
There is no other city in the world that has such a strong connection with the Olympic Games. Athens, the____1____city of the first modern Olympics in 1896, ____2____ into the limelight (焦点) again on March 30,2008 ____3____ the flame for that year’s Olympic Games was ____4____ over to the Beijing Organizing Committee. The Olympic flame was ____5____ on March 24,2008 in Olympia, a place in southwestern Greece. In the ritual (仪式), actresses ____6____ as ancient Greek priestesses (女祭司) used a ____7____ to light the flame. The flame then was carried to the site of public ceremony and handed to the first ____8____, Greek taekwondo(跆拳道) athlete Alexandros Nikolaidis. He carried the flame to the ____9____ of the monument of Baron de Courbertin, the ____10____ of the modern Olympic Games.

Athens was named ____11____ Athena, the goddess of wisdom in Greek mythology (神话). It is also one of the world’s oldest cities with a history ____12____ at least 3,000 years. Athens was the ____13____ of arts, learning and philosophy in ancient times and is widely ____14____ to as the cradle (摇篮) of Western civilization.

The heritage of history is ____15____ evident in the city, represented by a number of ancient monuments and works of art. The Acropolis (卫城) is the city’s key ____16____. It overlooks the ____17____ city and dominates the skyline (天际). The main temple of the goddess Athena, ____18____ on the Acropolis, was Parthenon (帕台农神庙). And the National Archaeological Museum, the ____19____ important museum in Greece, holds a priceless ____20____ of treasure, with artifacts (古器物) of almost every culture, which flourished (繁荣) in the Mediterranean (地中海).

1. A. host                     B. traveled             C. ancient              D. oldest

2. A. made             B. got                    C. came                D. became

3. A. where            B. when                C. as                    D. that

4. A. carried           B. gave                  C. handed              D. passed

5. A. fired              B. lit               C. burned                     D. started

6. A. worn             B. acted                C. performed         D. dressed

7. A. mirror           B. reflection           C. cup                  D. pan

8. A. priestesses     B. founder             C. runner               D. player

9. A. foot               B. top                    C. front                 D. back

10. A. founder        B. inventor             C. discoverer         D. finder

11. A. by               B. after                       C. on                    D. in

12. A. dating          B. spanning           C. crossing            D. covering

13. A. center          B. city                   C. place                 D. site

14. A. regarded      B. mentioned          C. referred             D. considered

15. A. yet                     B. however            C. therefore           D. still

16. A. attraction     B. scene                C. entrance            D. platform

17. A. complete      B. whole               C. full                   D. total

18. A. set               B. lay                    C. built                  D. laid

19. A. most            B. more                 C. least                  D. less

20. A. gathering      B. storage              C. jewel                 D. collection


【解析】1. 解析:选A。host city (第一届现代奥运会)主办城市。

2. 解析:选C。come into the limelight again再次走进了公众注意的中心。

3. 解析:选B。考查定语从句,when在句中作状语。

4. 解析:选C。hand sth. over to (sb.) 把(权利或责任)移交给(某人)。

5. 解析:选B。light (lighted/lit; lighted/lit ) 点燃,符合句意。

6. 解析:选D。dress as穿着,打扮成(女祭司)。

7. 解析:选A。mirror 镜子,利用镜子反射太阳光去点燃(火炬)。

8. 解析:选C。runner跑步运动员,符合句意。

9. 解析:选A。the foot of ...表示“……脚下”,即:纪念碑的脚下。

10. 解析:选A。founder 奠基人,即:现代奥运会的奠基人。

11. 解析:选B。name after 以……来命名。

12. 解析:选B。span 持续;贯穿,此处表示“历史横贯3000年”。同时本题考查了with 结构,即:with+n.+v.-ing。

13. 解析:选A。句意为:雅典在古代是艺术,学习和哲学的中心。

14. 解析:选C。refer to sth. as ...把……看作是……,本题采用了该短语的被动形式。

15. 解析:选D。句意为:历史的遗产(迹)虽然历经了几千年,但依然可见。

16. 解析:选A。句意为:卫城是最具吸引力的地方。

17. 解析:选B。由句意可知,应为俯瞰整个城市,而complete 强调(程度上)彻底。

18. 解析:选C。built on ...被修建在……,是过去分词作后置定语。

19. 解析:选A。most 最重要的,符合句意。

20. 解析:选D。a priceless collection of (无价)收藏品;收集品。


1. In the past, some cultures used tattoos as an a_________ to costumes.

2. Learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the a_________ of a native language environment.

3. To a_________ a high level of fluency and accuracy in a foreign language, you need to be surrounded by it.

4. Inner beauty refers to the kind of attraction found in a wide r_________ of personal qualities.

5. I didn’t have any money left, so I went to the bank to c_________ a cheque.

6. I asked my daughter to help make the decision, as I believe she is m_________ enough.

7. In a foreign country, you can n_________ the price by using your fingers.

8. There is no c_________ view on beauty.

9. Eye r_________, I see the moon so bright.

10. Rowan had some speaking problems in his childhood, so he c_________ for this by talking very deliberately.

11. “Beauty and Beast” c_________ a message that should be evident to all of us—you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.

12. Mr. Bean creates humour through a s_________ of simple and funny acts.

13. Body language can therefore make people’s feelings more t_________ as it is not easy to lie with our bodies.

14. He finds the taste of the raw hamburger truly d_________.

15. Black humour finds the funny side of sad or d_________ events.

16. The “OK” gesture in America can c_________ offence in Germany.

17. A person who is feeling uncomfortable will often hold their body in a very r_________ manner, and have a t_________ look about their mouths.

18. Romanticism was a literary and a_________ movement.

19. Smile is one form of body language that receives u_________ approval.


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