people.

D. To encourage people to watch the wedding on the Internet.

4. According to the article, both the 2012 Olympics and the royal wedding         .

A. have increased the British sense of national identity

B. have promoted traditional British values

C. represent a more modern Britain

D. have encouraged the interest of Britons in Football


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