Facebook means never having to say goodbye. The social media website has earned a reputation for reconnecting old friends. Last week, a guy whom I hadn’t seen since my bachelor party five years ago sent me a friend request. I accepted and waited for “Easy E” to send me a greeting of some kind. He had sought me out, after all.
I learned from his profile that he was in a relationship and had a son. However, I’m pretty sure we won’t ever write wall-to-wall, let alone e-mail each other. But he’ll remain a friend of online until one of us makes a point of removing the other from his official list.
My pool of friends consists of family members, college buddies, co-workers from past and present, and friends of friends. There are 35 in all. If I spent some time uploading old e-mail addresses, I’m confident that I could increase my friend count actually.
A person could make a mission out of reconnecting with childhood friends, former classmates, distant cousins, and those one would like to get to know better. And some people can even handle hundreds of on-screen relationships, keeping up with the daily happenings of their small army of companions. After all, there are worse fates than having too many friends.
Thanks to e-mail, the inability to schedule face-to-face meetings no longer means a friendship must come to a close. But even with e-mail, people will lose touch if one or both parties stop writing back. That’s normal. People move from school to school, job to job, city to city. You never have to feel guilty for breaking away.
Every day, the masterminds of Web 2.0 find new ways of making human communication easier. However, convenience can be a walking stick. Some things shouldn’t be simplified. When it comes to friendship, there can be no shortcuts.
【小题1】According to Paragraph 1, the website is famous because       .

A.it has an interesting name of “Facebook”
B.it can send people a greeting of some kind
C.it helps people get in touch with old friends
D.it reminds people of events in the past
【小题2】From the second paragraph we can learn that the writer       .
A.would write to the friend quite often
B.did get some information about the friend
C.asked the friend to e-mail him
D.would keep in touch with the friend forever
【小题3】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.The author communicates with all the 35 friends by e-mails.
B.There are 35 people in the author’s list of friends right now.
C.The list of 35 friends doesn’t include the old e-mail addresses.
D.It is not difficult for the author to increase his friend count.
【小题4】What does the writer mean by saying “However, convenience can be a walking stick”?
A.The masterminds of Web 2.0 also sell walking sticks online.
B.Taking a walking stick is a new way of making friends online.
C.Convenience is dangerous for human communication.
D.Convenience is not really good for human communication.

Below are some smart ways to stay healthy suggested by some American experts.

Drink More Coffee

When was the last time you heard a doctor use the word miracle? Well, wake up and smell the coffee: “It’s amazing,” says liver specialist Sanjiv Chopra, MD, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. “Coffee is truly a lifesaving miracle drug.”

Though he says it’s still a “scientific mystery” how a simple cup of coffee works its wonders in the body, large epidemiological studies have repeatedly proved its astonishing benefits.

“Drink it black, or at most put a little skim milk in it” to minimize calories, Dr. Chopra recommends. He drinks at least four cups a day himself, though most people should limit themselves to two. And no, he jokes, “I’m not sponsored by Starbucks.”

Take a Walk for Your Memory

Aerobic (有氧运动的) exercise is good for your body, great for your mind, according to the latest research from brain-fitness pioneer Arthur Kramer. Every year, an area called the hippocampus, which is key to memory, shrinks by about 1 to 2 percent, increasing the risk of dementia (脑衰) as the years roll by. However, Kramer’s new investigations reveal that the hippocampi of adults who walked briskly for about 45 minutes three times a week grew by about 2 percent over the course of a year, preventing age-related shrinking.

It’s never too late to start exercising, Kramer says; volunteers in his research were between 55 and 80 years old and hadn’t exercised at all. And it doesn’t need to be backbreaking. “Anything that raises your heart rate seems to work,” he says. “Walking is fine. Just find something you like and do it.”

Early to Bed, Early to Eat

“Being a night owl might increase your waistline,” says sleep expert Michael Breus, PhD. People who stay up late and sleep late tend to eat more fast food and consume more of their calories after 8 p.m. than do normal sleepers.

“One of the easiest things that anyone on a diet can do to improve her results is go to bed and wake up at the same times every day,” Breus says. “This way, your body knows when to sleep and is much more efficient. Organize your eating, too, by trying to eat meals at the same times every day. Avoid eating after 8 p.m., and don’t miss morning meals by sleeping in.”

Use the 20-Second Rule

What’s the difference between having a goal and actually accomplishing it? Just 20 seconds, says positive-psychology specialist Shawn Achor. Researchers have learned that if we can cut 20 seconds off the startup time required for a task, we’re much more likely to follow through. So, for example, if you want to work out in the morning, place your shoes and exercise clothes next to your bed the night before. If you want to praise people more, put thank-you notes and a pen on your desk.

Imagine the Worst to Feel Better

Don’t count your blessings; subtract (扣除) them. “Consciously spend a few minutes imagining what your life would be like without the good things,” says Timothy Wilson, a psychologist at the University of Virginia. You’ll experience stronger feelings of love, gratitude, and happiness when you think about what life would be like without the people and things you love. “And they’ll seem surprising and special again,” he adds.

1. According to Sanjiv Chopra, most people should not drink more than ______ cups of coffee a day.

A. two????????????? B. three????????????? C. four????????????? D. six

2.Which of the following may help people on a diet to improve their results?

A. Raising their heart rate.????????????? B. Taking a walk for their memory.

C. Eating at fixed times.????????????? D. Sleeping in every morning.

3.According to Shawn Achor, if people place their shoes and exercise clothes next to their bed at bedtime, they’re more likely to ______ the next morning.

A. do exercise????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. set a goal?????????????

C. cut 20 seconds off????????????? D. sleep 20 minutes more

4. Why should people spend a little time imagining their life without good things?

A. To experience surprise.????????????? B. To feel better.?????????????

C. To consider their own blessings.????????????? D. To prepare for the worst.



After years of searching, a truth seeker was told to go to a cave, in which he would find a well. “Ask the well what is   36  , ” he was advised, “and the well reveal (告诉,揭露) it to you.” Having found the well, the seeker asked that most basic and important   37  . And from the depths came the answer: “Go to the village crossroad, and there you shall find what you are seeking.”

Full of   38   the man ran to the crossroad to   39   only three rather uninteresting shops. One shop was selling pieces of metal, another sold   40  , and thin wires were for sale in the third. Nothing and no one there seemed to   41   much to do with the revelation of truth.

Disappointed, the seeker returned to the well to demand an   42  , but he was told only: “You will   43   in the future.”

As years went by, the   44   of his experience at the well gradually   45   until one night, while he was walking, the sound of sitar (西塔琴) music   46   his attention. It was wonderful and it was   47   with great skill and inspiration.

Deeply  48  , the truth seeker felt drawn towards the   49  . He looked at the fingers dancing over the strings. And then suddenly he let out a cry of joyful   50  : the sitar was made out of wires and pieces of metal and wood just like   51   he had once seen in the three stores.

At last he understood the   52   of the well: we have already been given everything we need; our   53   is to assemble (聚集) and use them in the proper way. Nothing is   54   so long as we recognize only fragments (碎片). But as soon as the pieces are put together, something new appears, whose nature we could not have   55   by considering the fragments alone.

1.A. truth                    B. hope                        C. future                               D. music

2.A. fact                       B. reason                     C. question                           D. well

3.A. energy                          B. hope                        C. mystery                            D. surprise

4.A. get                        B. count                       C. find                                   D. open

5.A. instruments                 B. clothing                   C. food                                  D. wood

6.A. connect               B. have                        C. prepare                            D. offer

7.A. explanation                  B. advice                     C. excuse                              D. opportunity

8.A. succeed              B. discover                  C. pay                                    D. understand

9.A. bitterness           B. failure                     C. memory                           D. secret

10.A. doubled            B. forgot                      C. disappeared                    D. recovered

11.A. paid                   B. lost                           C. split                                   D. caught

12.A. played               B. broadcast               C. enjoyed                            D. conducted

13.A. annoyed           B. moved                     C. confused                          D. frightened

14.A. adviser              B. director                  C. composer                        D. player

15.A. admiration        B. distinction              C. recognition                      D. imagination

16.A. those                          B. that                          C. it                                        D. them

17.A. secret                B. message                  C. theory                              D. benefit

18.A. target                          B. difficulty                 C. task                                   D. shortcoming

19.A. interesting                 B. meaningful             C. accessible                        D. successful

20.A. foreseen(预见)         B. decided                  C. judged                              D. formed


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