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【小题1】.  The best title of the 3rd advertisement would be _______________.
A.Training at HomeB.Learning at Home
C.Recording WorkD.Working at Home
【小题2】.  .According to the information above, if your child has hearing problems, you can turn to _______________.
A.At-Home Profession CorpB.Globe Insurance Company
C.Bradford PublicationsD.American Inventors Corp
【小题3】.  From the advertisements above, we can learn that ____________.
A.Globe Insurance Company has a history of 51 years..
B.as a medical transcriptionist, you may earn $25,000 a month
C.Bradford Publications offers a treatment to hearing impaired parents
D.you can visit www.aic.com when you invent a new model of hearing aid.





Growing up for me was a challenge. I started out at primary school and was always asked by my teacher to sit at the  36  of the class because I was a fool.

   I kept  37  things: I forgot nursery songs and spellings. I was the  38  of class jokes and I was all alone and  39 . I hated school, but my dad would hear none of it. He kept telling me I was a  40 , if I believed it.

   A  41  around came one day when I remembered the  42  of the word “Cognoscenti”; a word all the other “  43 students ” had forgotten how to spell  44  they spent their free time making fun of me. I wasn’t asked to spell,  45  I raised up my hand. So I stood up and went to the front of class,  46  23 pairs of eyes staring at me. My teacher grabbed her stick, ready to hit me if I’d  47_ . I wrote the letters, spelt the word and became an instant champion. Afterwards, I  48  and won, for my school, five Spelling Bee championships.

   Secondary school had its own share of challenges. I was a tall kid and wasn’t good at any  49 , except looking. I loved basketball and tennis.  50  I held a bat(球拍), I was laughed at by my opponent. He  51  six straight sets(盘,局) without sweat and there I was, sweating like I’d run a marathon, whereas I hadn’t even  52  a single point. My dad’s  53  kept playing in my ears “Stanley, you’re a champion if you believe it.”

Believe it I did, because I wasn’t only good at tennis and basketball, I was an all-round athlete and  54  won both athletic and  55  scholarships to university.

36. A. front

B. back

C. side

D. corner

37. A. forgetting

B. leaving

C. repeating

D. using

38. A. cause

B. inventor

C. object

D. course

39. A. rootless

B. homeless

C. careless

D. friendless

40. A. champion

B. fool

C. character

D. failure

41. A. moment

B. possibility

C. turn

D. change

42. A. meaning

B. spelling

C. way

D. form

43. A. polite

B. dishonest

C. bright

D. absent-minded

44. A. once

B. while

C. when

D. because

45. A. even though

B. as though

C. in case

D. only if

46. A. for

B. as

C. with

D. before

47. A. hesitated

B. succeeded

C. lied

D. failed

48. A. presented

B. represented

C. requested

D. proposed

49. A. exercise

B. mathematics

C. sport

D. spelling

50. A. At first

B. First of all

C. The first time

D. For the first time

51. A. won

B. owned

C. missed

D. gained

52. A. reached

B. seized

C. caught

D. scored

53. A. message

B. information

C. sentences

D. words

54. A. even

B. still

C. almost

D. nearly

55. A. economic

B. historic

C. academic

D. financial

There is no other city in the world that has such a strong connection with the Olympic Games. Athens, the____1____city of the first modern Olympics in 1896, ____2____ into the limelight (焦点) again on March 30,2008 ____3____ the flame for that year’s Olympic Games was ____4____ over to the Beijing Organizing Committee. The Olympic flame was ____5____ on March 24,2008 in Olympia, a place in southwestern Greece. In the ritual (仪式), actresses ____6____ as ancient Greek priestesses (女祭司) used a ____7____ to light the flame. The flame then was carried to the site of public ceremony and handed to the first ____8____, Greek taekwondo(跆拳道) athlete Alexandros Nikolaidis. He carried the flame to the ____9____ of the monument of Baron de Courbertin, the ____10____ of the modern Olympic Games.

Athens was named ____11____ Athena, the goddess of wisdom in Greek mythology (神话). It is also one of the world’s oldest cities with a history ____12____ at least 3,000 years. Athens was the ____13____ of arts, learning and philosophy in ancient times and is widely ____14____ to as the cradle (摇篮) of Western civilization.

The heritage of history is ____15____ evident in the city, represented by a number of ancient monuments and works of art. The Acropolis (卫城) is the city’s key ____16____. It overlooks the ____17____ city and dominates the skyline (天际). The main temple of the goddess Athena, ____18____ on the Acropolis, was Parthenon (帕台农神庙). And the National Archaeological Museum, the ____19____ important museum in Greece, holds a priceless ____20____ of treasure, with artifacts (古器物) of almost every culture, which flourished (繁荣) in the Mediterranean (地中海).

1. A. host                     B. traveled             C. ancient              D. oldest

2. A. made             B. got                    C. came                D. became

3. A. where            B. when                C. as                    D. that

4. A. carried           B. gave                  C. handed              D. passed

5. A. fired              B. lit               C. burned                     D. started

6. A. worn             B. acted                C. performed         D. dressed

7. A. mirror           B. reflection           C. cup                  D. pan

8. A. priestesses     B. founder             C. runner               D. player

9. A. foot               B. top                    C. front                 D. back

10. A. founder        B. inventor             C. discoverer         D. finder

11. A. by               B. after                       C. on                    D. in

12. A. dating          B. spanning           C. crossing            D. covering

13. A. center          B. city                   C. place                 D. site

14. A. regarded      B. mentioned          C. referred             D. considered

15. A. yet                     B. however            C. therefore           D. still

16. A. attraction     B. scene                C. entrance            D. platform

17. A. complete      B. whole               C. full                   D. total

18. A. set               B. lay                    C. built                  D. laid

19. A. most            B. more                 C. least                  D. less

20. A. gathering      B. storage              C. jewel                 D. collection

There is no other city in the world that has such a strong connection with the Olympic Games. Athens, the____1____city of the first modern Olympics in 1896, ____2____ into the limelight (焦点) again on March 30,2008 ____3____ the flame for that year’s Olympic Games was ____4____ over to the Beijing Organizing Committee. The Olympic flame was ____5____ on March 24,2008 in Olympia, a place in southwestern Greece. In the ritual (仪式), actresses ____6____ as ancient Greek priestesses (女祭司) used a ____7____ to light the flame. The flame then was carried to the site of public ceremony and handed to the first ____8____, Greek taekwondo(跆拳道) athlete Alexandros Nikolaidis. He carried the flame to the ____9____ of the monument of Baron de Courbertin, the ____10____ of the modern Olympic Games.

Athens was named ____11____ Athena, the goddess of wisdom in Greek mythology (神话). It is also one of the world’s oldest cities with a history ____12____ at least 3,000 years. Athens was the ____13____ of arts, learning and philosophy in ancient times and is widely ____14____ to as the cradle (摇篮) of Western civilization.

The heritage of history is ____15____ evident in the city, represented by a number of ancient monuments and works of art. The Acropolis (卫城) is the city’s key ____16____. It overlooks the ____17____ city and dominates the skyline (天际). The main temple of the goddess Athena, ____18____ on the Acropolis, was Parthenon (帕台农神庙). And the National Archaeological Museum, the ____19____ important museum in Greece, holds a priceless ____20____ of treasure, with artifacts (古器物) of almost every culture, which flourished (繁荣) in the Mediterranean (地中海).

1. A. host                     B. traveled             C. ancient              D. oldest

2. A. made             B. got                    C. came                D. became

3. A. where            B. when                C. as                    D. that

4. A. carried           B. gave                  C. handed              D. passed

5. A. fired              B. lit               C. burned                     D. started

6. A. worn             B. acted                C. performed         D. dressed

7. A. mirror           B. reflection           C. cup                  D. pan

8. A. priestesses     B. founder             C. runner               D. player

9. A. foot               B. top                    C. front                 D. back

10. A. founder        B. inventor             C. discoverer         D. finder

11. A. by               B. after                       C. on                    D. in

12. A. dating          B. spanning           C. crossing            D. covering

13. A. center          B. city                   C. place                 D. site

14. A. regarded      B. mentioned          C. referred             D. considered

15. A. yet                     B. however            C. therefore           D. still

16. A. attraction     B. scene                C. entrance            D. platform

17. A. complete      B. whole               C. full                   D. total

18. A. set               B. lay                    C. built                  D. laid

19. A. most            B. more                 C. least                  D. less

20. A. gathering      B. storage              C. jewel                 D. collection

Columbus returned home with the news of his discovery of “Indian” 36 Columbus called it. Then he was considered as the hero who had given a new world to Spain. Never had so great __37__ been shown to any __38__man.But there were some who were jealous of the __39__.”Who is this Columbus?” they asked, “and what has he done? Isn’t he a poor sailor from Italy?And could __40__ other seamen sail across the ocean just as he has done?”

One day Columbus was at 41 and several of these fellows were __42__ too. They tried to make Columbus __43__.”You have discovered strange lands __44__ the sea,”they said.“But we don’t see why there __45__ be so much said about it. Anybody can sail across the ocean and anybody can coast along the islands __46__ ,just as you have done. It is the __47__ thing in the world.”

Columbus made no answer, but after a while he took an egg from a dish and said to the people at the table, “Who __48__ you, gentlemen, can make the egg stand __49__ ?” One by one they tried the __50__.When the egg had gone __51__ around and everyone had failed, all said that it could not be done, Then Columbus took the egg and __52__the shell of the egg’s small end a little upon the table. After that there was no trouble in making it stand __53__.“Gentlemen,”said he, “what is easy than to do this __54__ you said was impossible ? It is simplest thing in the world. Anybody can do it-----AFTER HE HAD BEEN SHOWN __55__.”

1.A. so         B. when     C as        D. that

2.                A.respect         B.response        C.reward   D.request


3.                A.great          B.common        C.usual D.noble


4.                A.discovery       B.inventor        C.discover  D.bravery


5.                A.some          B.any            C.no   D.every


6.                A.palace         B.hotel           C.counter  D.dinner


7.                A.friendly        B.present         C.rude D.angry


8.                A.uncomfortable   B.happy          C.satisfied  D.disappointed


9.                A.beyond         B.in             C.along D.on


10.               A.could          B.would          C.should    D.might


11.                                A.on another side  B.on other side

C.on the other side                  D.on one side


12.               A.easiest         B.simplest        C.content   D.convenient


13.               A.besides        B.among         C.including  D.except


14.               A.on end         B.in end          C.by end    D.to end


15.               A.egg            B.experiment     C.method   D.way


16.               A.entirely        B.eventually      C.fluently   D.frequently


17.               A.supported      B.hit            C.broke D.stuck


18.               A.downward      B.upward         C.backward  D.inward


19.               A.that           B.what           C.how  D.why


20.               A.WHAT          B.WHEN          C.WHY  D.HOW




Growing up for me was a challenge. I started out at primary school and was always asked by my teacher to sit at the  36  of the class because I was a fool.

I kept  37  things: I forgot nursery songs and spellings. I was the  38  of class jokes and I was all alone and  39 . I hated school, but my dad would hear none of it. He kept telling me I was a  40 , if I believed it.

A  41  around came one day when I remembered the  42  of the word “Cognoscenti”; a word all the other “  43 students ” had forgotten how to spell  44  they spent their free time making fun of me. I wasn’t asked to spell,  45  I raised up my hand. So I stood up and went to the front of class,  46  23 pairs of eyes staring at me. My teacher grabbed her stick, ready to hit me if I’d  47_ . I wrote the letters, spelt the word and became an instant champion. Afterwards, I  48  and won, for my school, five Spelling Bee championships.

Secondary school had its own share of challenges. I was a tall kid and wasn’t good at any  49 , except looking. I loved basketball and tennis.  50  I held a bat(球拍), I was laughed at by my opponent. He  51  six straight sets(盘,局) without sweat and there I was, sweating like I’d run a marathon, whereas I hadn’t even  52  a single point. My dad’s  53  kept playing in my ears “Stanley, you’re a champion if you believe it.”

Believe it I did, because I wasn’t only good at tennis and basketball, I was an all-round athlete and  54  won both athletic and  55  scholarships to university.

36. A. front

B. back

C. side

D. corner

37. A. forgetting

B. leaving

C. repeating

D. using

38. A. cause

B. inventor

C. object

D. course

39. A. rootless

B. homeless

C. careless

D. friendless

40. A. champion

B. fool

C. character

D. failure

41. A. moment

B. possibility

C. turn

D. change

42. A. meaning

B. spelling

C. way

D. form

43. A. polite

B. dishonest

C. bright

D. absent-minded

44. A. once

B. while

C. when

D. because

45. A. even though

B. as though

C. in case

D. only if

46. A. for

B. as

C. with

D. before

47. A. hesitated

B. succeeded

C. lied

D. failed

48. A. presented

B. represented

C. requested

D. proposed

49. A. exercise

B. mathematics

C. sport

D. spelling

50. A. At first

B. First of all

C. The first time

D. For the first time

51. A. won

B. owned

C. missed

D. gained

52. A. reached

B. seized

C. caught

D. scored

53. A. message

B. information

C. sentences

D. words

54. A. even

B. still

C. almost

D. nearly

55. A. economic

B. historic

C. academic

D. financial


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