
Recently, my family and I attended a neighborhood oyster(牡蛎)roast. While standing at the large tables ___ and eating oysters, I noticed a school aged boy across the table from us. He was being __ oysters and by a man having a great deal of __ and displeasure trying to swallow them down.

At first, I thought the man wanted the boy to __ the oysters and it would stop.  But __ we stood there, it continued. And with __ oyster the suffering of this boy becoming more and more __ as he fought back tears and struggled to swallow them. I __ learned that the man felt the boy had been impolite and this was his __ .

I couldn’t watch. I hesitated whether to get involved or __ . Then I had an idea. I grabbed my daughter and our frisbee(飞盘) __ walked our way next to the man and the boy, attracting their attention __. Then we introduced ourselves as not to knowing many __ there, we invited the boy to come and play frisbee with us.

The man allowed it and __ the boy’s situation changed. He became friendly and __. He ran up and down happily to __ the flying dish. We pulled another child into our __ and played frisbee for a good 30 minutes together. I was so relaxed to __ the suffering I was witnessing in that moment. And it made me feel __ that trying to help in that or any situation where you __ suffering is the best thing to do.

1.A. chatting B. playing C. quarrelling D. discussing

2.A. bought B. told C. sent D. handed

3.A. effort B. time C. difficulty D. pleasure

4.A. keep B. try C. hate D. have

5.A. since B. if C. as D. once

6.A. other B. his C. each D. that

7.A. valuable B. obvious C. peaceful D. important

8.A. latter B. still C. therefore D. ever

9.A. warning B. reward C. reaction D. punishment

10.A. calm down B. walk away C. hide away D. watch over

11.A. or B. so C. and D. but

12.A. on purpose B. in return C. as usual D. at present

13.A. people B. friends C. strangers D. neighbours

14.A. exactly B. immediately C. nervously D. carefully

15.A. creative B. anxious C. shy D. talkative

16.A. beat B. touch C. catch D. hold

17.A. family B. group C. dinner D. union

18.A. change B. reduce C. remove D. end

19.A. certain B. doubtful C. easy D. hopeful

20.A. bring B. experience C. ignore D. see

15.When I told my father that I was moving to Des Moines,Iowa,he told me about the only time he had been there.It was in the 1930s,when he was an editor of the literary magazine of Southern Methodist University(SMU) in Dallas,Texas.He also worked as a professor at SMU,and there was a girl student in his class who suffered from a serious back disease.She couldn't afford the operation because her family was poor.
Her mother ran a boardinghouse in Galveston,a seaside town near Houston,Texas.She was cleaning out the attic(阁楼) one day when she came across an old dusty manuscript(手稿).On its top page were the words,"By O.Henry."It was a nice story,and she sent it to her daughter at SMU,who showed it to my father.My father had never read the story before,but it sounded like O.Henry,and he knew that O.Henry had once lived in Houston.So it was possible that the famous author had gone to the beach and stayed in the Galveston boardinghouse,and had written the story there and left the manuscript behind by accident.My father visited an O.Henry expert at Columbia University in New York,who authenticated the story as O.Henry's.
My father then set out to sell it.Eventfully,he found himself in Des Moines,meeting with Gardner Cowles,a top editor at the Des Moines Register.Cowles loves the story and bought it on the spot.My father took the money to the girl.It was just enough for her to have the operation she so badly needed.
My father never told me what the O.Henry story was about.But I doubt that it could have been better than his own story.
24.Who found the O.Henry's manuscript?A
A.The girl's mother.
B.The author's father.
C.The girl.
D.The author.
25.Which of the following might explain the fact that the manuscript was found in the attic?B
A.O.Henry once worked in Houston.
B.O.Henry once stayed in Galveston.
C.O.Henry once moved to Des Moines.
D.O.Henry once taught at SMU.
26.The underlined word"authenticated"in Paragraph 2probably means"C".
27.According to the text,why did the author's father go to Des Moines?A
A.To sell the O.Henry story.
B.To meet the author himself.
C.To talk with the O.Henry expert.
D.To give money to the girl.

We are seeking for qualified and experienced candidates to join our fast growing team for the following positions at Ratchathewi (Head Office), Pracha – Uthit (site), Pantai Norasing (site), Thepharak (site), and a few other incoming projects in Bangkok.

●Project Managers

-Degree in Civil / Structural Engineering

-Minimum 7 years’ working experience in similar capacity, preferably in building construction.

-Ability to plan and execute works, keep deadlines, control cost and implement continual quality improvement

-Possess leadership attributes, good interpersonal and follow-up skill to motivate subordinates and develop team spirit

-Possess a valid driving license

●Accounting Officer

—Degree in Accounting

—Minimum 1~2 years accounting experience

—Knowledge of accounting packages & spreadsheets

●Account Executive / Finance Executive

—Degree in Accounting

—Preferably 3 years’ accounting experience VAT, Withholding tax compliance & submission

—Knowledge of accounting packages & spreadsheets

—Expert at English and Thai (泰国语) spoken or written

—Ability to handle full set accounts

●Senior Admin. Asst.

—Minimum 5 years experience in Building Construction company is preferable

—Computer literate with knowledge in Microsoft Office

—Good command of both written and oral English compulsory

—Female preferred

●Site Supervisor

—Diploma / Certificate in Building or Civil Engineering

—Minimum 5 years’ working experience in building construction or precast (预制的) concrete manufacturing

—Able to work independently and co–ordinate work effectively

All positions mention above requires candidates with good command of both written and oral English. Interested candidate, please send your application stating full qualification, work experience and expected salary together with a copy of transcript and a recent photograph to the address below:

ASCE Construction Limited.

503/19E K.S.L. Tower (11TH Floor), Sri-Ayudthaya Rd., Thanon Phayathai,

Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400

TEL: - 02642-6272 , 02642-6120

FAX: - 02642-6273

E-MAIL: asce_construction@hotmail.com

1.If you want to apply for the position of a project manager, you must have ________.

A. the ability to work independently

B. a degree in accounting

C. six years of experience at least

D. the qualification to drive

2.Most of the positions require the following EXCEPT ________.

A. a suitable degree

B. certain working experience

C. professional computer knowledge

D. a good command of English

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Candidates can only apply by mail.

B. More companies will be founded in Bangkok.

C. Candidates must be able to speak both English and Thai.

D. You will benefit from your work experience.

Every four years on November 8, the American people will vote for the next U. S. president. Before election day, people following the presidential campaign will see many polls (民调). A poll is a public opinion study. Research organizations ask people questions about the candidates to find out who they support.

For example, one of the poll is run by a professor at a university in the U.S. state of Connecticut. People who work for the polling service call likely voters on the telephone.

How can one poll be so different from others? Here are some things to remember when you are looking at polls:

Not all polling groups are the same

Some polls target specific groups of people. Many polls make sure they collect many different opinions. Sometimes, however, polling organizations receive money from groups that support a specific political issue. It is important to look at which group carried out the poll along with the results.

A poll's method is important

Some polls are using new technology. Traditionally, polls are done over the phone. But that is slowly changing. Many polls are now done online. While online polls can produce good information, it is sometimes hard to reach as many different types of people over the Internet.

Also important the size of the poll. Try to find out how many people were polled before believing its results.

Polls are not predictions(预测)

Polls only show how people feel at one moment in time. They do not show what will happen in the future. Public opinion may change before the general election on November 8. Some things that could change the opinions of voters include: the debates on television, the release of the candidates’ tax or medical records, and unexpected illnesses.

1.What do political polls in the U. S. try to do?

A. Call on people to be active in the election.

B. Help political parties to win the election.

C. Find out the support rate in the election.

D. Affect people's opinions in the election.

2.What do you know about polling organizations?

A. Some serve for certain groups. B. They all collect different opinions.

C. They all make money from their polls. D. All of them try to find the correct results.

3.What is the disadvantage of polls done online?

A. People may refuse to respond. B. Results sometimes lack of representation.

C. Only the young give their ideas. D. People refuse to tell their true thoughts.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Effects of Political Polls in the U. S..

B. Various Kinds of Political Polls in the U. S..

C. Ways to Carry Out Political Polls in the U. S..

D. Things to Know About Political Polls in the U. S..

Many of the new ideas and attitudes that marked the Renaissance times were shown in art.A new idea called humanism put a focus on human interests,needs,and abilities.This new ides changed how artists painted their subjects as well as the choice of subjects they painted.

Change of Subjects

In the Middle Ages,the subject of almost all European art was religion,specifically Christianity and the Catholic Church.Although Renaissance artists continued to paint religious paintings,they also branched out to other subjects including Creek and Roman mythology(神话),historical subjects,and portraits(肖像)of individuals.They also focused on the details of everyday life.


One of the big changes in art was to paint and sculpt subjects realistically.This is called realism and concerned with a number of techniques that make the subjects and background look like what they would in real life.This also meant giving the subjects more emotional qualities.

Many new techniques were introduced during the Renaissance.These techniques helped to improve the quality and realism of the art.

Perspective—perspective is drawing or painting a picture such that it looks like there are three dimensions.It gives the illusion(错觉)that some objects in the painting are further away than others.

Balance and Proportion—Drawing subjects such that they are the correct she when compared to each other.

Use of Light and Dark—Many artists started using light and shadows in their works to add drama, perspective,and timing to their art.

Sfumato—a technique used by Leonardo da Vinci to add additional perspective and dimension to paintings.It was a way of blurring(变暗)the lines between subjects.This technique was used in Leonardo's Mona Lisa.

Foreshortening—It is another technique that adds perspective and depth to paintings;foreshortening is a way of shortening lines to give the illusion of depth.

1.Before the Renaissance,what was(were) the primary subject(s) of paintings during the Middle Ages ?

A. Kings and Queens. B. Portraits of people.

C. Greek Mythology. D. Christianity.

2.What does realism mean when referring to paintings and art?

A. That the subjects and background appear as they would in real life.

B. That the paintings are landscapes of nature with no people.

C. That the painting is flat with little perspective.

D. That the subjects are only people.

3.What artistic technique make(s) some objects in a picture look further away than others?

A. Perspective. B. Balance and Proportion.

C. Sfumato. D. Light and Dark.

4.What was foreshortening?

A. When artists painted people shorter than they really were.

B. A way of making people look taller than they really were.

C. A technique where artists shortened lines to make some special effects.

D. When artists used shadow and light in their paintings to give the illusion of depth.

How to Feel Beautiful to the Inside

Public opinion may have some say in who is considered “beautiful” on the outside, but inner beauty takes on a whole other meaning. 1.. Learn what beauty means to you and have the confidence to live by your own rules starting today.

Ask yourself what beauty means to you. How do you define(定义)inner beauty? Is it a person who is always smiling? Someone who has kind words for everyone he meets? Or, is your definition of beauty more complex? 2.. Take a pen and a notebook and write down some words that help you describe inner beauty.

Have confidence in who you are. In addition to stressing your character strengths, you can apply other ways to feel more confident3.. This can be anything from making music to playing sports. Doing things you are good at builds self-respect.

Smile and laugh more. 4., just arranging your face into a smiling expression can thoroughly change your mood. Smiles can lead to a more positive mood and a more hopeful attitude. It can not only make you feel beautiful inside, but also improve your outer beauty.

5.. A reliable method of developing your own inner beauty is adopting the habit of seeing the beauty in everything. All around you, there are amazing people, places and things. Make an effort to slow down and acknowledge these daily.

A. Notice the beauty around you.

B. When you want to get feelings of confidence.

C. Even if you don’t quite feel up to it at the moment.

D. Besides, you should try to laugh as much as possible.

E. Take a moment to reflect on what beauty means to you.

F. It has more to do with your character than your appearance.

G. Frequently take party in activities in which you perform well.

17.Two men,both seriously ill,were in the same hospital room.(16)Bman was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon.His bed was next to the room's only(17)D.The other man had to spend all his time lying on his back.
They talked for hours(18)A.Every afternoon when the man by the window could sit up,he(19)Apass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.The other man felt his world would be(20)Cand enlivened (有生机) by all the wonderful world outside.
The window overlooked a(21)Dwith a lovely lake.Ducks played on the water while children(22)Ctheir model boats.Young lovers walked arm in arm in flowers.A fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the(23)A.
As the man by the window described all this in(24)C,the other man would close his eyes and(25)Bthe beautiful scene.One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade(游行) passing(26)B.Although the other man couldn't hear the(27)D,he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window pictured it with(28)Awords.
Days and weeks passed.
One morning,the nurse arrived,(29)Dto find the lifeless body of the man by the window,who had died eacefully in his sleep.She was saddened and had the body taken away.
The other man asked to be(30)Cnext to the window.Painfully,he sat up to take his first look at the world outside.(31)B he would have the joy of seeing it for himself.
He slowly turned to look out of the window.It faced a blank wall.
The man asked the nurse what could have got his(32)Cto describe such wonderful things outside.The nurse(33)Athat the man was blind."Perhaps he just wanted to(34)D you."
Shared sorrow is half the sorrow,(35)Bhappiness when shared,is doubled.
16.A.The oneB.OneC.AnotherD.This
18.A.on endB.in factC.at lastD.after all

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