
【题目】—Johnson is said to be the first young teacher ________ professor in your university this year.

—Exactly. ________ of his own competence is an important factor in his success.

A. promoted; Convinced B. to have been promoted; Convinced

C. promoted; Being convinced D. to have been promoted; Being convinced


【解析】试题分析考查非谓语动词。第一空前的名词teacherthe first修饰,一般只能用不定式作定语,排除AC。第二空作主语,故要用动名词短语,be convinced of sth.“对……有信心”。句意:——约翰逊据说是今年你们大学晋级教授的第一位年轻教师。——真的。他对自己竞争力的确信是他成功的一个重要因素。故选D。


【题目】What is the most popular food in western countries? If you are not sure, statistics might give you the answer.

Every year,some 20 million people walk into restaurants and buy 2 billion sandwiches. Americans alone eat more than 1 billion sandwiches annually. If you lined up all the sandwiches Westerners eat in a year, they would go around the world 13 times!

When John Montagu made the very first sandwich in England in 1762, he couldn't have imagined that it would still be very popular almost 250 years later. There is a campaign starting this month in the US to find the healthiest and best tasting sandwich in the country.

Sandwiches are commonly carried to school or work in lunch boxes or brown paper bags to be eaten for lunch. They are also taken on picnics and hiking trips. Their longlasting popularity lies in their convenience and fast preparation time.

You can put everything you want inside a sandwich. They are easy to clean up after, nutritious and come in hundreds of different kinds.

Wellknown American chef Dave Lieberman adds another reason.“I think people like to touch their food, kids especially. It's just a natural instinct. You don't have to use a knife and fork to eat a sandwich,” he said.

Sandwiches can be hot or cold with almost any kind of filling. One of the most popular kinds is the BLT—bacon,lettuce and tomato. Although it is a simple food, it can still be creative. Sandwiches can be served openfaced, with sushi inside or grilled with delicious fillings.

1The author intends to________.

A. tell us the history of sandwichmaking

B. introduce a popular food in the West

C. show how sandwiches are made

D. explain why westerners like sandwiches

2What is the main reason for the popularity of sandwiches?

A. They are healthy and delicious.

B. They have a history of about 250 years.

C. They are fast and convenient.

D. They can be served either hot and cold.

3Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A. Sandwiches are usually eaten with a knife and fork.

B. Children don't like sandwiches so much as the adults.

C. Americans started a campaign against sandwiches.

D. People are trying to make sandwiches more nutritious.

4What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?

A. There are many kinds of sandwiches.

B. The sandwich is a simple food.

C. The BLT is the most popular.

D. Sandwiches are mostly openfaced.



We should help those ________________.

2This is the bridge ________________ (几百年前建造的).

3The news ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________(昨天那个男孩告诉我们的) made all of us cry.


It sounds ________________.

5The woman _______________________________ (昨天下午你在我办公室见到的) is a famous scientist.

6The army was sent to the earthquake-stricken area to ________________ ________________ (挖掘出) many people trapped underground.

7A number of children ________________(父母死去了的) in the earthquake were sent to live with families in other cities. (kill)

8My mother was so proud of all ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ (我所做的) that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing. (do)


The scientist ________________ went to France last year.


________________ dinosaurs ________________ in China.


The earthquake left the city of Tangshan ________________ ________________.

12I don't know the teacher ________________(在唱英文歌的).


In this university, the students can decide the teacher ________________.

14The bad habit ________________(养成的) in school has a great effect on him. (form)(词数不限)


The computer ________________ in offices and homes since the 1970s is very popular.

【题目】If you are like most international students, you are probably pretty comfortable reading and writing in English, but not as comfortable with listening and speaking in the language. 1

Make friends with American students. Many international students end up making friends with a lot of—or only—other international students. 2Hanging out with natives not only naturally pushes you to improve your spoken English, but also helps you pick up cultural and social information.

Learn from American friends. Tell your American friends that you are trying to improve your listening and speaking skills, and would like them to help you. If you pronounce a word incorrectly, or misuse an idiom, you want them to tell you. 3

Increase your knowledge. 4 If you have known about the topics that are likely to be discussed in conversation, you have a much better chance of understanding people when they talk, and of being able to express yourself well.

5 If you have to explain something to someone, you have a strong desire to pronounce everything as well as you can, and find other ways to explain yourself. Finally, this becomes a good habit. Many people have asked me how I learned to speak English fluently, and I think it is because of my being a math teacher in college for years.

A. I don't think this is a good idea.

B. You will learn much faster this way.

C. If possible, become a teacher at your school.

D. It's a win-win opportunity for international students.

E. Read books, keep up with news and watch popular shows and movies.

F. It's a good way to make some extra cash while improving your English.

G. Below are some tips to help you to improve your conversational skills.

【题目】假定你叫王敏,是一名高三年级的学生,在学习英语的过程中你遇到一些问题,想得到老师的帮助。现在请给你的英语老师Miss Li写一封求助信,内容如下:







Dear Miss Li,

I'm one of your students in Class SixSenior Three. Nowadays _______________________________________________________________________________










Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Wang Min

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
