
Anthony Horowitz was miserable as child. He was, as he put it, “not very bright” and couldn’t win the attention of his very wealthy parents, who preferred his “clever” older brother. At age 8, Horowitz was sent away to an abusive boarding school in his native England, even though he screamed and pleaded(恳求) with his parents year after year not to send him. “The thought was, It’ll be good for him,” he recalled.

It was not. Horowitz did badly in his studies, had few friends and was bullied (欺负) for five years. “My teachers couldn't have had a lower opinion of me,” he said. “I wasn't even smart enough to rebel . The one thing I remember from the very earliest age was this desire to write. When I was 10 years old, I remember asking my parents to get me a typewriter for my birthday because I wanted to be a writer.”

Now, at age of 55, Horowitz is one of the world's most successful children's book authors. His Alex Rider series has sold more than 5 million copies, and the eighth book featuring the young spy, Crocodile Tears, came out this month.

The Alex Rider books tell the adventures of 14-year-old Alex Rider, an agent for the British intelligence agency M16.

Horowitz said he doesn't try to write for kids; it just comes out that way. “I have a feeling it's to do with purity and simplicity. I give as little information as is necessary to describe the room, the character in the room, and get on with the action,” he said.

The style has also made Horowitz a successful writer of television shows for adults in Britain because, he says, writing books for kids is a lot like writing television for grown-ups: In both cases, it's all about entertaining people with a good story.

Now, Horowitz couldn't be happier with his life. He sums up his success: “…you can be anything you want to be if you just believe in yourself. I do believe it completely.”

In the boarding school, Horowitz’s teachers           .

    A.often criticized him B.showed great concern for him

    C.taught him how to write stories  D.thought little about his ability

Which of the following is true of Anthony Horowitz?

    A.He was the beloved child of his family.

    B.He benefited a lot from boarding school.

    C.He emphasizes the plot rather than character in stories.

    D.Although he is successful, he isn’t very happy.

What advice does Horowitz have for readers?

    A.Confidence is the key to success.    B.Hardship teaches valuable lessons.

    C.Interest is the best teacher.    D.Industry is the parent of success.

In which section can you most probably read the passage?

    A.Campus Trends        B.Culture & Leisure

    C.Our World        D.Science Life




Too many people want others to be their friends,but they don’t give friendship back. That is why some friendships don’t last long. To have a friend,you must learn to be one. You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules:be honest;be generous;be understanding.

    Honesty is where a good friendship starts. Friends must be able to trust one another. If you do not tell the truth,people usually find out. If a friend finds out that you haven’t been honest,you may lose the friend’s trust. Good friends always count_ on one another to speak and act honestly.

    Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow. You do not have to give your lunch money or your clothes .Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings. These can be very valuable to a friend. They tell your friend what is important to you. By sharing them,you help your friend know better.

    Sooner or later every one needs understanding and helping with a problem. Something may go wrong at school. Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve. Turning to a friend can be the first step in solving the problem. So to be a friend you must listen and understand. You must try to put yourself in your friend’s place so you can understand the problem better.

    No two friendships are ever exactly alike .But all true friendships have three things in common. If you plan to keep your friends,you must practice honesty,generosity and understanding.

Some friendships don’t last very long because ________.

  A. there are too many people who want to make friends

  B. some people receive friendship but don’t give friendship back

  C. those who give others friendship receive friendship from others

  D. they don’t know friendship is something serious

According to the passage,honesty is________.

  A.something countable

  B. the base of friendship

  C. as important as money

  D. more important than anything else

The best title of this passage is ________.

  A. Honesty Is the Best Policy

  B. A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed

  C. How to Be Friends

  D. Three Important Points in Life

What’s the meaning of “count on” in this passage?

  A. 数,点(数)                              B. 认为,看作

  C. 重视                                      D. 期待

Many parents who welcome the idea of turning off the TV and spending more time with the family are still worried that without TV they would constantly be on call as entertainers for their children. They remember thinking up all sorts of things to do when they were kids. But their own kids seem different, less resourceful, somehow. When there’s nothing to do, these parents observe regretfully, their kids seem unable to come up with anything to do besides turning on the TV.

    One father, for example, says, “When I was a kid, we were always thinking up things to do, projects and games. We certainly never complained in an annoying way to our parents. ‘I have nothing to do’.” He compares this with his own children today: “They’re simply lazy. If someone doesn’t entertain them, they’ll happily sit there watching TV all day.”

    There is one word for this father’s disappointment: unfair. It is as if he were disappointed in them for not reading Greek though they have never studied the language. He deplores (哀叹) his children’s lack of inventiveness, as if the ability to play were something born that his children are missing. In fact, while the tendency to play is built into the human species, the actual ability to play – to imagine, to invent, to elaborate on reality in a playful way –and the ability to gain fulfillment from it, these are skills that have to be learned and developed.

    Such disappointment, however, is not only unjust, it is also destructive. Sensing their parents’ disappointment, children come to believe that they are, indeed, lacking something, and that this makes them less worthy of admiration and respect. Giving children the opportunity to develop new resources, to enlarge their horizons and discover the pleasure of doing things on their own is, on the other hand, a way to help children develop a confident feeling about themselves as capable and interesting people.

According to many parents, if there’s nothing to do, the children would        .

    A. turn on the TV                           B. complain to their parents

    C. ask their parents to play with them          D. do all of the above

Many parents think that, instead of watching a lot of TV their children should       .

    A. sit silently studying Greek                  B. think up things to entertain themselves

    C. find chances to talk with parents            D. enjoy themselves outdoors

The father often blames their children for not being able to entertain themselves. This is unfair because        .

    A. the children are not really lazy, but there’s nothing for them to do

    B. they do not lack the ability to play

    C. they have to learn and develop their playing ability gradually

    D. the father have done nothing to help the children

When parents show constant disappointment in their children, the children will         .

    A. lose their confidence and respectability

    B. be much more disappointed

    C. refuse to learn new things

    D. discover the pleasures of doing things on their own

What is the author’s main idea?

    A. Today’s children are becoming less capable and independent than before.

    B. Parents should give children more help on how to be creative.

    C. Turning off the TV will help us solve a lot of family problems.

    D. It’s not just for parents and children to complain each other.

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