

4 middle school students

Do service work and act as translators

Healthy and helpful

Contact: wfpub@gmail. com


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Dear Ernesto and Stasi,

I happen to have read your advertisement and have decided to apply for the job.

Dear Ernesto and Stasi,

I happened to have read your advertisement and have decided to apply for the job. I¡¯m a student in Senior III. I shall be free during the summer vacation. So I have decided to find something interesting to do and I think the job is the very thing I¡¯d like to do.

Though I won¡¯t get pay for the job, it will give me some valuable job experience as well as the opportunity to practise my spoken English by acting as a translator for you. Besides, I¡¯m so strong and healthy, and I really enjoy making friends and communicating with foreigners. I¡¯d appreciate it if I¡¯m offered the job. I¡¯m sure I can be of great help to you.

Looking forward to your early reply!

                                                             Yours sincerely,

                                                                 Li Hua




         My father woke me  31          early in summer morning when I was fourteen and announced: ¡° Get up. You¡¯re going to with me to cut the grass.¡±

         The idea  32          my father actually thought I was big enough to help him in his business made me feel proud and  33           (excite). From sunup to sundown my father, my young brother and I worked in the large yards in a rich part of Atlanta, Georgia. By the end of the day I was tired out, 34           I felt good. I had put in a hard day¡¯s labor and had earned $6.

         One day my father found some leaves I¡¯d missed and pull me aside. ¡°Clear away these  35           , ¡±he said firmly , ¡° and don¡¯t make me have to tell you to do it again.¡± The message was clear. Today I value the importance of doing a job right the first time. It will never fail to impress the person you are working  36          .

         After two years my father told my brother and me that he felt that we were old enough to do lawns on our  37          . Every Saturday during our last two years of high school, we set out early in the morning with the same desire and drive we had gained while  38          (work) under our father.

         Taking care of lawns was not exciting or high-paying, but that didn¡¯t matter. It taught me that any job is a good job and that whatever I was paid was            39            than I had before.

         In every job I¡¯ve held-from dong lawns to  40           dishes-I have learned something that helped me in my next job. If you work hard enough, you can learn from any job you do.

When I was a boy,  every holiday that I had seemed wonderful. In those days the sun seemed to shine always brightly   31   the water was always warm. Sometimes we left the beach and walked in the country,   32   ruined houses and dark woods and climbing trees. There were   33   in one¡¯s pockets or good places where one could   34   ice creams. Each day seemed a lifetime.

Although I am now thirty-five years old, my idea of a good   35   is much the same as it was. I   36   like the sun and warm sand and the sound of waves beating the rocks. I no longer wish to   37   any sand house or sand garden, and I dislike sweets.   38  , I love the sea and often feel sand running through my fingers.

Sometimes I   39   what my ideal holiday will be like when I am old. All I want to do then, perhaps, will be to lie in bed, reading books about   40   who make houses and gardens with sands, who watch the incoming tide, who make themselves sick of too many ice creams.

31. A. and              B. yet                     C. but             D. or

32. A. exploring         B. examining        C. repairing      D. measuring

33. A. sweets           B. sand            C. ice-creams      D. money

34. A. make            B. sell               C. buy             D. offer

35. A. house           B. holiday          C. garden          D. tide

36. A. hardly           B. almost            C. still             D. perhaps

37. A. destroy           B. fix               C. use             D. build

38. A. But             B. However         C. Otherwise       D. Besides

39. A. wonder        B. feel                C. understand      D. believe

40. A. children         B. boys               C. girls            D. grown-ups

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A. Needed: Full time secretary position available. Applicants should have at least 2 years experience and be able to type 60 words a minute. No computer skills required. Apply in person at United Business Ltd., 17 Browning Street.

B. Are you looking for a part time job? We require 3 part-time shop assistants to work during the evening. No experience required. Applicants should be between 18 and 26. Call 366-76564 for more information.

C. Computer trained secretaries: Do you have experience working with computers? Would you like a full-time position working in an exciting new company? If your answer is yes, give us a call at 457-896754.

D. Teacher Needed: Tommy¡¯s Kindergarten needs 2 teachers/ trainers to help with classes from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Applicants should have appropriate licenses. For more information visit Tommy¡¯s Kindergarten in Leicester Square No. 56.

E. Part-time work available: We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part-time at the weekend. Responsibilities include answering the telephone and giving customers information. For more information contact us by calling 345-674132.

F. University positions open: The University of Cumberland is looking for 4 teaching assistants to help with homework correction. Applicants should have a degree in one of the following: Political Science, Religion, Economics or History. Please contact the University of Cumberland for more information.


61. Jack Anderson. Jack graduated from the University of Trent with a degree in Economics two years ago. He would like an academic position.

62. Margaret Lillian. Margaret is 21 years old and would like a part-time position to help her pay her university expenses. She can only work in the evenings.

63. Alice Fingelhamm. Alice was trained as a secretary and has six years of experience. She is an excellent typist but does not know how to use a computer. She is looking for a full-time position.

64. Peter Florian. Peter went to business school and studied computer and secretarial skills. He is looking for his first job and would like a full-time position.

65. Lynne Nagata. Lynne, aged 65, once worked in a kindergarten. She is now a housewife, helping her daughter with her housework on weekdays. She is looking for a part-time job.


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61. Jack Anderson          A. full-time secretary

62. Margaret Lillian    B. part-time shop assistant

63. Alice Fingelhamm       C. computer trained secretary

64. Peter Florian       D. kindergarten teacher

65. Lynne Nagata      E. part-time job at the weekend

                      F. university teaching assistant

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
