
We would like to wish all our readers a wonderful winter break. Our January magazine is now in the shops and available digitally. We're looking forward to sharing more adventures and discoveries with you in 2014, including :

At a crossroads in the Atlantic

As the population of Ascension Island rises up to mark the 200th anniversary of British rule, Fred Pearce wonders what the future might have in store for this strange part of land.

Photo story : On the road again

A selection of images from an exhibition opening this month at the Royal Geographical Society go hand in hand with !VI Aurel Stein's early 20th-century photographs of the Silk Road.

Dossier : Going underground

Mark Rowe discusses the role that carbon storage can play in the global effort to reduce carbon dioxide emission (排放)-

Net loss

Kit Gillet reports from the Gulf of Thailand, whose fisheries (渔场)have been almost destroyed by the commercialization of the Thai fishing industry.

And don't forget'..

―a round-up of the latest geographical and climate science news; a hot spot focus on Turkey; advice on taking photographs in Antarctica; an interview with Lucien Castaing-Taylor, professor of visual arts at Harvard; plus lots, lots more--

Buy your copy now , click here and save up to 35 % or call+44 (0)1635 588 496. Our magazine is also available in WHSmith and many independent newsagents.

5.    Who took photos of the Silk Road?

A.    M Aurel Stein.

B.    Fred Pearce.

C.    Mark Rowe.

D.    Lucien Castaing-Taylor.

6.    If   you   want   to   read   something   about global warming, you can read .

A.    At a crossroads in the Atlantic

B.    Photo story: On the road again

C.    Dossier: Going underground

D.    Net loss

7.    Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.    Ascension Island has a bright future with more population.

B.    Commercialization contributes to the loss of fisheries in Thailand.

C.    The January edition of 2016 is to come out in the winter break.

D.    The topics of this magazine focus on geography and interviews.

8.  The passage is written to .

A.    share adventures and discoveries

B.    give advice on taking photos

C.    attract readers to buy the magazine

D.    introduce the content of the magazine


A细节理解题。根据文章Photo story部分的"…images from an exhibition opening this month at the Royal Geograph?ical Society go hand in hand with M Aurel Stein's early 20th-century photographs of the Silk Road.,'可知,是M Aurel Stein拍了丝绸之路的照片,故选A项。

C 细节理解题。根据文章Going underground部分的内容"Mark Rowe discusses the role that carbon storage can play in the global effort to reduce carbon dioxide emission(排放).,,可知,如果想读关于全球气温变暖的文章,可以读Dossier: Going underground,故选C项。

B细节理解题。根据文章Net loss部分的"Kit GUlet re?ports from the Gulf of Thailand, whose fisheries(渔场)have been almost destroyed by the commercialization of the Thai fishing industry."可知,商业化导致泰国的渔场受损,故选B项。

C推理判断题。根据广告的第一段内容"We woukllike to wish ail our readers a wonderful winter break. Our January magazine is now in the shops and available digitally."可知,这篇文章是向读者推荐杂志的,故选C项。


We all know the importance of curiosity, and here are some tips on how to develop it.

Keep an open mind. This is essential if you are to have a curious mind. Be open to learning, unlearning, and relearning things. 9 Therefore, you should be prepared to accept this possibility and change your mind.

10 Most people just accept the world as it is. This way, they will certainly lose the "holy curiosity". Try to dig deeper beneath the surface of what is around you. A sure way to dig deeper beneath the surface is asking questions. What, why, when, who, where, and how are the questions curious people always ask.

Don't label anything as boring. Whenever you label something as boring, you close one more door of possi?bilities. Curious people are unlikely to consider things boring. 11 Even if they don't yet have time to ex?plore them, they will leave the door open to be visited another time.

Take learning as something fun. If you see learning as a burden, there's no way you will want to dig deeper into anything. That will just make the burden heavier. However, if you think of learning as something fun, you will naturally want to dig deeper. 12

Read diverse materials. It will introduce you to the possibilities and excitement of other worlds which may attract your interest in exploring further. One easy way to do this is through reading diverse materials. 13 It'll feed your mind with the excitement of a new world.

A.    Never take things as granted.

B.    Don't spend too much time on just one world.

C.    Try to pick a book or a magazine on a new subject.

D.    Some things you know and believe might be wrong.

E.    It doesn't matter that you don't agree to others' opinions.

F.    Instead t they always see these things as a door to a new exciting world.

G.    So look at life through the glasses of fun and enjoy the learning process.

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