
【题目】It was the end of my junior year, the weekend before prom (毕业舞会). I was riding with some friends, and a bottle was passed around the car. Everyone was taking swigs(一大口). When the bottle got to me, I thought:“What should I do?”I took a swig. It was the biggest mistake of my life. I had to drive home later that night.

I went back to my car, got in and drove off. At a stop sign I saw a policeman sitting in the parking lot across the street. His headlights were turned on, and I knew he was going to follow me. Then he flashed his lights at me. All I could think was: “Oh no, that swig!”

I pulled over and waited for him to come to my door. It felt like forever. “Can I see your license and registration, please, Miss?” I gave them to him. He took them and went back to his car for a while. When he returned, he asked if I had been drinking.

“No,” I said. He asked me to step out of my car.

“Walk heel to toe down the white line, please.” I passed the test. Next he had me stand on my left foot, lift my right foot and hold it for 30 seconds. I’m not the most coordinated (动作协调的) person and I can’t even walk and chew gum at the same time, so, needless to say, I didn’t pass. Then he asked me to take a breathalyzer test.

That was where I messed up. I told him I didn’t want to and didn’t understand why I had to. The officer asked me three more times, and I continued to refuse. He told me to turn around and place my hands behind my back. He arrested me right then and there.

The policeman drove me to a police station 20 minutes from my home. He called my parents and told them where I was.

I went to court two months after that, charged with refusing to obey an officer. I got a $700 (4,340 yuan) fine and 40 hours of community service. I’ll be on probation (缓刑) for a year, and I’ll have to take the driving test again. I lost my license for a whole year.

This was a huge learning experience for me. It opened my eyes to how easy it is to make a stupid decision. I want everyone reading this to know that it’s not right to drink and drive. It definitely isn’t worth losing your license over.

【1】From the first paragraph, we can conclude that the author __________.

A. didn’t remember she had to drive home later when riding with her friends

B. wished she had refused to drink that night

C. felt just one mouthful would not affect her driving

D. lost her driving license on the way

2】Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?

A. The author was in jail for 40 hours and had to do community service.

B. The author thought her punishment shouldn’t be so serious.

C. The author was really sorry that she had made a serious mistake.

D. The author believed she would have avoided punishment if she had obeyed the policeman.

3】What is the main purpose of the article?

A. To warn people against driving after drinking.

B. To explain how policemen test drivers.

C. To show that severe punishment works.

D. To blame the author’s thoughtless friends.







【1】推理判断题。根据第一段It was the biggest mistake of my life.“这是我人生中最大的错误”,可知作者后悔当晚饮酒。故选B。

2】细节理解题。根据末段This was a huge learning experience for me. It opened my eyes to how easy it is to make a stupid decision. I want everyone reading this to know that it’s not right to drink and drive.“这对我来说是一次深刻的经历,它让我彻底醒悟,做一个愚蠢的决定是多么的草率。我希望看到这篇文章的每个人都知道醉酒驾驶是错误的”。故选C。

3】作者意图题。根据末段I want everyone reading this to know that it’s not right to drink and drive. “我希望看到这篇文章的每个人都知道醉酒驾驶是错误的”。故选A。


【题目】February has long been a month of romance. With the sweet smell of roses in the air, romantic films hit cinemas and love stories fill newspapers and magazines.

On the 14th day, it is a custom for a boy to take his girlfriend out to dinner, buy her flowers and chocolates, write poems, sing to her or even spell out her name with rose petals! This is what you see on Valentines Day, a day named after Valentine who was a priest in the third century Rome. When the emperor decided that single men could become better soldiers than those with wives, he didnt allow marriage.

But Valentine continued to perform marriage ceremonies for young lovers secretly. When his actions were discovered, the emperor sentenced him to death. While in prison, it is said that Valentine fell in love with the daughter of his prison guard. Before his death, he wrote her a letter, which he signed From your Valentine, an expression that is still in use today. Valentine died for what he believed in and so he was made a Saint (圣徒), as well as becoming one of history’s most romantic characters.

Nowadays, Valentine’s Day is also popular among Chinese young people. Some students are planning to make Valentine’s cards for parents, teachers and friends. Others want to hold parties at which they will exchange small gifts and eat heart-shaped cakes. The idea is to have fun and encourage people to share in the spirit of St. Valentine.

【1】On the 14th day, a boy will do the following things for his girlfriend but not _________.

A. marry her.

B. buy her flowers and chocolates.

C. write poems, sing to her or even spelling out her name with rose petals

D. take her out to dinner.

【2】Why did the emperor in Rome not allow marriage in his country?

A. Because he thought men without wives could be better soldiers

B. Because there were few women in his country at that time.

C. Because there wasnt enough food for so many people.

D. Because he wanted to control the birth rate.

【3】Valentine was put into prison because ______.

A. he killed one of the soldiers

B. he stole a lot of food

C. he didnt obey the emperors order

D. he didnt want to be a soldier

【4】The last paragraph mainly tells us ______.

A. students in China send cards to their teachers

B. it is a good idea to celebrate Valentine’s Day in China

C. it is interesting to celebrate Valentine’s Day in China

D. Valentine’s Day is also popular in China now

【题目】A month went by in this manner, but a month was all I could bear.

The memory of Marguerite accompanied me wherever I went. I had loved that woman still loved her too much for her suddenly to mean nothing to me. Whatever feelings I might have for her now, I had to see her again. At once.

I knew Marguerite. Meeting me so unexpectedly must have thrown her into a state of great confusion. Probably, she had heard of my departure which had set her mind at rest as to the consequences of our sudden parting. But, seeing me back and coming face to face with me, weak as I was, she had sensed that my return had a purpose, and must have wondered what was going to happen.

If, when I saw her again, Marguerite had been unhappy; if, in taking my revenge (复仇), there had also been some way of helping her then I might well have forgiven her, and would certainly never have dreamed of doing her any harm. But when I saw her again, she was happy, at least on the surface. Another man had ensured her the wealthy life in which I had been unable to keep her. She brought shame both to my pride and my love; she was going to have to pay for what I had suffered.

I could not remain cold to what she did now. It followed that the thing that would hurt her most would be exactly for me to show coldness. Coldness, therefore, was the feeling which I now needed to pretend, not only in her presence but in the eyes of others.

I tried to put a smile on my face, and I went to call on Prudence with whom Marguerite was


Prudence saw me to the door, and I returned to my apartment with tears of anger in my eyes and thirst for revenge in my heart and thought only of finding a way to make the poor creature suffer.

【1】 This passage is most probably ______ of a love story.

A. the beginning B. a chapter

C. a summary D. the introduction

【2】According to the passage, the hero wanted to ______.

A. give Marguerite sufferings because his pride and his love were hurt

B. stop the relationship with Marguerite because he couldn’t afford a rich life

C. make up the relationship with Marguerite because he still loved her

D. forgive Marguerite because he found her unhappy

【3】What kind of feelings did the hero most probably have?

A. Coldness and love. B. Coldness and hate.

C. Love and hate. D. Hate and sadness.

【4】 What would the author most probably write about next?

A. Why he changed his mind suddenly.

B. How he made Marguerite suffer.

C. How he made up his relationship with Marguerite.

D. Why he wanted Marguerite to pay for what he had suffered.

【题目】Galina was born with an illness called Spina Bifida. Because of her disability, she has only had a little ______. Her parents were ______ of her and never allowed their friends and neighbors to see her. Her mother often ______ her because Gailina could not control the things her body did. This made her think that her disability was all her ______ and that she must have done something wrong. She spent the next four years in ______. She liked it better there because she was with others who had disabilities. She did not feel ______ from everyone else. But when she went back to live at home, she realized just how different she was from all her brothers and sisters. She was so ______ that she tried to kill herself. But she did not succeed. Soon after this, she left home and found work in a big city.

One day a group of Christians visited her. They told her about Jesus Christ who loves all people, even those who are ______. She was not interested because when she was a child she was taught another ______. But the Christians did not ______ seeing her. Then she began to realize that their friend, Jesus Christ, loved her. She found a new friend in Jesus. Galina does not feel rejected any more. She feels ______ and loved by God. Her ______ with her parents has changed too. One time when she went to see her parents, her mother asked Galina to forgive her for the many times she beat her when she was a child.

You may have been ______ hurt or treated as a child. You may not have had the education you hoped for like Galina. You may not be able to do the things you want because your family is _____, or one or both of your parents died when you were young. There are many reasons why you might think badly about yourself. What did Galina find out made all the ______ to her life?

【1】A. education B. money C. time D. illness

【2】A. accused B. informed C. ashamed D. reminded

【3】A. knocked B. killed C. kissed D. hit

【4】A. fault B. success C. power D. advantage

【5】A. school B. factory C. hospital D. home

【6】A. important B. better C. advanced D. different

【7】A. unhappy B. powerful C. nervous D. glad

【8A. kind B. cruel C. unhealthy D. disabled

【9】A. story B. religion C. subject D. skill

【10A. stop B. enjoy C. continue D. avoid

【11】A. admired B. rejected C. suspected D. accepted

【12】A. respect B. relationship C. responsibility D. research

【13A. suddenly B. partly C. badly D. heavily

【14A. rich B. poor C. nice D. unsafe

【15A. prediction B. safety C. difference D. damage

【题目】Many songs, poems, and books have been written on love’s strong effect on people. The state of being in love has even been compared to being sick or mad. A study by Professor Semir Zeki of University College London has found that love does affect people’s brains by making them feel great.

Zeki studied young men and women who had recently fallen in love. He found that, when they were looking at photos of their loved ones, there was heightened activity in four areas of their brains. These areas deal with emotions, and one of them, in particular, is known to respond to drugs that cause feelings of great joy and excitement.

Interestingly, the study also found a lack of activity in two other areas of the brain when the volunteers looked at their lovers’ photographs. One of these areas is linked to feelings of sadness, while the other is often active in people suffering from depression. It seems love really can be uplifting.

The state of being in love, according to some scientists, may actually be good for your health. Although scientists know that being in love can make a person feel great, the exact influence of love on a person’s health is harder to determine. However, scientists say that people do need love in order to live healthy lives.

According to Dr. Thomas Lewis, people need to be in relationships because that is how we are designed. He says the brain can only maintain(保持) the overall stability of a person’s immune(免疫) system, bodily rhythms, and heart if it receives input(输入) from outside the body in the form of emotional connections with others.

Professor Antonio Damasio has a similar view. He says that love enriches a person’s imagination and creativity, and makes a person’s body work better. He also believes that love can even improve the body’s ability to fight against disease. Damasio’s wise words of advice are Choose love and you will live longer.”

【1】What is the main idea of this passage ? __________.

A. love can really cause people active

B. love has an effect on songs and books

C. love is linked with emotion

D. love is what we need

【2】What does the underlined word “uplifting” mean? It means __________.

A. inspiring B. available C. cold D. mad

【3】From the passage we can conclude that__________.

A. People write songs, poems and books to say love is the sweetest thing

B. nobody but Professor Semir Zeki has understood love does affect people’s brains

C. being in love sometimes may make someone act as if he/ she were mad

D. love causes heightened activity in all areas of a person’s brains

【4】Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Some scientists have the idea that love does good to people.

B. It is possible for scientists to decide how much influence love can give people.

C. People are born to be in need of getting on touch with each other.

D. A person’s health depends on partly on emotional connections with others.

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