
1. We have a right to a living        .
2. She is on a         of $ 240 000 every year.
3. They insist on equal      for equal work.
4. Tourism is a major source of      for the area.
1. wage   2. salary   3. pay   4. income


1.Have you read the article with the ________(题目)of “A Model of the Era-Cong Fei”.

2.John had to ________(挣得)money by working as a newspaper boy to pay for his schooling.

3.The famous paintings by Xu Beihong are ________(展览)in the local museum.

4.I ________(后悔)having spent so much on the car.

5.I have to ________(放弃)the idea of holidaying to France since I haven’t saved enough money.

6.She ________(养成)a habit of collecting stamps from childhood.

7.Hundreds of countries ________(参加)the Earth Summit this year.

8.The retired teacher ________(捐赠)half of his savings to the Hope Project.

9.Nothing is ________(取得)if you lack confidence in yourself.

10.He won the ________(尊重)of his colleagues by his warm heart.

11.What have you been doing ________(最近)?

12.The class teacher was ________(满意的)with the progress his students had made.

13.She had to work ________(外加的)hours to prepare a report.

14.Tom’s parents bought him a computer as a reward for his good ________(成绩)in the end-of-term examination.

15.Teaching such an idiot to speak was really a ________(具有挑战性的)task.

16.If the heavy rain ________(继续), a flood may happen.

17.Chinese students should pay more ________(注意)to their pronunciation in the study of English.

18.Those exchange students often ________(想念)their families and friends back home.

19.The folk tale has been handed down from ________(一代)to ________(一代).

20.The citizens’ ________(平均)yearly income has risen to about 35 000 in our nation.

21.Of all the universities, I ________(挑选)one which is the closest to my home, though not famous.

22.My parents don’t ________(赞成)of me smoking cigarettes.

23.Anyone can get a gift ________(免费)from this shop on New Year.

24.The patient should get an operation ________(立即).

25.We often share our inner feelings and thoughts with our ________(亲密的)friends.

26.Alone living in the foreign country for ten years, he missed his ________(以前的)friends at home.

27.Have you been ________(通知)of the meeting date and place?

28.The students are busily making ________(准备)for the coming examination.

29.Having ________(经历)the hardship of life as a child, he treasures the happiness he now has.

30.Haven’t you got the news? It has been ________(播放)all the day.

Strictly Ban smoking

       If you smoke and you still don’t believe that there’s a definite(一定的)link between smoking and bronchial(支气管的)troubles, heart disease and lung cancer, then you are certainly deceiving yourself. No one will accuse you of hypocrisy. Let us just say that you are suffering from a bad case of wishful thinking. This needn’t make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company. Whenever the subject of smoking and health is raised, the governments of most countries hear no evil, see no evil and smell no evil. Admittedly, a few governments have taken timid measures. In Britain for instance, cigarette advertising has been banned on television. The conscience of the nation is appeased, while the population continues to puff its way to smoky, cancerous death.

       You don’t have to look very far to find out why the official reactions to medical findings have been so lukewarm. The answer is simply money. Tobacco is a wonderful commodity to tax. It’s almost like a tax on our daily bread. In tax revenue alone, the government of Britain collects enough from smokers to pay for its entire educational facilities. So while the authorities point out ever so discreetly that smoking may, conceivable, be harmful, it doesn’t do to shout too loudly about it.

       This is surely the most short-sighted policy you could imagine. While money is eagerly collected in vast sums with one hand, it is paid out in increasingly vaster sums with the other. Enormous amounts are spent on cancer research and on efforts to cure people suffering from the disease. Countless valuable lives are lost. In the long run, there is no doubt that everybody would be much better-off if smoking were banned altogether.

       Of course, we are not ready for such a drastic action. But if the governments of the world were honestly concerned about the welfare of their peoples, you’d think they’d conduct aggressive anti-smoking campaigns. Far from it! The tobacco industry is allowed to spend staggering sums on advertising. Its advertising is as insidious as it is dishonest. We are never shown pictures of real smokers coughing up their lungs early in the morning. That would never do. The advertisement always depict virile, clean-shaven young men. They suggest it is manly to smoke, even positively healthy! Smoking is associated with the great open-air life, with beautiful girls, true love and togetherness. What utter nonsense!

       For a start, governments could begin by banning all cigarette and tobacco advertising and should then conduct anti-smoking advertising campaigns of their own. Smoking should be banned in all public places like theatres, cinemas and restaurants. Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially of the dire consequences of taking up the habit. A horrific warning – say, a picture of a death’s head – should be included in every packet of cigarettes that is sold. As individuals, we are certainly weak, but if governments acted honestly and courageously, they could protect us from ourselves.

Why do a few governments take timid measures toward smoking?

A because they are afraid of people.  B Because diseases cost a lot.

C Because they are afraid of the cutting down of their revenue.

D Because they are afraid of manufacturers.

The tone of this passage is________________.

A critical.  B ironical(讽刺的用反语的).  C distaste(不喜欢).    D amusing.

What does the sentence “because you are in good company” mean?

A you are backed by the government. B You are not alone.

C You have good colleagues.       D Governments are blind to evils of smoking too.

What is the best title of this passage?

A World Governments should conduct serious campaigns against smoking.

B World governments take timid measures against smoking.

C smoking is the most important source of income to many countries.

D tobacco industry spends a large sum of money on medical research.

     For years children in the industrial areas of Europe and America seldom left their smoky cities to see
the beauty of the countryside.Not that the woods and fields were always far away, but they were too far
from the city to permit people to make a round trip between morning and nightfall.What's more, factory
workers did not have enough money to send their children on country holidays away from home.
     In 1907 a young German schoolmaster had an idea which changed this state of affairs.He decided to
turn his little schoolhouse into a dormitory for the summer holidays.Anyone who brought his sleeping bag
and cooking equipment along could stay there for a very small amount of money.The idea was a success.A few years later the schoolhouse was far too small to hold so many young people who wanted to stay there.So, a dormitory was set up in an old castle nearby.This was the first Youth Hostel.
     Today young students and workers of every country can meet in the hostels and get to know each
other.Some spend a week or more in the same hostel, seeing the surrounding sights and meeting the people of the area.Other youths go on foot or by bicycle from place to place, spending a night or two in one
hostel, then going to the next.
     Sometimes an informal program will be organized after the meal, with dances, songs, or short talks
followed by a question period.One can learn a lot about other places, just by meeting people who come
from these places.For this reason, a few weeks spent "hostelling" can be just as useful a part of one's
education as classes in school.
1.  The reason why children in the industrial areas seldom left their smoky cities was that ________.
A.  they didn't like the beauty of the countryside at all
B.  their parents' income was not high enough to pay for the cost
C.  they couldn't make a round trip between morning and nightfall because of the distance
D.  Both B & C
2.  Paragraph 2 mainly tells us ________.
A.  how the first Youth Hostel began
B.  how to turn little schoolhouse into a dormitory for the summer holidays
C.  what the students should carry when spending summer holidays in the countryside
D.  the reason why spending summer holidays in the countryside
3.  According to the passage,, the following are the mentioned advantages of hostelling EXCEPT
A.  enjoying the beauty of the countryside
B.  broadening their outlook and knowledge
C.  making new friends
D.  avoiding doing their homework
4.  用30词左右概括文章大意

My husband and I have always been friendly with the clerks at the local convenience store where we often get gasoline. I don't think people appreciate what a difficult job these folks have sometimes. They work for a little over minimum wage and I often wonder how they make ends meet.

One of the clerks, “Charlie,” was missing her glasses one day. I commented on it and she said they'd been broken and that she couldn't afford a new pair. It was obvious that she was having a difficult time.

We wondered how we could help, so turned to our own eye doctor for assistance with a plan. We had his secretary contact her, asking her to come in for an eye exam free of charge.  We told the doctor to let her order whatever glasses she wanted and that we would pay for them. Although Charlie questioned what was going on, the doctor just told her that someone had anonymously(用匿名的方式) donated the money for her new glasses. When we went in to pay the bill, the doctor told us he was so touched by our idea that he waived the exam fee and only charged us for half the price of the glasses!

It was so wonderful to see Charlie in her new glasses and she enjoyed telling all the regular customers how it came about. I'm sure that upon hearing her story, ideas of kindness may have emerged in the minds of many. She will never know who the gift was from and I hope the idea that good guys really do get a break sometimes was planted for her.

54.Why didn't the clerk “Charlie” wear glasses one day?

A. A pair of glasses was too expensive for him.

B. Her old glasses were broken.

C. Her glasses were missing.

D. She forgot to wear glasses.

55.From the passage, we can infer that________.

A.Charlie was a young man

B.Charlie knew who donated money for the new glasses

C.Charlie's income was very little

D.Charlie must have have known who offered the help

56.The underlined word “waived” in the third paragraph can be replaced by________.

A. gave up                              B. took up

C. cut down                           D. put off

57.The best title of the passage should be________.

A. The Wonderful Feeling of Helping Others

B. Customer's Gift to an Employee

C. A Friendly Clerk—Charlie

D. A New Pair of Glasses

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