

1 介绍你伦敦之行的目的;

2 停留时间:5个晚上,从2月8日到12日;

3 房间要求:预定一个房间,旅馆要靠近公共汽车站;有独立浴室;可以上网;


Dear Alex,

How is everything going recently?




Yours sincerely;

Wang Lin


Dear Alex,

How is everything going recently? I am writing to you in the hope that you can recommend a hotel to me.

To experience different cultures and broaden my horizons, I will visit London during the winter holiday. When I am staying there, I want a single room with a private bathroom for five nights, from Feb 8 to Feb 12. I hope that the hotel you recommend to me should be located near the bus station so that I can take a bus conveniently. In addition, to keep in touch with my family and friends, I hope I can gain access to the internet in the room.

I would appreciate it if you could help me. I am looking forward to your early reply.


Wang Lin



【亮点说明】所给范文语言简洁,运用了一些高级词汇:recommend sth to sb给某人推荐......,keep in touch with联系,gain access to the internet上网。运用了固定句型:I would appreciate it if...如果......我将感激不尽;I am looking forward to your early reply.期待您早日回复。范文中的句式多变,运用了不同的语法知识:To experience different cultures and broaden my horizons运用了动词不定式作目的状语;so that I can take a bus conveniently用了so that引导目的状语从句;I hope that the hotel you recommend to me should be located near the bus station这句话在宾语从句里又套用了定语从句。范文中还用了连接副词in addition“另外;并且”,使文章更加通顺。


【题目】It was the end of my junior year, the weekend before prom (毕业舞会). I was riding with some friends, and a bottle was passed around the car. Everyone was taking swigs(一大口). When the bottle got to me, I thought:“What should I do?”I took a swig. It was the biggest mistake of my life. I had to drive home later that night.

I went back to my car, got in and drove off. At a stop sign I saw a policeman sitting in the parking lot across the street. His headlights were turned on, and I knew he was going to follow me. Then he flashed his lights at me. All I could think was: “Oh no, that swig!”

I pulled over and waited for him to come to my door. It felt like forever. “Can I see your license and registration, please, Miss?” I gave them to him. He took them and went back to his car for a while. When he returned, he asked if I had been drinking.

“No,” I said. He asked me to step out of my car.

“Walk heel to toe down the white line, please.” I passed the test. Next he had me stand on my left foot, lift my right foot and hold it for 30 seconds. I’m not the most coordinated (动作协调的) person and I can’t even walk and chew gum at the same time, so, needless to say, I didn’t pass. Then he asked me to take a breathalyzer test.

That was where I messed up. I told him I didn’t want to and didn’t understand why I had to. The officer asked me three more times, and I continued to refuse. He told me to turn around and place my hands behind my back. He arrested me right then and there.

The policeman drove me to a police station 20 minutes from my home. He called my parents and told them where I was.

I went to court two months after that, charged with refusing to obey an officer. I got a $700 (4,340 yuan) fine and 40 hours of community service. I’ll be on probation (缓刑) for a year, and I’ll have to take the driving test again. I lost my license for a whole year.

This was a huge learning experience for me. It opened my eyes to how easy it is to make a stupid decision. I want everyone reading this to know that it’s not right to drink and drive. It definitely isn’t worth losing your license over.

【1】From the first paragraph, we can conclude that the author __________.

A. didn’t remember she had to drive home later when riding with her friends

B. wished she had refused to drink that night

C. felt just one mouthful would not affect her driving

D. lost her driving license on the way

2】Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?

A. The author was in jail for 40 hours and had to do community service.

B. The author thought her punishment shouldn’t be so serious.

C. The author was really sorry that she had made a serious mistake.

D. The author believed she would have avoided punishment if she had obeyed the policeman.

3】What is the main purpose of the article?

A. To warn people against driving after drinking.

B. To explain how policemen test drivers.

C. To show that severe punishment works.

D. To blame the author’s thoughtless friends.

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
