
Thid is a true story of a mother’s sacrifice(牺牲) in an earthquake.
When the rescuer reached the ruins of a young man’s house, they saw her dead body through the cracks. Her pose was somehow strange—she knelt(跪) on the ground like a person who was worshiping(祷告);her body was leaning forward, and her two hands were supported by an object. However, the cold and stiff body told them that she had passed away for sure.
The rescuers left this house and were going to search the next collapsed building. For some reason, the team leader was driven by a strong force to go back to the ruined house. Again, he knelt down to search the little space under the dead body. Suddenly, he screamed with excitement, “A child! There is a child1”
The whole team worked together; carefully they removed the piles of ruined objects around the dead woman. There was a 3-month-old little boy wrapped in a blanket under his mother’s dead body. Obviously, the woman had made great sacrifice in order to save her son. When her house was falling, she used her body to make a cover to protect her son. The little boy was still sleeping peacefully when the team leader picked him up.
A doctor came quickly to examine the little boy. After he opened the blanket, he saw a cellphone inside the blanket.There was a text massage on the screen. It said, “If you can survive, you must remember that I love you.” Everybody that read the massage cried
小题1:Why did the young woman kneel on the ground?
A.To protect herself from the earthquake
B.To show respect for God
C.To ask God for help
D.To protect her baby
小题2:After reading the text massage, everyone felt quite ______.
小题3:What’s the writer’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To prove that a cat has nine lives.
B.To show the power of a mother’s love.
C.To express his thanks to the rescuers.
D.To give advice on how to rescue others.


小题1:根据Obviously, the woman had made great sacrifice in order to save her son.,可知这位妇女保持这样一种奇怪的姿势,是为了保护她的孩子,故选D。
小题2:根据Everybody that read the massage cried,每一个人读了她留下的短信后,都哭了,故选C,感动。
小题3:根据This is a true story of a mother’s sacrifice(牺牲) in an earthquake.可知作者写这篇文章的目的是为了展现母爱的伟大。故选B。
I was late for the school bus and rushing to get ready. My dog, Tippy, got to the front door and lay down in front of it – his way of asking to be petted. I___36___his begging for affection (喜爱), hurdled over him and ran for the waiting bus.
___37___, that afternoon, when I came home, Mom said to me___38___, “Honey, I have some___39___news that I need to tell you. This morning, while you were at school, Tippy was hit by a car and___40___. I’m so sorry.”
“No! It’s not true!” I was___41___. I couldn’t believe her. “Tippy, come here! Come on, boy!” I called and called for him. I waited. He didn’t come. Feeling___42___, I wandered into the living room. I didn’t cry that night. I still couldn’t believe that he was___43___.
When I got off the bus the next day, the___44___at home was deafening. Finally, my sobs (哭泣) bubbled up and erupted (喷发) like lava (熔岩) from a volcano. I couldn’t stop___45___. I hadn’t even petted him when I left.___46___could I have known that was my last chance? I cried until I felt empty inside.
Time passed, and against my will, I started to___47___some things. I realized what little control any of us have over what happens ___48___ a dog. We can do everything right, but___49___things can still happen. But good things can happen too. That’s___50___. The best way to deal with the hard times is to___51___what you need to do to get through them when they come, and to remember that hard times always___52___.
I now deeply understand the “circle of life”. Everyone is born, everyone___53___, and that’s the way it is. If dogs never died, there would be no___54___for others like Belle – my new dog.
Best of all, I realized that Tippy___55___all of my good memories of him. And they come to me every time I call!
A.met B.ignoredC.promised D.preferred
A.However B.BesidesC.Therefore D.Finally
A.excitedly B.quicklyC.nervously D.seriously
A.good B.sadC.dull D.happy
A.escaped B.woundedC.killed D.knocked
A.in disagreement B.in angerC.in silence D.in shock
A.lost B.sleepyC.crazy D.uncertain
A.gone B.missingC.alive D.stolen
A.noise B.quarrelC.silence D.sound
A.waiting B.cryingC.thinking D.expecting
A.WhyB.WhatC.Which D.How
A.forget B.recallC.understand D.change
A.to B.aboutC.out D.into
A.surprising B.badC.amazing D.amusing
A.nature B.humanC.life D.rule
A.figure outB.picked outC.try out D.put out
A.disappearB.overcomeC.help D.pass
A.grows B.livesC.suffers D.dies
A.chance B.roomC.possibility D.doubt
A.thought ofB.brought upC.left behind D.picked up
When I was a child, I had an old neighbour named Dr. Gibbs. He didn’t look like any other doctor I’ve ever known. He never  11__ at us for playing in his yard. I remembered him as a kind and  _12_ person
When Dr. Gibbs didn’t work, he planted trees. His house covered an area of ten acres, and his life’s goal was to make it _ 13_ .
He had some interesting _ 14 _ concerning planting. He belonged to the “No pains, no gains”  __15  of plant growing. He never watered his new trees. Once I asked  _16__, he said, “Watering plants will spoil them, and if you water them, each successive tree_ 17_ will grow weaker and weaker. So you have to make things 18__for them and weed out the weak ones.” So he never watered his trees. He would _19__a pine, and instead of _20__it every morning, he beat it with a rolled-up newspaper. I __21__ him why he did so, and he said it was to get the tree’s _22__.
I planted a couple of trees a few _23__ ago. I carried water to them for a solid summer, sprayed them and prayed over them. Two years of careful tending has _24__ in trees that expect to be _25__ to hand and foot. Whenever a cold wind blows in, they tremble their branches.
Dr. Gibbs passed away a _26__of years after I left home. Now and then, I walked by his house and looked at the trees. They’re _27__ now, big and healthy.
Funny things about Dr. Gibbs’ trees. Hardship and difficulty seemed to benefit them _28__
comfort and ease never could.
Life is tough, whether we want 29_ to be or not. Too many times we pray for ease, but that’s a prayer seldom met. What we need to do is to pray for 30_ that reach deep into the earth, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we won’t be swept away.
Real-life Friends
Most people know the saying: A man's best friend is his dog; and that Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. However, dogs can’t offer advice or make you a cup of tea when you need one; and precious stones are cold comfort when you need a hug, and a shoulder to cry on.
What are Friends?
There are many ways to describe a friend. Friends are the family you can choose for yourself. Friends are a much better medication(医疗)than medication is, and people who spend time with friends are happier with their lives as they are less lonely.
A good friend will put you to bed when you’re lost consciousness. Ensure you’re not laid on your back, and remember to remove your shoes. You should be able to tell a true friend anything without being judged by them.
How do Friendships Begin?
This is an easy question. Find someone else who has similar interests with you. You now have another person to talk to about your shared interest but remember they like to talk too, so be prepared to shut up and listen once in a while. Hopefully they will have other friends and will introduce you to them, thereby expanding your circle.
Friendships which begin due to location, for example, next-door neighbors or school classmates, rarely survive transitions such as moving to other neighborhoods, schools, colleges, jobs, immigration, and so forth. Attend a school reunion and you’ll wonder what on earth you ever had in common with these people other than your age, although it is possible to have a friendship with someone you met at school. Mutually maintain it, and eventually become godparent or “uncle” to each others’ children.
How Friendships are Maintained
To have a friend you must also be a friend and be prepared to be there for them should they need you. Failure in this respect would label you a fair-weather friend and you would most probably be abandoned.
Like every other relationship you have in your life, there are boundaries you shouldn’t cross with your friends. One of those is money: Don’t lend to your friend and don’t ask for a loan yourself.
Friends are unpaid counselors(顾问),but phoning them at 2 am because you’re awake and would like a chat is not a good idea. Neither is phoning them at 10 am if you know they’re a shift-worker. Friends are people who need some space and quiet time. Generally, it all boils down to mutual respect and understanding.
It’s not a good plan to interrupt your friend while they’re on a date/on holiday/attending an orchestral recital/at a funeral.
Trust is the most vital element in any relationship. If you’re not trustworthy then you probably don’t deserve friends, so try to remember that you promised to see that dull film with them or applaud them at their first attempt at a karaoke or an Open Mic night. If you have promised to look after their clothes while they go for a bet, then make sure you do. You might like to carry enough cash to help them out too, as you never know when that situation might be reversed.
Don’t lie to your friend: if they know you well they’ll know you’re lying or will at least be suspicious. If you find out something that you know will hurt your friend, be tactful(圆滑). Do they need to know? Would they appreciate knowing? Can you tell their mum so she can break the news? Cowardly, yes, but mums usually have a much better way with words. Remember, if you do decide to tell them and it’s painful, they will probably need some time alone, after lashing out at(抨击)the closest thing—you. In that case, play the waiting game. Then don’t beat them up about it afterwards.
A Friend for Life
Strong friendships can last a lifetime with care and consideration. The benefits are multi-folds; you’ve got someone to share birthday cake with, and especially for single people, a pub meal or a trip to the cinema is no fun alone, is it? Plus it’s always nice to know there’s someone there for you, as you’re there for them, through the bad times as well as the good. Altogether now: Oh I get by with a little help from my friends. Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends.
小题1:According to the passage we can learn that good friends should be ___________.
A.paid counselorsB.money lenders
C.good listenersD.next-door neighbors
小题2:The author brings in the topic by ___________.
A.giving negative examplesB.raising a relative question
C.describing a natural factD.explaining what friends are
小题3:The underlined phrase “a fair-weather friend” in Para 6 probably refers to a friend who _____.
A.likes only fine weather
B.will always stand by you
C.likes to make friends in fine weather
D.will run away from you when you need help badly
小题4:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The more friends you have, the happier you will be.
B.Medication is also a better way to maintain strong friendships.
C.You may lose a friend if you are always telling lies to him or her.
D.We should only make friends with those having similar interests.
小题5: From the last paragraph we can learn that the author ____________.
A.doubt whether there are true friends and friendship
B.has lost a lot of good friends without any reasons
C.has already benefited a great deal from his friends
D.has been tired of making friends with single people
小题6: Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.How to make friends.B.Friends and friendship.
C.Ways to maintain friendship.D.Boundaries of friends.
Let me take you back a couple of years. Come with me as we relearn a lesson, one that has stuck with me, in my present memory, and   36  me yet. We walked into Elida Road Hardware, an old-fashioned hardware    37___ . No automatic door, not a computer in the building. It was one that I went to fairly often. As we entered the door, two sounds    38  us. The sleigh bells of last year made that sweet, peaceful tinkle as we opened the door. The other sound was the electronic beeper that reminded Andy of our   39   .
“Good afternoon, Ryan,”     40    the cheerful greeting. Andy was a very   41    sort of owner. He was of medium build and height, and the smile on his face welcomed us.
We walked across the old wood floor. Andy asked us what he could help us with. I told him we were      42   a spring(弹簧). He very patiently replied, “l have lots of springs. You’re going to need to be more specific.”
“Just a spring for an old-fashioned screen door.”
“That’s it. A screen door spring, right down there. ” We   43  where he was pointing, and sure enough, there they were. And knew his store, and his products. That was why I came here instead of Meijer. The service couldn’t be beaten. The price; Yes. But service and  44    ;No.
I picked up one and followed him to the    45   .
He figured up the price, doing the math in his head, “ $1.88,with tax comes to $1. 99. ”
“ Put it on my dad’s account. ”
He nodded and smiled, “ Good dad’s account. ” He smiled. “I don’t know what you boys would do    46    dad’s account! ”
He handed me the ticket and as I    47    it, I asked, “You really trust my signature?”
His reply surprised,_   48    delighted me. “ When I can’t trust Jerry Hoover’s boys, I can trust nobody! ”
We left, and the brain immediately started to forget things, in order of importance. But what Andy said that day rang in my ears. And it rings in my ears today. That’s a tall order to live up to. It’s a high standard of    49   .My father made a fame for that name, and I get to enjoy the benefits. But on account of this, I must maintain that fame. And that’s     50    business.
A.presenceB.dependenceC.importance D.absence
A.looking upB.looking forC.looking intoD.looking after
A.turned toB.got toC.stuck toD.referred to
A.descriptionB.determination C.satisfactionD.imagination
A.serious B.optimisticC.silentD.successful
It was pouring outside. We all stood there   26   , some patiently , others annoyed   27   nature messed up (弄糟) their hurried day . I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens  28    away the dirt and dust of the world.
“Mom, let’s run through the rain,” a girl’s voice    29  me.
“No, honey. We’ll wait until it   30   down a bit,” Mom replied.
The young girl waited about another minute and    31  : “Mom, let’s run through the rain.”
“We’ll get wet if we do,” Mom said.
“No, we won’t, Mom. That’s not what you said this morning,” the young girl said as she  32    her Mom’s arm.
“This morning?   33   did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?”
“Don’t you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said,” If God can get us through this, he can get us through   34  .”
The entire crowd turned   35  . Mom paused and thought for a moment about    36  she would say. Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being   37   . But then we heard, “Honey, you are   38  . Let’s run through the rain. If we get wet, maybe we just need washing,” Mom said. Then    39  they ran.
We all stood    40 , smiling and laughing as they ran past the cars. Yes, they got wet. But they were   41   by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the   42   to their cars. Circumstances (境况) or people can take away your material possessions, and they can even take away your   43  . But no one can ever take away your precious   44  . So, don’t forget to make time and take the   45   to make memories every day! I hope you still take the time to run through the rain.
A.talking B.waitingC.complaining D.expecting
A.as if B.even if C.because D.when
A.taking B.putting C.driving D.washing
A.caught B.broke C.impressed D.called
A.slows B.comes C.pushes D.calms
A.asked B.repeated C.required D.added
A.pulled B.touched C.waved D.felt
A.Why B.How C.When D.Where
A.the rainB.the disease C.anythingD.something
A.stillB.silent C.serious D.angry
A.what B.howC.whether D.if
A.dishonestB.sillyC.daring D.forgetful
A.rightB.wrong C.stupid D.clever
A.offB.along C.on D.over
A.sighingB.joking C.discussing D.watching
A.followedB.guided C.respected D.praised
A.time B.way C.same D.best
A.house B.money C.healthD.time
A.childrenB.memories C.courage D.experience
Tomorrow evening I will be interviewed on stage by a museum official. I will be an interpreter, talking from experience as a disability rights lawyer and activist.
In “special” schools and camps for children with physical and mental disabilities, I grew up knowing we were a category of person that the world did not want. Most of us had a story of some doctor advising our parents to put up away or to let us die. We owed our survival to parents who had irrationally(不理性地) bonded with us. We knew we were lucky and hoped our luck would hold. To increase the chance of surviving, we tended to be charming. We developed thick skins.
By the time I roll onto the stage the next night, I’ve thought a lot about there and here, then and now. When the first question comes, I tell them about my fascination with the wheelchair, and somehow it sounds funny, and laughter fills the room. We talk from the horror of Nazis killing (Nazis once killed the disabled patients as useless) to a funny confession that I, too, tend to stare at disabled people on the street.
What has come over me? In this room, people with disabilities in thrilling variety make me feel at home. Here people, disabled and not, are gathered by choice.
I haven’t forgotten that 2 million people remain in US disability institutions, that some disabled children still cannot attend mainstream schools, that too many of us live in poverty. But I can’t hold onto anger and sorrow for I feel a shared sense of possibility, a drive for a world that will embrace both the fit and the unfit and hold them so dear that the division dies.
小题1:What’s the author according to the passage?
A.A disabled lawyer.
B.A reporter.
C.An actor
D.An interviewer
小题2:The underlined phrase “thick skins” in the second paragraph probably means__.
A.with more clothes
B.making skin dirty
C.caring nothing of ignorance
D.growing more slowly than others
小题3:The second paragraph is mainly focused on ________.
A.the growth of the disabled people
B.the hatred of the disabled people
C.the love of the disabled people
D.the appreciation of the disabled people
小题4:It can be sensed but not clearly stated that the author________.
A.likes to be interviewed in a museum
B.can tell funny stories
C.has charming personality
D.is humorous and optimistic
小题5:What’s the author’s attitude towards the future?
-I was six when I joined my father and two elder brothers at sunrise in the fields of Eufaula, Okla. ___31__ the time I was eight I was helping Dad fix up old furniture. He gave me a cent for every nail I__32__out of old boards.
  I got my first__33__job, at JM’s Restaurant in town, when I was 12. My main responsibilities(职责) were__34__tables and washing dishes,__35__sometimes I helped cook.
  Every day after school I would__36__to JM’s and work until ten. Even on Saturdays I__37__from two until eleven. At that age it was difficult going to work and__38__my friends run off to swim or play. I didn’t necessarily like work, but I loved what working__39__me to have. Because of my__40__I was always the one buying when my friends and I went to the local Tastee Freez. This made me__41__.
  Word that I was trustworthy and hard-working__42__around town. A local clothing store offered me credit (赊帐)__43__I was only in seventh grade. I immediately__44__a $68 sports coat and a $22 pair of shoes. I was__45__only 65 cents an hour, and I already owed the storekeeper $90! So I learned__46__the danger of easy credit. I paid it__47__as soon as I could.
My first job taught me self-control, responsibility and brought me a__48__of personal satisfaction few of my friends had experienced. As my father,__49__worked three jobs, once told me, "If you__50__sacrifice(奉献) and responsibility, there are not many things in life you can’t have." How right he was.
It was Monday,Mrs Smith’s dog was hungry,but there was not any meat in the house.
Considering that there was no better way,Mrs Smith took a piece of paper,and wrote the following words on it:”Give my dog half a pound of meat.” Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently:”Take this paper to the butcher(卖肉者),and he is going to give you your lunch today.”
Holding the piece of paper in its mouth,the dog ran to the butcher’s shop.It gave the paper to the butcher.The butcher read it carefully ,he was sure that it was really the lady’s handwriting and presently did as he was asked to.The dog was very happy,and ate the meat up immediately.
At midnight the dog came to the shop again.It gave the butcher a piece of paper again.After reading it ,he gave it half a pound of meat once more.
The next day the dog came again exactly at midday.And as usual it brought a piece of paper in the mouth.This time the butcher did not take a look at the paper,and gave the dog its meat,for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers.
But the dog came again at four o’clock.And the same thing happened once again.To the butcher’s more surprise ,it came for the third time at six o’clock,and brought with it a third piece of paper.The butcher felt a bit puzzled.He said to himself,”This is a small dog.Why does Mrs. Smith give it so much meat to eat today?”
Looking at the piece of paper,he found that there were not any words on it!
小题1:It seemed that the dog knew well that the paper its master gave it______.
A.might do it much harm
B.could do it much good
C.would give the butcher some meat
D.was worth many pounds
小题2:The butcher did not give any meat to the dog______.
A.when he found the words on the paper were not very clear
B.because he happened to have sold out all the meat in his shop
C.until he was paid enough by Mrs Smith
D.before he felt sure that the words were really written by Mrs Smith
小题3:From its experience,the dog found that______.
A.a piece of paper could bring him half a pound of meat
B.only the paper from Mrs Smith’s words on it could bring it meat
C.the butcher would give it meat whenever he saw it
D.Mrs Smith would pay for the meat it got from the butcher
小题4:At the end of the story you’ll find that______.
A.the dog was clever enough to write on the paper
B.the butcher found himself cheated by the smart animal
C.the dog dared not go to the butcher’s any more
D.the butcher was told not to give any meat to the dog

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