
M’Kenzie and Derek Tillotson, of Utah, USA, are planning to embark on an epic trip around the world with their three young children, and are looking for a travel nanny(保姆) to help them on their journey. They posted a Facebook video hoping to get a few dozen applications, but ended up with messages from nearly 20,000 people hoping to get the job.

The couple runs a family travel blog called ‘Five Take Flight’ and recently decided to sell their home in Utah and go on an unforgettable adventure around the world. They plan to leave in July, flying from their home in Utah to New York City, then to Iceland, and the rest of Europe. They’ll return to their home city for a two weeks over Christmas, before flying to Hawaii, New Zealand, and finally Asia. It sounds like an incredible experience, but it’s also going to be pretty tough to manage with three kids, which is why they’ve decided to take someone to travel with them and lend a hand when necessary.

“You’ll be an honorary member of the family and will be treated with respect and be able to voice your opinion.” The travel nanny will be required to handle most of the homeschooling for the couple’s two boys, while also looking after their baby sister and also handle some of the cooking and cleaning.

“It’s hard to define your exact hours because you will be living with us, but you will have time to yourself every day for sure, and one to two times a week you’ll be able to go off on your own .” The Tillotsons add that the chosen person will receive a monthly salary of $1200 – $1500 for their work besides travel expenses and other living costs. However, a number of people have pointed out that the sum is still very low for the requirements.

1.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A. So many people want to get the job of a travel nanny.

B. The couple posted a Facebook video to look for a job.

C. The couple will travel around the world by themselves.

D. Three children will live in a nanny’s home.

2.When will the couple return to their home city this year?

A. In July.

B. After Christmas.

C. After travelling in Europe.

D. Before visiting New York.

3.Which is not the travel nanny’s job?

A. Looking after the baby sister.

B. Helping run “Five Take Flight”.

C. Doing some cooking and cleaning.

D. Dealing with two boys’ homeschooling.

4.What can be learned from the text?

A. The couple has their home in Utah.

B. About 2,000 people have applied for the job.

C. A travel nanny has no right to voice her opinion.

D. Many people are not satisfied with the salary of the job.


NASA has opened the door to the next generation of space discovery by announcing great plans for a base for humans to live on the surface of the moon forever.

The project to build a base on the moon will begin soon after 2020, with astronauts living there within four years.

The project comes after several excellent scientists and environmentalists asked humans to look beyond Earth to ensure the survival of the species (物种).

Eventually, the moon will be a base for humans to explore the solar system and one day land on Mars.

NASA began planning for the first moon landing since 1972 when George Bush, the US president, announced his new plan for space exploration four years ago.

NASA has already talked about the design of the Orion spacecraft that will replace the old space shuttle fleet in 2010.

The plan for the moon base, however, is the first detailed explanation of how NASA intends to prepare for the first manned exploration of deep space and a possible Mars mission within 30 years.

Scientists also believe that the south pole on the moon contain rich natural gases such as the rare helium-3 that could be used as fuel for the generation of nuclear power. Besides, teams of astronauts living there for six months at a time would mine for hydrogen and oxygen to make water and possibly rocket fuel.

1.The reasons why NASA has begun the plan to explore space include the followings except ________.

A. to protect Earth

B. to explore deep space

C. to finish Mars mission

D. to show how powerful the USA is

2.In the future, when people fly to the moon, they will probably not bring with them too much ________

A. hydrogen B. food C. oxygen D. water

3.The passage mainly talks about ________.

A. the USA’s new plan for space exploration

B. how to build a base on the moon

C. why to ensure the survival of the species

D. where to get new natural resources

As I walked into the primary school, I looked down at my new black Mary Jane shoes—I wanted to be anywhere in the world but Fountain Inn Elementary School. I stood at Mrs. Blackstone's door. Before I tried the _______, the wooden door suddenly opened. "We've been waiting for you!" Mrs. Blackstone, my new fifth grade teacher said at an unusually_______voice. With a smile my mom walked away and I was left_______in front of a group of students.

Over the next few days, Mrs. Blackstone made it her_______to find me a new best friend and help me join a choir(合唱队). During history_______, when I sat down at my desk_______I didn't want to speak in front of the class, she would not only call on me but have me stand up to _______my classmates. She laughed at my nervousness when I wouldn't get in line to sharpen my pencil _______being embarrassed. Her silliness made me smile and finally feel_______in the new environment.

One spring afternoon, Mrs. Blackstone ________me to stay after class. "I'd like to speak with you, Amanda." My mind ________. Had I made a bad grade? Had I hurt someone's feelings? "Are you enjoying your new school?" she sat comfortably behind her desk, "I want to tell you ________, between you and me, not to be shared with anyone else." "Okay." My throat ________felt very dry. With her________raised, she said, "I see something ________in you. I've been a teacher for over twenty-five years; I can________it. But you________believe in yourself. That's very important. Remember that and you'll go________."

Her voice was________to my ears that day. I walked out of her class, ________staring at my Mary Jane shoes. My teacher saw something special in me!

1.A. key B. test C. escape D. luck

2.A. high B. nervous C. cold D. calm

3.A. reading B. smiling C. lying D. standing

4.A. job B. dream C. honour D. challenge

5.A. exams B. lessons C. movies D. moments

6.A. so B. once C. before D. because

7.A. greet B. address C. praise D. amuse

8.A. for fear of B. for lack of C. for the benefit of D. for the sake of

9.A. exhausted B. concerned C. relaxed D. amazed

10.A. requested B. ordered C. asked D. advised

11.A. floated B. wandered C. froze D. raced

12.A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing

13.A. suddenly B. gradually C. eventually D. expectedly

14.A. ears B. hands C. eyes D. hairs

15.A. serious B. interesting C. special D. strange

16.A. recall B. remember C. hear D. see

17.A. could B. might C. would D. must

18.A. far B. straight C. easy D. slow

19.A. rough B. musical C. weak D. steady

20.A. still B. even C. not D. also


I can’t tell you how excited I was when I joined my first book club, but I can tell you how much I immediately regretted it. Don’t get me wrong. I love book clubs of course.1.To avoid this continuous and unpleasant matter, and to look smart in the club as well, I have a few tricks to share with you.

1. Make a good excuse for not reading the book.

Some of your club friends might try to shame you for not reading the book.2.. And it is absolutely weong. The best way to defend yourself is to come up with a strong, thoughtful excuse for not reading it.


The Kindle app for your Android or iPhone actually records the most quoted passages by all readers. Simply do a quick Google search for “most quoted passages”+ “the name of the book” and see what comes up. Make sure you’re the first to speak up. When you read the quote, read it forcefully, taking long, thoughtful pauses.

3. Pick an opinion

4.There, you’ll find lots of opinions on the book, which range from glowing to inspiring; simply pick one and use it as your own during the book discussion. This way you don’t have to read the book or think for yourself.

4. Always vote for books that are also movies

Fight hard for books with a movie version. And make sure it’s a short movie you can easily watch while sleeping on the couch. When someone complains that the book you want to read is also a movie –act surprised.

5.You are sure to make yourself look smart. Anyway book clubs are great social platforms, which provide an enjoyable and meaningful addition to your social calendar(日历).

A. Read a quote aloud and slowly.

B. Make your book look worn.

C. I just hate reading and talking to people.

D. Find a suitable website and look up the very book.

E. This is called “didn’t read the book shaming.”

F. You’re deeply considering everything being said.

G. In short, you’ll never feel embarrassed with the tricks.

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