
(请注意涂卡方式:选E涂A和B, 选F涂A和C, 选 G涂A和D)

Today it is common to see people who walk about with colored wires hanging from their ears wherever they go. They move about in their personal bubbles, sometimes unaware of what’s happening around them. 1. . Outside life is shut out. So are you one of “them”?

For me, walking around in my own personal bubble is perfect. 2. What’s even better, wearing earphones seems to give a signal to people which says: “I’m not available for chatting at the moment!”

Suppose you’re at work and about to make an incredible breakthrough, but a colleague suddenly turns up. At this precise moment, the slightest disturbance would break your concentration. 3. Once again, those wires hanging from your ears would be sure to give that “Go away!” signal.

4. It’s probably part of the growing up stage when they just want to ignore their whole family. While their mothers give them lectures about why they should do their homework, they can just turn up the volume(声音) on their MP3 player, smile, and say “Yes, Mum.” Problem solved.

Pretty soon, not only will we have pretty colored wires hanging from our ears—but also our brains will be directly plugged into some new high-tech instrument. We’ll be in a virtual(虚拟) world, communicating with everyone else, or choosing not to, as we like. In this world, we will all be permanently plugged in. 5. And they are changing our social habits along the way.

In the end, there is a thin line between using technology as a tool for making life better and being a slave to it! It’s so strange—suddenly, I don’t feel like wearing my earphones any more!

A. Listening to music through earphones is the perfect way to ignore such interruptions.

B. I also have wires hanging from my ears.

C. They walk around in their own spaces, with their personal “digital noise reduction systems.”

D. I don’t have to deal with the noise from the environment.

E. After all, I am listening to my favorite music and would rather not be disturbed.

F. Our instruments are changing quickly.

G. In the home situation, teenagers love these wires.

What is the first thing you notice when you walk into a shop? The products displayed(展示)at the entrance? Or the soft background music?

But have you ever noticed the smell? Unless it is bad,the answer is likely to be no.But while a shop’s scent may not be outstanding compared with sights and sounds,it is certainly there.And it is providing to be an increasing powerful tool in encouraging people to purchase.

A brand store has become famous for its distinctive scent which floats through the fairly dark hall and out to the entrance,Via scent machines.A smell may be attractive but it may not just be used for freshening air.One sports goods company once reposed that when it first introduced scent into its stores,customers’intension to purchase increased by 80 percent.

When it comes to the best shopping streets in Pairs,scent is just as important to a brand’s success as the quality of its window displays and goods on sales.That is mainly because shopping is a very different experience to what it used to be.

Some years ago,the focus for brand name shopping was on a few people with sales assistants’disproving attitude and don’t-touch-what-you-can’t afford displays.Now the rise of electronic commerce(e-commerce)has opened up famous brands to a wider audience.But while e-shops can use sights and sounds,only bricks-and-mortar stores(实体店)can offer a full experience from the minute customers step through the door to the moment they leave.Another brand store seeks to be much more than a shop,but rather a destination.And scent is just one way to achieve this.

Now a famous store uses complex man-made smell to make sure that the soft scent of baby powder floats through the kid department,and coconut(椰子)scent in the swimsuit section.A department store has even opened a new lab,inviting customers on a journey into the store’s windows to smell books,pots and drawers,in search of their perfect scent.

1.According to the passage,what is an increasingly powerful tool in the success of some brand store?

A.Friendly assistant B.Soft background music

C.Unique scents. D.Attractive window display.

2.E-shops are mentioned in the passage to________.

A.urge shop assistants to change their attitude

B.show the advantages of brick-and-mortar stores

C.push stores to use sights and sounds

D.introduce the rise of e-commerce

3.The underlined word“destination”in Paragraph 5 means_____.

A.a place where customers love to go

B.a spot where travelers like to stay

C.a platform that exhibits goods

D.a tat’get that a store expects to meet

4.The main purpose of the passage is to______.

A.compare and evaluate

B.inform and explain

C.argue and discuss

D.examine and assess

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

We waiters need to face all kinds of customers every day. When something goes wrong, we should have the ability to keep on going and ________ the customers.

I remember my first job was at a fine restaurant. One day, the manager informed all the cooks and ________ that a VIP group were coming for ________ .The group were VIPs in the city's restaurants Indus ________ 10 people.

After they arrived, we let them get ________ comfortably and drinks were ordered. ________ , the head waiter would be the person in ________ of wine service. However, the manager asked me to serve that noon. I had never served a group of 10, ________had I done wine service.

When it's turn to ________ one of the wine glasses in front of a young woman, somehow I lost my trip(抓)and the other ________ fell on top of her, and then to the floor and ________ in pieces. I felt ________and apologized many times to the woman and to the rest of the group.

Quickly, the manager ________ my aid, helped in the clean-up, and sent out their ________right away. The group forgave me and the young woman repeatedly informed me it's OK.

________ on that day, my manager told me, "Mistakes and ________ do happen. If you know why they happened, learn from it and move on, ________ you still have a table to serve. Keep your head up and be confident. The glasses are ________."

I understand why he was truly a well respectable restaurant manager within our ________ .His close relationship with the group made the situation calm and the group ________ me for that.

1.A. please B. attract C. invite D. welcome

2.A. cookers B. servants C. waiters D. cleaners

3.A. meal B. dinner C. breakfast D. lunch

4.A. made up of B. let in as C. added up to D. recognized as

5.A. satisfied B. seated C. dressed D. introduced

6.A. Quickly B. Rapidly C. Normally D. Naturally

7.A. charge B. change C. honor D. favor

8.A. never B. ever C. little D. nor

9.A. set B. broke C. shook D. cut

10.A. wine B. glasses C. coffee D. cookers

11.A. laid B. lay C. lain D. lied

12.A. amazing B. surprised C.frightened D. scaring

13.A. took over B. gave in C. rushed against D. came to

14.A. dishes B. drinks C. waters D. wines

15.A. Lately B. Latest C. Later D. Last

16.A. accidents B. faults C. incidents D. errors

17.A. owing to B. thanks to C. while D. for

18.A. available B. acceptable C. replaceable D.repeated

19.A. restaurant B. neighbor C. district D. city

20.A. blamed B. forgave C.thanked D. praised

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