
【题目】There are rolling hills and ivy-covered brick buildings. There are small classrooms, high-tech labs, and green fields. There’s even a clock tower with a massive bell that rings for special events.

Cushing Academy has all the characteristics of a New England school, with one exception. This year, after having had a collection of more than 20,000 books, officials have decided the 144-year-old school no longer needs a traditional library. They have decided to give away all their books. The future, they believe, is digital.

“When I look at books, I see an outdated technology,” said James Tracy, headmaster of Cushing. “We’re not discouraging students from reading. We see this as a natural way to shape emerging trends and use technology. Instead of a traditional library, we’re building a virtual library where students will have access to millions of books on the computer. We see this as a model for the 21st-century school.”

Not everyone on campus is sold on Tracy’s vision.

Liz Vezina, a librarian at Cushing for 17 years, said she never imagined working as the director of a library without any books. “It makes me mad,” said Vezina, who has made a career of introducing students to books. “I’m going to miss them, and there’s something lost when they are done on a computer. There’s sensual side to them the smell, the feel, the physicality of a book is something really special.”

Cushing is one of the first schools in the country to give up its books. William Powers, author of a book called the changes at Cushing “radical(激进的)” and “a huge loss for students”.

“There are modes of learning and thinking that at the moment are only available from actual books,” he said. “There is a kind of deep-dive reading that’s almost impossible to do on a screen. Without books, students are more likely to do the quick reading that screens enable, rather than be by themselves with the author’s ideas.”

【1】What is special about Cushing Academy?

A. It is built in rolling mountains

B. Its buildings are covered with ivy.

C. There will be no books in its library.

D. There is a clock tower with a big bell.

【2】The underlined sentence in the passage probably means _________.

A. not all people agree with Tracy’s idea

B. Tracy’s idea is welcome in the school

C. in Tracy’s opinion not all books are sold

D. not everyone can imagine a virtual library

【3】改编According to the Powers, actual books can make students _________.

A. do a lot of quick reading

B. develop the habit of reading

C. experiencing the pleasure of reading

D. make sense of the author’s views deeply

【4】What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Cushing is facing challenges

B. The Internet library promises a bright future

C. A library says goodbye to books

D. Cushing leads the world in digital technology








【1】C 细节理解题。由第二段They have decided to give away all their books,可知他们选择舍弃传统图书馆从而转向数字化。故选D

【2】A 句意理解题。由第五段Liz Vezina…said she never imagined working as the director of a library without any books. “It makes me mad,”可知,不是所有人都赞成Tracy。故选A。

【3】D 细节理解题。由最后一段There is a kind of deep-dive reading that’s almost impossible to do on a screen...rather than be by themselves with the author’s ideas可知学生只有通过实体书才能更深层次地理解作者的想法,而屏幕带来的只是快速阅读。故选A



【题目】Traveling in Viet Nam was like visiting a mysterious neighbor. You have lived next door to each other for years but knew very little about what happened on the other side of the fence.

I traveled there last August. A simple 180-kilometre trip from a Chinese border town to Hanoi, capital of Viet Nam, took an adventurous eight hours. That's because the country still doesn't have a modern expressway system. The major passage going through the peninsula(半岛)is only a two-way road. Also, many areas are mountainous.

Vietnamese drivers are impatient and fearless. They compete with each other at full speed no matter how scared the passengers feel. When the bus shook us violently many times, the driver made a joke to make us feel better. “See, this is just a gift Vietnamese people give you, a free passage service.”

It was midnight when I reached the hotel. Turning on the television, I was surprised by something All the characters in the TV dramas spoke in the same voice. At present, modern Korean dramas and historical Chinese dramas are popular with the Vietnamese. But it seemed they didn't have enough money to dub (配音)all these programmes. So, the same boring woman would appear behind every drama to speak for the roles.

The next morning when I opened the window, I found myself in a huge "garden". The buildings in the streets were dressed in all kinds of colors you can imagine. Vietnamese residents are allowed to paint their houses as they like. Each one is different and the colors bring the city alive.

1Before the author traveled in Viet Nam, he __________.

A. had known a lot about the neighboring country

B. knew little about the neighboring country

C. had thought he would have a chance to visit the country

D. thought the country was very rich

2On the way to Hanoi, the author __________.

A. was struck by the beautiful scenery in Viet Nam

B. was regretful for this travel

C. was in high spirits

D. was not pleased with Vietnamese drivers

3All the characters in the TV dramas spoke in the same voice be-cause __________.

A. they all had the same accent

B. few people show interest in dubbing

C. the persons who dub may be looked down upon

D. they had no ability to afford so much money

4Which of the following can be used to describe the buildings in Hanoi?

A. Very common. B. retraditional.

C. Very colorful. D. Rather dull.

【题目】【原创】In the " Mystery Spot" in California, you will be able to experience what it's like to live in a gravity-free world, without ever leaving the earth.

Discovered in 1939, the area where Mystery Spot is located was originally marked for a summer cabin. But when people tried to chart the plot, their instruments started going out of control. Investigators that were sent to look into the strange phenomenon reported feeling light-headed as though some invisible force was trying to knock them off balance. The decision to build the summer cabin was abandoned. Instead, the owners decided to build a structure that they called the Mystery Spot and open it to the public so that everyone could experience it.

Over the years, thousands of tourists have flooded to the 150-square-foot area to see short people appear the same height as tall ones and experience leaning at impossible angles without falling over.

So what causes these strange things to happen? Some believe that it is because the area is an electromagnetic(电磁的) hotspot, while others are convinced that there are some unknown geological forces at work to contradict the law of gravity.

Rational scientists have thrown cold water on all these theories. In 1981, Ray Hyman, a psychology professor, conducted a study on this and other similar mystery spots that have been " discovered" in various parts of the country. His conclusion? It's because of the way the structures have been constructed.

Though they appear to be normal structures, they are like funhouses, filled with floors that are not level, corners that are not squared and walls that are not vertical.

Some experts believe that mystery spots such as the one in Santa Cruz are a product of the Great Depression, when the only industry that was growing in America was entertainment.

【1What can we do in the " Mystery Spot" in California?

A. To experience what it is like to have no gravity. '

B. To make preparations to leave the earth for space.

C. To communicate with astronauts in space.

D. To look for answers to many mysteries.

【2What does the underlined word "it" refer to in Para. 2 ?

A. Charting a place with advanced instruments.

B. Being made light-hearted and happy by some force.

C. What it's like to have no gravity in a place.

D. Seeing short people grow tall.

【3What's the explanation of some rational scientists to the strange phenomenon?

A. The Mystery Spot is located in an electromagnetic hotspot.

B. There are some unknown geological forces underground.

C. The Mystery Spot is a normal structure like funhouses.

D. The Mystery Spot was built in a special way,

【4After the Mystery Spot was built, it _________.

A. has become a spot where hot movies are made

B. has become a tourist attraction

C. has been a place where short people always go

D. has become a scientific research center

【题目】Here is some information for you if you want to make a visit to Xi’an.

Admission Fee:

CNY150 (March 1 - end of November) CNY120 (December 1 - end of February)

The fare is for the Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s Mausoleum Site Park Through Ticket including the Museum of Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses, Lishan Garden and shuttle buses inside the scenic area.

Guide Services:

The exhibits are so well explained in both Chinese and English. However, visitors can also enjoy the guide services. It costs around CNY 100 to hire a guide.

Ticket Selling Hours:

Sell tickets from 08:30 to 17:00 (March 16-Nov.15), stop check-in at 18:35;

Sell tickets from 08:30 to 16:30 (Nov.16-March 15), stop check-in at 18:05


From Xi’an Xianyang International Airport:

Visitors can take Airport Shuttle Line 2 to Xi’an Railway Station. The bus departs every hour from 10:15 to 19:15 at 1F of T2 and the ticket costs CNY 25. Visitors can also hire a taxi from the airport and the fare is about CNY 200.

From downtown Xi’an:

Take tourism bus No.306 from the east square of Xi’an Railway Station or 307 from the /span>south gate of Tang Paradise. The whole journey takes about one hour. The bus fare is CNY7 per person.

Getting Around:

Battery-powered motor vehicles and ancient-style carriages are available for visitors to tour around the mausoleum.

30 free shuttle buses are traveling between the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum and the Museum of Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses for tourists’ convenience. One can take them by showing the entrance ticket.


Time for a Visit:

The museum is crowded in the morning because there are too many group visitors. Therefore, independent visitors may visit the museum in the early afternoon to avoid the crowds. However, they should not miss the last bus that returns from the museum to Xi’an at 19:00.

1】A couple who want to visit the Museum in January should pay at least _______.

A. CNY 120 B. CNY 150 C. CNY 240 D. CNY 300

2】It can be learned from the passage that _______.

A. guide services are free of charge

B. there are more visitors in the morning

C. most guides speak in more than two languages

D. visitors can get around by free motor cars

3】Which of the following is false according to the passage?

A. Visitors with through tickets cannot take free shuttle buses.

B. The last bus returns from the Museum at 19:00.

C. Visitors had better enter the Museum with a ticket in the early afternoon.

D. Bus No. 307 starts from the south of Xi’an Railway Station.

4 The passage is written to_______.

A. introduce the history of Xi’an

B. give some detailed information to visitors to Xi’an

C. recommend transportation to tour around Xi’an

D. offer the guide services in Xi’an

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