
【题目】假如你是某涉外旅游公司的一名导游,在鲜花盛开(in full bloom)的季节,准备带一外国旅游团到某著名景点登山观光。进入景区前,为保证游客旅途愉快平安,请你按下面提示用英语向游客们说明相关注意事项。




注意:1.词数100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语已为你写好。

Dear Peter,

I am writing to ask whether you are able to do me a favor.


Attention, please, everyone! Welcome to this resort!

You are lucky enough to arrive here at the very season to visit the famous place of interest, for a great many flowers are in full bloom.

Before we climb up the mountain, I have something important to tell you.

Firstly, you’re expected to stay with the group all the time and not fall far behind the others, otherwise, it will cause a lot of trouble.Secondly, while climbing up the mountain, mind your steps to avoid possible accidents along the narrow paths.Last but the most important, smoking is strictly forbidden in the area in case of forest fires.

I hope you’ll have a pleasant trip.Enjoy your time!


试题分析:本文是一篇通知类作文。主要要写的有:1.听从指令,不掉队。2.山路狭窄,注意安全。3.严禁吸烟,以防林火。需要注意的事项有:1.词数100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语已为你写好。

【亮点说明】:文章用了通知应该用的格式,开头用了 Attention, please, everyone!可以让人知道这是一责重要的通知。用了Firstly,Secondly,Last等分点写出了文章的各个要点。用了一般现在时和一般将来时穿插,使文章更有可读性。


【题目】Eyesight problems are common among all ages and if they are left untreated, they can cause serious headaches or other problems. The good news is that most eyesight problems can easily be sorted out by wearing glasses.

Regular eye tests are important for everyone. Children and teenagers, under the age of 16 and up to the age of 19 for those full-time education, have the right to have eye tests for free in Britain. As the eye test is free, theres no excuse for not having a regular eye test. Doctors suggest that its better to have an eye test about once a year.

Wearing glasses isnt always regarded as all that cool and teens who suddenly need to wear glasses may find it difficult to accept. If theyve grown up wearing glasses, then they may be more used to it. However, if your eyes are in poor health, not wearing glasses can put even more pressure on your eyes and could make them even worse.

Thankfully, the days of little choice of glasses frames (框架) for teenagers are gone and there’s now a wide selection of frames. If a teen does need to wear glasses, then it’s good to let him or her choose the type, as he or she will be able to choose something he or she feels comfortable. Dont forget to be guided by the experts on glasses too.

【1】Regular eye tests are important for ____.

A. children

B. teenagers

C. everyone

D. adults

【2】 In the past, teens who wanted to buy glasses ______.

A. were unable to find the right glasses

B. only had a few styles to choose from

C. could not find an expert to ask for advice

D. were worried about the quality of glasses

【3】We can know that ________.

A. think they are much cooler when wearing glasses

B. find it difficult to buy comfortable glasses

C. prefer to wear cool glasses at an early age

D. are advised to wear glasses if their eyesight is poor

【题目】Traveling should be easy and enjoyable, and one of the ways to make sure your trip remains fun is to know exactly how to keep your valuables safe.

If you are traveling alone, distribute your money through your luggage. Place most of it in your main suitcase or bag. Make a rough estimate of how much money you will spend on the journey, till you reach your destination. Place this money in a different wallet and carry this in your pocket. Spend from this pocket till you get to your destination. If you are travelling with someone, distribute the money among yourselves.

Instead of wearing your jewels, you can put your jewels at the bottom of your suitcase or bag. DO NOT carry in your purse, just in case it is stolen; or in case you misplace your purse. In addition, if you are going to be frequently opening your purse for things like tickets and phone numbers, what if you accidently just drop them.

Have you ever seen a mini backpack purse? It looks really fashionable and is very smart. Plus, Its really convenient to use. The best thing to do is to hang the mini backpack purse in the front, like a baby carrier. There are two big advantages to do this; one, your hands remain free to carry your luggage and other things; and two, your purse is always monitored, and is just under your nose!

Credit cards are very useful in many ways. But if you misplace your credit card, it is quite easy for someone else to find it and use it to his/ her maximum benefit before you even realize you have lost it! If you lose cash, you lose only that much cash as you are carrying. But a lost credit card means the money in your bank account is lost. So always try to use cash instead of credit card while traveling

【1】Which of the following statement does the author probably disagree with?

A. Putting your money in different wallets.

B. Putting your jewels in your wallet.

C. Carrying a mini backpack purse.

D. Using cash instead of credit card.

【2】 Carrying a mini backpack can help you because

A. it is convenient to carry and monitor.

B. it is easier to carry your baby.

C. it reduce the burden on your back.

D. it can use to carry more things.

【3】 We can learn from the passage that ______.

A. You shouldnt spend money until you reach your destination.

B. putting jewels at the bottom of your bag is safer.

C. one must carry a fashionable backpack purse while traveling.

D. credit card are more convenient than cash while traveling.

【4】 What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Ways to make traveling fun and enjoyable.

B. Tips on carrying valuables safely while traveling.

C. Advice on travelers personal safety while traveling.

D. Things to consider before traveling.

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