
It is easy for many people to catch a cold in the springtime or fall. It makes us wonder if scientists can send a man to the moon, why can’t they find a cure for the common cold? The answer is easy. There are actually hundreds of kinds of cold viruses out there. You never know which one you will get, so there isn’t a cure for each one.
When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it. Blood rushes to your nose and cause a block in it. You feel terrible because you can’t breathe well, but your body is actually eating the virus. Your temperature goes up and you get a fever, but the heat of your body is killing the virus. You also have a runny nose to stop the virus from getting into your cells. You may feel very uncomfortable, but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the cold.
Different people do different things to deal with colds. In the United States and some other countries, for example, people might eat chicken soup to make themselves feel better. Some people take hot baths and drink warm liquids. Other people take medicine to stop various symptoms (症状) of colds.
There is one interesting thing to note —some scientists say taking medicines when you have a cold is actually bad for you. The virus stays in you longer because your body doesn’t have a way to fight it and kill it. Bodies can do an amazing job on their own. There is a joke, however, on taking medicine when you have a cold. It goes like this:
It takes about one week to get over a cold if you don’t take medicine, but it takes only seven days to get over a cold if you take medicine.
How Much You Know About the Common Cold
◆People catch a cold 61.        in spring or fall.
◆A 62.         of cold viruses exist everywhere.
◆It is hard to find a cure for each cold.
The symptoms of the
common cold
◆The body’s blood as well as its temperature 63.       , causing a fever.
◆You will find that you have some difficulty 64.     .
◆You have a runny nose, which makes you feel miserable.
Some 65.      of
dealing with the
common cold
◆Drinking chicken soup to help you 66.      .
◆Taking hot baths and drinking warm 67. ________.
◆Taking some medicine.
68.      by
some scientists
◆Taking medicine when having a cold will do 69.     to the body.
◆Taking medicine or not will take you one week to 70.      the common cold.


小题1:根据It is easy for many people to catch a cold in the springtime or fall.可知,应用easily来修饰catch.
小题2:根据There are actually hundreds of kinds of cold viruses out there.可知,用a variety of
小题3:根据Your temperature goes up,可知此处应用rises。
小题4:根据You feel terrible because you can’t breathe well。可知,这里是have some difficulty doing的句型。
小题6:根据people might eat chicken soup to make themselves feel better.可知,此处应变成recover。
小题7:原词重现。根据Some people take hot baths and drink warm liquids.可得。
小题9:根据taking medicines when you have a cold is actually bad for you.可知转换成:do harm to
小题10:根据It takes about one week to get over a cold if you don’t take medicine,可知,答案为cure(治愈)。
There are many ways to keep kids of all ages physically fit besides sports.
If your child is a natural athlete or ___1____ lover, he or she is probably already active and __2___ easy to get moving. But if, like me, you are the parent of a junior sofa potato, complete with a(n) __3____ controller in one hand and a bag of potato chips in the other, you know what it is like to have your ___4__ to go outside to play met with, at best, silence or at worst, cry and ___5___.
If logic, threats and lectures on health don’t work, turn to __6___: trick him or her into liking by making it into fun. __7____ enjoyment, not pressure or physical fitness or anything that seems to be “good for you”. That is where the dancing and nature walks ___8____. Health experts say that the answer to the question, “Which type of exercise is best for my child?” is “Whichever one he or she likes best.” It doesn’t have to be swimming or soccer or gymnastics. ____9___ play, especially with the rest of the family, will ___10___ the body’s requirements for regular aerobic movement (有氧运动) just well, and won’t ever seem like exercising.
___11____, if nature is an interest, walk vigorously around finding every leaf, insect, and _12___ print in the park. If rock radio is the station of choice, ___13____ to the music. Get the family members playing catch, touch football together. Organize a(n) __14____ science group to walk around your neighborhood and pick your rubbish. Make every trip to the pool an excuse for playing games in the water together.
Remember that the goal is to set a pattern for lifelong fitness. And if you don’t make it _15___, kids are never going to keep it up.
A.air-conditionerB.cooking stove
A.give inB.come inC.result inD.believe in
A.For exampleB.By contrastC.In proportionD.At most
With big handbags becoming a key fashion accessory(配饰) for working women, health experts are warning they can also become a key health concern.
Bags for women have become bigger and heavier as designers combine briefcases with handbags and straps have become longer, resulting in many users complaining of neck, shoulder and back problems.
“I see so many women with neck pains and headaches and what I usually do is look for their purse and pick it up,”said Jane Sadler, a family practice physician at Baylor Medical Center in Garland, Texas.“We take it over to the scale and weigh it and usually they’re anywhere from 7 to 10 pounds. We’re really going to see women with more and more problems later on if we continue the big purse craze.”
William Case, a physical therapist(临床医生)in private practice in Houston, Texas, urged designers“to place a cute, educational caution tag(标签) on all bags to inform buyers of potential neck and shoulder dangers.”Above all, he suggested correct posture while carrying big purses, keeping the head and shoulders upright. Patients should also often change the size and weight of purses carried.
“The extra-large purses are quite extraordinary. They look beautiful when the women wear them, but I don’t know how aware they are of the potential problems,”Case said.
Placing objects on one shoulder was one of the least efficient(高效率的) ways of carrying a load, according to a professor from Cornell University in New York State.“This causes a great imbalance,”he said.“If a big bag is a fashion accessory, then occasional and symbolic use is fine. If not, then keep it light.”
小题1:Jane Salder would“look for their purse and pick it up”in order to see whether the purses                        .
A.contained enoughB.were worth a lot of pounds
C.were too heavyD.were too large
小题2:Which correctly explains the meaning of the underlined word“posture”in the 4th paragraph?
A.The way you position your body.
B.The part of your body where you place a weight.
C.The strength you use to carry a weight.
D.The height of the weight you carry.
小题3: None of the experts advised big bag users to             .
A.be aware of the big-bag problems
B.wear big bags in the right way
C.avoid using big bags very often
D.give up the fashion to keep fit
Why do people drink too much, eat too much, smoke cigarettes or take drugs? What’s to blame for all the bad behavior? Most people would say that, while these self-destructive acts can have many root causes, they all have one obvious thing in common: they are all examples of failures of self-control, lacking the will power to resist them.
According to a recent study, however, if you really think about it, something about that simple answer doesn’t quite make sense. In fact, it turns out that sometimes it’s having will power that really gets you into trouble.
Think back to the time you took your very first sip of beer. Disgusting, wasn’t it? When my father gave me my first taste of beer as a teenager, I wondered why anyone would voluntarily drink it. And smoking? No one enjoys their first cigarette — it tastes awful. So even though smoking, and drinking alcohol or coffee, can become temptation(attraction) you need will power to resist, they never, ever start out that way.
Just getting past those first horrible experiences actually requires a lot of self-control. Ironically (讽刺的是), only those who can control themselves well, rather than give in to them, can ever come to someday develop a “taste” for Budweiser beer, Marlboro cigarettes, or dark-roasted Starbucks coffee. We do it for social acceptance. We force ourselves to consume alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and even illegal drugs, in order to seem experienced, grown-up, and cool.
These bad habits aren’t self-control failures — far from it. They are voluntary choices, and they are in fact self-control successes. Self-control is simply a tool to be put to some use, helpful or harmful. To live happy and productive lives, we need to develop not only our self-control, but also the wisdom to make good decisions about when and where to apply it.
小题1:What do most people think causes bad behavior?
A.Being forced by others. B.Not having enough will power.
C.Enjoying their first experiences.D.Following the examples of their friends.
小题2:The author mentions his experience in the third paragraph to prove ____.
A.will power helps develop bad habits sometimes
B.drinking beer is harmful to the health of teenagers
C.self-control should be developed when one is young
D.everyone can be challenged by different temptations
小题3:In the last paragraph, the author stresses(强调) that ____.
A.without self-control, no one can succeed
B.bad habits don’t always lead to bad results
C.applying self-control correctly is important
D.people can develop wisdom from bad behavior
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.My First Sip of BeerB.Do You Have Will Power ?
C.Will Power Benefits UsD.Dark Side of Self-control
“In only six days I lost seven pounds of weight.”
“Two full inches in the first three days!”
These are the kinds of statements used in magazine,newspaper,radio and television ads,promising new shapes and new looks to those who buy the medicine or the device. The promoters of products say they can shape the legs,slim the face,smooth wrinkles,or in some other way to add to beauty or desirability.
Often such products are nothing more than money­making things for their promoters. The results they produce are questionable,and some are dangerous to health.
To understand how these products can be legally promoted to the public,it is necessary to understand something of the laws covering their regulation. If the product is a drug,FDA(Food and Drug Administration)can require proof under the Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act that is safe and effective before it is put on the market. But if the product is a device,FDA has no authority to require premarketing proof of safety or effectiveness. If a product already on the market is a danger to health,FDA can request the producer or distributor to remove it from the market voluntarily,or it can take legal action,including seizure(查封)of the product.
One notable case a few years ago involved an electrical device called the Relaxacisor,which had been sold for reducing the waistline. The Relaxacisor produced electrical shocks to the body through contact pads. FDA took legal action against the distributor to stop the sale of the device on the grounds that it was dangerous to health and life.
Obviously,most of the devices on the market have never been the subject of court proceedings(法律诉讼),and new devices appear continually. Before buying,it is up to the consumer to judge the safety or effectiveness of such items.
小题1:It can be inferred that the ads mentioned in the text are________.
小题2:FDA can ask for the proof of safety and effectiveness of a product ________.
A.if it is a drug
B.if it is a device
C.if its consumers make complaints
D.if its distributors challenge FDA's authority
小题3:The Relaxacisor is mentioned as________.
A.a product which was designed to produce electricity
B.a product whose distributor was involved in a legal case
C.a successful advertisement of a beauty product
D.an example of a quality beauty product
小题4:The author intends to________.
A.make consumers aware of the promoters' false promises
B.show the weakness of the law on product safety
C.give advice on how to keep young and beautiful
D.introduce the organization of FDA
I know what you're thinking: pizza? For breakfast? But the truth is that you can have last night's leftovers in the a. m. if you want to.
I know lots of women who skip breakfast, and they have a ton of different excuses for doing it. Some say they don't have time, others think they're “saving” calories, still others just don't like breakfast food.
But the bottom line is that eating in the morning is very important when you’re trying to lose weight. “Eating just about anything from 300 to 400 calories would be better than nothing at all,” says Katherine Brooking, R, D, who developed the super-easy eating plan for this year’s “SELF CHALLENGE”. And even pizza can be healthy if it's loaded with vegetables, and you stick to one small piece.
Breakfast is one meal I never miss, and the same goes for most weight loss success stories. Research shows that eating breakfast keeps you from overeating later in the day. Researchers at the University of Southern California found that breakfast skippers have a bigger chance of gaining weight than those who regularly have a morning meal.
So eat something in the morning, anything. I know plenty of friends who end up having no breakfast altogether, and have just coffee or orange juice. I say, try heating up last night’s leftovers-it may sound crazy, but if it works for you, do it! I find if I tell myself, “You can always eat it tomorrow,” I put away the leftovers instead of eating more that night. Try it... you may save yourself some pre­bedtime calories. And watch your body gain the fat­burning effects.
小题1:The underlined word "leftovers" in Paragraph 1 probably means ______.
A.food remaining after a meal B.things left undone
C.meals made of vegetables D.pizza topped with fruit
小题2:What can we infer from the text?
A.Working women usually have breakfast in a hurry.
B.Many people have wrong ideas about breakfast.
C.There are some easy ways of cooking a meal.
D.Eating vegetables helps save energy.
小题3:According to the last paragraph, it is important to ______.
A.eat something for breakfastB.be careful about what you eat
C.heat up food before eating itD.eat calorie- controlled food
小题4:The text is written mainly for those _______.
A.who go to work earlyB.who eat before sleep
C.who stay up lateD.who want to lose weight
Welcome every morning with a smile. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.
Starting the day right can give good momentum (动力) for the rest of the day. Having a power morning is a key factor for a fruitful day. Here are some tips on getting the most out of the morning.
Wake up early. In theory, there’s no difference in waking up early or late as long as you get the proper amount of sleep. However, there is a psychological advantage when you wake up earlier than the average person and then you’ll have more time to do preparation before engaging in the real world.
Exercise. Good health is always a benefit with exercise, but studies have also shown that morning exercise helps you to sleep better at nights.
Eat breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day. According to the Mayo Clinic, we should choose three from the following four: fruits and vegetables, grains, dairy, and protein. Did you know that you can actually gain weight when you skip breakfast?
Take a shower. When you shower, do you do it in the morning or at night? I used to shower in the evenings, but I found that morning showers helped me to be more alert.
Prioritize (优先) your To-Do list. Leo coined the acronym MIT to mean “most important tasks.” Our to-do list might be never ending, but put on top of the list a couple of urgent tasks that will define the day to be a successful one.
Check your emails. Only once. Getting a lot of emails can be very distractive. You actually are more productive when you check them only a few times at fixed time of the day. I only do them 2-3 times a day—once in the morning, once at lunch, and one more as it gets toward the end of the day.
小题1:The purpose for the author to write this passage is to       .
A.tell you to get up early every day
B.offer you the best way to start the day
C.give you advice about how to arrange a day
D.advise you to prioritize your to-do list every morning
小题2:If you don’t have breakfast, you may       .
A.lose weight.B.be productive.
C.put on weight.D.be more alert.
小题3:The underlined word “coined” in Paragraph 6 means       .
小题4:The author advises you to check your emails only once because       .
A.the emails are not important
B.reading e-mails is distractive
C.you can only read e-mails at fixed time
D.getting so many emails can distract your attention
“In only six days I lost seven pounds of weight.”
“Two full inches in the first three days!”
These are the kinds of statements used in magazine, newspaper, radio and television ads, promising good shapes and new look to those who buy the medicine or the device. The promoters of products say they can shape the legs, slim the face, smooth wrinkles, or in some other way add to beauty or desirability.
Often such products are nothing more than money-making things for their promoters. The results they produce are questionable, and some are dangerous to health.
To understand how these products can be legally promoted to the public, it is necessary to understand something of the laws covering their regulation. If the product is a drug, FDA (Food Drug Administration) can require proof under the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act that it is safe and effective before it is put on the market. But if the product is a device, FDA has no authority to require premarketing proof of safety or effectiveness. If a product already on the market is a danger to health, FDA can request the producer or distributor to remove it from the market voluntarily, or it can take legal action, including seizure (查封) of the product.
One notable case a few years ago involved an electrical device called the Relaxacisor, which had been sold for reducing the waistline. The Relaxacisor produced electrical shocks to the body through contact pads. FDA took legal action against the distributor to stop the sale of the device on the grounds that was dangerous to health and life.
Obviously, most of the devices on the market have never been the subject of court proceedings (法律诉讼), and new devices appear continually, Before buying, it is up to the consumer to judge the safety or effectiveness of such items.
小题1:It can be inferred that ads mentioned in the text are_____.
小题2:The Relaxacisor is mentioned as______.
A.a product which was designed to produce electricity
B.a product whose distributor was involved in a legal case
C.a successful advertisement of a beauty product
D.an example of a quality beauty product
小题3:The author intends to______.
A.make consumers aware of the promoters’ false promise
B.show the weakness of the law on product safety
C.give advice on how to keep young and beautiful
D.introduce the organization of FDA
小题4:Which of the following is true according to the text?
A. The court is in charge of removing dangerous products.
B. New products are more likely to be questionable.
C. The production of a device must be approved by FDA.
D. The promoters usually just care about profits.
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中(A、B、C和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Most of us feel upset if we miss just one meal, and if we try to go without food for 12 hours we would really be uncomfortable. But there are some people who seem able to “fast” for very long periods.
Various records are claimed for long fast, but in most cases there is no medical proof and so the records are doubtful. One South African woman claimed that she lived for 102 days on nothinig but water and soda water.
There are great differences among living things in the ability to survive without food. For example , a tick(扁虱), which lives on animals, may survive a whole year. Warm-blooded animals use up their stores of food in the body more quickly.
In fact, the smaller and more active the animal, the more quickly it uses up its reserves. A small bird starves to death in about five days, a dog in about twenty. In general, we can say that a warm-blooded creature will die when it has lost about half its normal weight.
This matter of weight is important. Man and other creatures live in a state of metabolic equiplibrium(新陈代谢的平衡)which means maintaining the body weight once a certain point has been reached. This regulation of body weight is done by thirst, hunger, and appetite.
When your blood lacks nutritional materials, this registers(记录)in the hunger center of the brain and you feel “hungry”. The body is crying out for any kind of fuel(food). And it is our appetite that sees to it hat we chooose a mixed diet, which is the kind the body needs.
小题1:According to this passage, a man will die _________.
A.when a certain point in losing weight has been reached.
B.when his blood lacks nutritional material
C.when his normal weight is lost
D.when he goes without food for more than 12 hours
小题2:The word “fast” in Paragraph 1 can best be replaced by ________.
A.eat no foodB.live merely on water and soda water
C.live on nothingD.remains alive for a long time without food
小题3:A tick can survive much longer than a bird because ________.
A.a tick lives on animalsB.a tick is much smaller
C.a bird is more activeD.both B and C
小题4:A person feels hungry _________.
A.if he doesn’t choose a mixed diet
B.because his body cries out for food
C.when soemthing is wrong with regulation of body weight
D.if there are not enough nutritional in his blood
小题5:From the passage we can infer that the author ________.
A.believes the South African woman very firmly
B.does not believe the South African woman at all
C.is not certain whether the South African woman’s claim was true.
D.is doubtful whether there was such a South African woman

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