
19.Some cyclists make theassumption(假设)that traffic laws do not apply to them,but this is not true.

分析 有些骑自行车的人认为交通法规不适用于他们,但这不是真的.

解答 assumption 考查名词.根据所给的汉语提示"假设"和空前的定冠词the可知,此处应用名词形式,故填assumption.

点评 名词是中学英语的重要语法,解题时首先要根据语境和逻辑来推断出空所需要的词性,或者是根据句子结构的需要来推断词性,然后根据句意和所给的汉语提示选出答案.

Ways to Free Your Mind When You're Feeling Stuck
Have you ever felt like you were racing around in circles without making much forward progress?If you're stuck and you don't know how to rise,don't look outside yourself.Look below.(36)B
Go back to what's important
When we get stuck,it can be extremely useful to come back to these three things:core values,beliefs and goals.Why?(37)E
Ask for help
Very often,highly happy and successful people have a supporting group of friends,family and others who help them.(38)C And don't be afraid to reach out and help someone who's even more stuck than you.
Embrace the natural pathways
When you get stuck,there's no need to go back to the drawing board.Ask the people around you about the systems that are working for them,read insightful books and blog articles,and use the same methods and pathways that others have used to get unstuck.(39)G
Relocate yourself to an inspiring environment
(40)D You can go for a walk in a nearby park.You can come out of the office for a cup of coffee.Or if you are at home,you can simply go to a different room in the house.Whether it's urban spaces,parks,libraries,museums or even our own backyards,there are plenty of available sources that we can draw inspiration and strength from.

A.Goals are the outcomes in life that we strive for.
B.Here are some useful ways to help yourself get unstuck.
C.When you are stuck,don't be afraid to ask for help.
D.One way to get unstuck is to simply change your environment.
E.Because they form the basics of what is important to us as individuals.
F.Break the circle of worry and work on something else.
G.In fact,the system is nothing more than a natural pathway of thought that someone has created with their mind.
11.Daniel Anderson,a famous psychologist,believes it's important to distinguish television's influences on children from those of the family.We tend to blame TV,he says,for problems it doesn't really cause,overlooking our own roles in shaping children's minds.
One traditional belief about television is that it reduces a child's ability to think and to understand the world.While watching TV,children do not merely absorb words and images (影像).Instead,they learn both explicit(表面的) and hidden meanings from what they see.Actually,children learn early the psychology of characters in TV shows.Furthermore,as many teachers agree,children understand far more when parents watch TV with them,explaining new words and ideas.Yet,most parents use an educational program as a chance to park their kids in front of the set and do something in another room.
Another argument against television is that it replaces reading as a form of entertainment.But according to Anderson,the amount of time spent watching television is not related to reading ability.TV doesn't take the place of reading for most children; it takes the place of similar sorts of recreation,such as listening to the radio and playing sports.Things like parents'educational background have a stronger influence on a child's reading."A child's reading ability is best predicted by how much a parent reads."Anderson says.
Traditional wisdom also has it that heavy television-watching lowers IQ scores and affects school performance.But here,too,Anderson notes that no studies have proved it.In fact,research suggests that it's the other way around."If you're smart young,you'll watch less TV when you're older,"Anderson says.Yet,people of lower IQ tend to be lifelong television viewers.
For years researchers have attempted to show that television is dangerous to children.However,by showing that television promotes none of the dangerous effects as conventionally (传统地)believed,Anderson suggests that television cannot be condemned(谴责) without considering other influences.

32.An educational program is best watched by a childC.
A.on his ownB.with other kids
C.with his parentsD.with his teachers
33.Which of the following is most related to children's reading ability?D
C.Parents'reading listD.Parents'reading background
34.Anderson believed thatC.
A.the more a child watches TV,the smarter he is
B.the younger a child is,the more he watches TV
C.the smarter a child is,the less likely he gets addicted to TV
D.the less a child watches TV,the better he performs at school
35.What is the main purpose of the passage?D
A.To advise on the educational use of TV.
B.To describe TV's harmful effects on children.
C.To explain traditional views on TV influences.
D.To present Anderson's unconventional ideas.
9.From losing weight to quitting smoking,each December people around the world make a New Year's resolution(决心).But studies have shown that despite their best effort,most will fail.
Professor Peter Herman,a psychology lecturer at the University of Toronto says that the reasons why resolutions fail are clear."They are not realistic in some or all of the following respects:people think that they can change themselves more quickly; they think that they can change much more than anyone else; or they think they can change everything more easily."
Professor Herman suggests that the issue may be a cycle of failure and renewed effort.which he calls"the false-hope syndrome"(虚妄期盼综合征).The cycle begins with a difficult self-change task.such as overeating or smoking-common yet rarely successful changes.While people may make some initial progress in the task,eventually they fail to achieve their goal.Having failed,they interpret their failure to convince themselves that with a few adjustments they will succeed.Finally,they begin to embark on another attempt,and the cycle repeats.
In his paper on the topic,Professor Herman and his co-author,Janet Polivy,write,"People tend to make the same resolutions year after year,vowing on average l0 times to get rid of a particular vice (恶习)."Obviously,every renewed vow represents a certain failure; otherwise,there would be no need for yet another attempt.Equally obviously,unsuccessful attempts do not decrease the chance of making future palls for self-change.Even those who are finally successful at sticking to their resolutions make the attempt five or six times on average before succeeding.
Expecting to make a breakthrough is not a good way,so Professor Herman says that the best way of sticking to your resolution is to expect the changes little by little rather than a major transformation.He told Mail Online,"Often this means scaling back (缩减) your resolution to something that is actually manageable."

32.Why do most people fail in their New Year's resolutions according to Professor Herman?B
A.They doesn't do their best at all.
B.They make unrealistic resolutions.
C.They want to stay unchanged.
D.They change them frequently.
33.What does the underlined part"embark on"in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A
34.How can you achieve your New Year's resolutions in Professor Herman's opinion?C
A.Set a big resolution.
B.Make a breakthrough.
C.Expect gradual changes.
D.Believe in yourself.
35.What may be the best title for the text?D
A.Actions Speak Louder Than Words   
B.Think Twice Before You Do
C.A Bargain Is a Bargain     
D.Good Plan Is Half Done.

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