
【题目】As more people use smart phones to pay bills and store personal information, strict password security has become more important than ever. A new study shows that free-form gestures–sweeping fingers in shapes across the screen of a smart phone—can be used to unlock phones. These gestures are less likely to be observed and reproduced by others than traditional typed passwords.

“All that it takes to steal a password is a quick eye,” said one of the researchers of the study. “With all the personal information we have on our phones today, improving their security is becoming increasingly necessary.” In developing a secure solution to this problem, the researchers studied the practicality of using free-form gestures. With the ability to create any shape in any size and location on the screen, the gestures were popular as passwords. Since users create them without following a template, the researchers predicted these gestures would allow for greater complexity.

The researchers carried out a create-test-retest experiment where 63 people were asked to create a gesture, recall it, and recall it again 10 days later. The gestures were captured on a recognizer system designed by the team. Using this data, they tested the complexity and accuracy of each gesture using information theory. The result of their analysis is that people are favorable to use free-form gestures as passwords.

To put their analysis into practice, the researchers then had seven students in computer science and engineering, each with considerable experience with touchscreens(触摸屏), attempt to steal a free-form gesture password by observing a phone user secretly. None of them were able to copy the gestures with enough accuracy. The gestures appear to be extremely powerful against attacks.

Though the testing is in its early stage and widespread adaptation of this technology is not yet clear, the research team plans to continue to analyze the security and management of free–form passwords in the future. They believe this is the first study to explore free-form gestures as passwords. They will soon publish their findings.

1What can we learn about free-form gestures?

A. They are improving mobile security in a way.

B. Users will have to make use of simple gestures.

C. They will never be copied by others.

D. Users must move their fingers in fixed shapes.

2The experiment in paragraph 4 is to test _________ of free - form gestures.

A. template B. application C. accuracy D. security

3According to the text, the researchers think that ________.

A. it is easy to steal any password with a quick eye

B. better ways of setting passwords should be developed

C. people had better not use smart phones to pay bills

D. personal information should not be stored in a phone

4The main purpose of the text is to ________.

A. advise people to use free-form gestures

B. discuss whether smart phones are safe

C. talk about the practicality of passwords

D. introduce the study of a new password







1A 推理判断题。根据第一段These gestures are less likely to be observed and reproduced by others than traditional typed passwords.可知,这些姿势都比传统的密码更难窥伺,更难重现,所以某种程度上能提高手机的安全性,故选A

2D 细节理解题。根据第四段中None of them were able to copy the gestures with enough accuracy.可知,他们都无法准确地复制这些姿势,这也代表手机无法破解,故选D

3B 细节理解题。根据最后一段...search team plans to continue to analyze the security and management of free – form passwords in the future.(研究团队计划继续分析未来的自由模式密码的安全性和管理。)可知,the research team将继续在该领域展开研究,即他们认为应研发更好的密码系统。故选B

4D 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要讲述自由形式的手势可用来提高智能手机的安全性,例如,在智能手机的屏幕上挥舞手指形成某种图案。故选D



要注意不是所有的段落都有主题句,有时主题句暗含在句中。阅读这样的文章,就需要自己根据文章的细节来分析,概括出段落的主题,从而推导出文章的主旨。分析的方法是:先弄清该段落主要讲了哪几方面的内容,这些内容在逻辑上有什么联系,然后加以归纳形成主题。【4D 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要讲述自由形式的手势可用来提高智能手机的安全性,例如,在智能手机的屏幕上挥舞手指形成某种图案。故选D


【题目】Two brothers decided to dig a deep hole behind their house. As they were working, a couple of older boys stopped by to watch.

“What are you doing?” asked one of the visitors.

“We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!” one of the brothers said excitedly.

The older boys began to laugh, telling the younger ones that digging a hole all the way through the earth was impossible. After a long silence, one of the diggers picked up a jar full of spiders, worms and all kinds of other insects. He removed the lid and showed the wonderful contents to the scoffing(嘲笑)visitors. Then he said quietly and confidently, “Even if we don’t dig all the way through the earth, look what we found along the way!”

Their goal was far too ambitious(有野心的), but it did cause them to dig. And that is what a goal is for to cause us to move in the direction we have chosen; in other words, to set us to digging!

But not every goal will be fully achieved. Not every job will end successfully. Not every relationship will endure(长久持续). Not every dream will be realized. But when you fall short of your aim, perhaps you can say, “Yes, but look at what I found along the way! Look at the wonderful things which have come into my life because I tried to do something!”

It is in the digging that life is lived. And I believe it is joy in the journey, in the end, that truly matters.

【1】Which of the following is NOT the reason why the older boys laughed at the two brothers?

A. The two brothers only dug out a lot of insects

B. The two brothers lacked knowledge of the earth.

C. The two brothers were foolish.

D. The two brothers had a far too ambitious goal.

【2】What does the underlined part “when you fall short of your aim” probably mean?

A. When you are shorter than you expected

B. When you have less than the amount than you wanted

C. When you fail to obtain(得到)what you expected

D. When you miss the target you are aiming at

【3】The passage is written to _____.

A. tell readers a story

B. teach readers how to set a goal

C. praise the two brothers

D. teach readers a lesson

【4】Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Dig a Hole Through the Earth

B. Joy in the Journey

C. Realize Your Goal

D. Don’t Laugh at Others

【题目】2014 saw that the Ebola virus reappeared in Guinea and soon spread into neighbouring Liberia and Sierra Leone, killing over 7,800 people by the new year of 2015. It leads to viral hemorrhagic fever, which is characterized by high fever and internal bleeding etc.

Ebola is named after the Ebola River, where it was first discovered in 1976. There are five different types of the Ebola virus, each named after where they first happened: Sudan, Ivory Coast, Reston, Bundibugyo, and Zaire. The deadliest of the five, Zaire, was responsible for the 2012 out- break, and is believed to be attacking Guinea.

Ebola is naturally found in fruit bats, which pass on the virus to other animals by biting or sucking on their blood. Humans who are suffering from the Ebola infection might have touched the bodily fluids of the infected animals. Once infected, a human becomes a carrier of the deadly virus.

Unfortunately, there are no disease - specific treatments for Ebola. Health - care workers only supply the infected people with physiological saline(生理盐水)to keep them in good condition. Ebola can kill 90% of those infected, especially in underdeveloped societies like those in Africa. Since there have been many cases of nurses catching the disease from patients, they are forced to wear strict protective clothes, and in some cases, not even allowed to get close to the infected. The fact that there is no cure for the Ebola virus is what makes the outbreak a challenging one to control.

What’s worse, since we live in an interconnected world, where the situation in one country can affect us all, the influences of Ebola are huge: damaging trade relations, affecting foreign visitors, and weakening entire countries. It is feared that the disease may spread throughout west African countries. For every country, a strong health system can decrease the risk of health attack and lessen the impact of Ebola.

【1】What is the function of the first paragraph in the whole passage?

A. To arouse the reader’s concern.

B. To summarize the whole passage.

C. To give a detailed description of Ebola.

D. To introduce the theme of the whole passage.

【2】What can we infer about the Ebola virus?

A. It has caused a panic in many countries.

B. It is the most dangerous virus in the world.

C. A strong health system is important to fight against Ebola.

D. Anyone who was infected Ebola will die.

【3】Paragraph 3 mainly tells us _________.

A. What the Ebola virus is

B. How the Ebola virus spreads

C. How the Ebola virus is treated

D. How the Ebola virus affects the life

【4】Which of the following is true?

A. There are no effective drugs to treat Ebola by far.

B. Ebola is now very common in Guinea.

C. Those with a fever must be infected by Ebola.

D. Females are easier to be infected by Ebola.

【题目】Mozart was a great man born with a given talent. He was writing songs at the age of five and performing before the queen by the time he was six years old. Early on, Mozart realized what his talents were, practiced or honed what he was born to do and used his natural abilities to create amazing pieces of music.

Mozart was not the first to be born with natural talents and he wasn't the last. We all have them. We only need to discover what they are and use them to the best of our abilities. You have been given amazing gifts that are meant to be shared with the world. Your job is to find out what those talents are and master them.

Finding your natural talents may not be an easy task. Perhaps your parents except fewer wouldn't approve of (赞成)your artistic ability to paint or sing, because they want you to be a successful doctor or lawyer. Maybe your gift wouldn't seem to have the ability to bring the kind of wealth you hope. These may be excuses; it's up to you. Have you ever noticed that when you engage in an activity in which you are naturally talented, you feel active and excited? That's a sign that these are the things you should do. Discover your brilliance (才华)in life and practice, practice, practice.

Look at the world's greatest athletes. They practice what they're naturally good at, and what they love. You don't see Jordan sitting trying to study DNA. If that was something he was talented at, that's what he would be doing. But it's not. He's a brilliant athlete. He sticks to what he does best and he realizes his dream.

There are only two steps to success-discover your brilliance and perfect it.

1In the writer's opinion Mozart's success lies in __________.

A. his great given talent

B. making good use of his natural talent

C. learning from others

D. his favorable conditions

2What does the underlined word " honed" in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. To do something repeatedly to improve one's skill.

B. To find out what one is always good at doing.

C. To do what one likes and what is interesting.

D. To ask others for some advice of doing something.

3In Paragraph 4 the writer advises us to __________.

A. work hard at what we are engaging in

B. fear no difficulty and realize our dream

C. practice what we are naturally good at

D. become a great athlete like Jordan

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