
6.(16)DIf you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market.You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the local manager of the supermarket.But in either case,you are producing for the market.(17)GIf people stop buying tomatoes,you will stop producing them.
If you take care of a sick person to earn money,you are producing for the market.If your father is a steel worker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer,he is producing goods or service for the market.
(18)CYou may spend money in stores,supermarkets,gas stations and restaurants.Still you are buying from the market.When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck,he is buying your labor in the labor market.(19)A But for each person or business that is making and selling something,it is very concrete(具体的).If nobody buys your tomatoes,it won't be long before you get the message.(20)F It is telling you that you are using energies and resources in doing something the market doesn't want you to do.

A.The market may be something abstract.
B.The sellers are always smarter than buyers.
C.When you spend your income,you are buying things from the market.
D.The market is a concept.
E.One has to make his ends meet when shopping.
F.The market is telling you something.
G.Your efforts are being directed by the market.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了市场的概念以及市场反映出的一些问题和灵感.

解答 16.D.推理判断题.根据后文"If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market."可知,文章用种西红柿做例子,讲述市场的概念.故选D项.
17.G.推理判断题.根据上文"you are producing for the market."可知,你在为市场生产;根据下文"If people stop buying tomatoes,you will stop producing them."可知,如果人们不买你的西红柿,你就会停止种植.所以本句应填:你的努力受市场的指导.故选G项.
18.C.推理判断题.根据下文"You may spend money in stores,supermarkets,gas stations and restaurants.Still you are buying from the market."可知,无论你是在商店、超市、加气站还是饭店花钱,你仍然是从市场买东西.故选C项.
19.A.推理判断题.根据下文"But for each person or business that is making and selling something,it is very concrete."可知,对于每一个从市场买或卖东西的人或企业来说,市场非常具体.其中concrete(具体的)和A项中的abstract相对应,故选A项(市场可能有点抽象).
20.F.推理判断题.根据下文中"It is telling you that you are using energies and resources in doing something the market doesn't want you to do."可知,它正告诉你你把精力和资源用在市场不想让你做的方面.故选F项(市场正告诉你一些东西).

点评 七选五阅读是完成性阅读,和完形填空很类似,不同的是一个选词,一个选句子.解题时,要注意上下文语境,充分考虑信息词(选项中和空格前后句子中相同或相近的词),选出最符合语境的句子.

7.Research shows that childhood friendships are important indicators of future success and social adjustment.Children's relationships with peers(同龄人)strongly influence their success in school.And children with fewer friends are more at risk of drooping out of school.becoming depressed and other problems.
Making and Keeping Friends Is More than Child's Play
When 6-year-old Rachel returned to school on a recent Monday morning,her eyes immediately scanned the playground for her friend Abbie."Though they were only separated by a weekend.Te girls ran right into each other's alms and hugged,"recalls Rachel's mother Kathryn Willis of Gilbert."It was like a scene from a movie."
Most parents instinctively(本能地) know that having friends is good for their child Experts agree that friendship is not simply child's play,but a powerful predictor of social adjustment throughout life.
A Skill for Life
"Childhood friendships serve as a very important training ground for adulthood,"says Dr.Robbic Adler-Tapia.Psychologist with the Center for Children's Health & Life Development at the East Valley Family Resource Center.
Researcher William Hartup states,"Peer relations contribute significantly to both social and cognitive(认知的) development."Hartup concludes that the single best childhood predictor of adult social adaptation is not school grades or classroom behavior.But rather.How well a child gets along with other children.
The work of Arzona State University professor of Developmental Psychology Gary Ladd proves that just as being able to make and keep friends is beneficial to kids while the lack of friends is detrimental.
Good Friendships Don't Just Happen
Experts agree that it is essential for children to establish high-quality friendships.But.Researchers warn.These friendships don't necessarily just happen.Often.A good friendship begins with involved parents.
Psychologist Dr Lynne Kenney Markan believes kids should be taught social skills in much the same way they are taught math and reading.
Bad Company
Many parents worry about the quality as well as the quantity of their child's friendships."When she was in its grade.Her supposed best friend began calling her names and threatening to hurt her."Says Mindy Miller."My daughter wasn't allowed to talk to or even look at other girls in her class.It really crushed her spirit.I told my daughter she didn't need a‘friend'like that."

24.The example of Rachel and Abbie is used to indicate thatA.
A.childhood friendship is of great significance to their growth
B.a positive friendship helps children solve emotional and physical problems
C.it is a proven fact that peer friendship is the most rewarding experience throughout life
D.Rachel missed her friend Abbie very much because of their separation of one weekend
25.The underlined word"detrimental"could be replaced byD.
A.aggressive B.disappointing C.ridiculous D.harmful
26.We can learn from the passage that high-quality friendship most probably results fromD.
A.social skills and good study habits
B.school grades and classroom behaviors
C.academic success and social adaptation
D.positive parental involvement and social skills
27.From the last paragraph we can conclude that Dr.Robbie Adler-Tapia agrees thatB.
A.parents should regard making friends as something that just happens
B.it's wise for parents to support and encourage healthy peer relationships
C.parents only need to help their children to cope with difficult social situations
D.parents are supposed to encourage their children to make as many friends as they can.
11.Scientists study the natural world by using"scientific method".When a scientist observes some phenomenon in nature,he develops an idea,called a theory or hypothesis (假设),about what is happening.Then he does an experiment to test his theory.If the results are as expected,then the experiment proves the hypothesis which makes it more likely that the theory is correct.If the experiment fails and the results are not as expected,then the scientist must come up with a new theory that he can test.
   In ancient times great thinkers came up with complicated theories to explain nature,but they did not always prove them by experiment.For example,the great Greek thinker Aristotle,had a theory that heavy objects would fall faster than light objects.People believed this until the scientist Galileo performed an experiment and found it was wrong.
    Here's an experiment that you can use to prove or disprove a common-sense theory:
    Step 1:Get an empty bottle with a small neck.A diameter (直径) of 1/2 inch should be ideal.
    Step 2:Cut a sheet of paper to a square 5 inches on each si de.
    Step 3:Crumple (压皱) the paper into a tight wad (块状物).
    Step 4:Lay the bottle on its side and place the paper so it lies loosely in the neck of the bottle.
    Construct a theory about what will happen if you put your mouth about a half inch from the neck of the bottle and blow hard towards it.A common-sense theory might be that the wad would be blown into the bottle by the force of the breath.Now do your experiment to see what really happens.
    If your theory was that the wad would be blown by the force of the air into the bottle,the experiment gave you unexpected results.In most cases the wad is blown out of the neck of the bottle in the opposite direction.A new theory might be that the air being blown into the bottle creates a whirlwind (旋风) of air currents (气流) in the closed space which push the wad out.
29.The writer mentions Aristotle's theory to showD.
A.he was a greater thinker in ancient times
B.he was less successful than Galileo
C.objects of different weights fall at the same speed
D.experiments are necessary to support theories
30.According to the passage,what is not required in the four-step experiment?A
A.A pair of scissors.
B.A piece of paper.
C.A bottle.
D.A strong breath.
31.What's the best title for the passage?D
A.Come to Nature with Scientists          
B.Make up a New Theory
C.Experiment with Breath in a Bottle      
D.Watch Out for Common Sense.
15.For many people,particularly immigrants,the American Dream is that talent and hard work can take youfrom log cabin to the White House.Tony Trivisonno did not rise as high as the White House,yet he managed tomake his own dream come true.
He came from a farm in Italy.One evening I found him standing behind my garage.
"I mow (割草) your lawn,"he said.It was hard to comprehend his broken English.
I asked him his name."Tony Trivisonno,"he replied."I mow your lawn."I told Tony that I couldn't afforda gardener.
"I mow your lawn,"he said again,then walked away.Yes,these Depression days were difficult,but how could I refuse a person who had come to me for help?
When I got home from work the next evening,the lawn had been mowed and the walks swept.I asked mywife what had happened.
"A man had worked on the yard,"she answered."I thought you had hired him."
I told her of my experience the night before.We thought it strange that Tony had not asked for pay.
The next Friday,I saw Tony again,behind the garage.I praised him for the work he had done.
"I mow your lawn,"he said.
I managed to give him some kind of small weekly pay,and each day Tony cleaned up the yard and took care of any little tasks.My wife said he was very helpful whenever there were anything heavy to lift or things to fix.
Summer passed into fall,and winds blew cold."Mr.Craw,snow pretty soon,"Tony told me one evening."When winter comes,you give me job clearing snow at the factory."
Well,how do you deal with such determination and hope?Of course,Tony got his job at the factory.
One day I found Tony at our meeting place behind the garage."I want to be apprentice (学徒)"he said.
We had a pretty good apprentice school that trained workers.But I doubted whether Tony were able to read blueprints or do precision work.Still,how could I turn him down?
Tony took a cut in pay to become an apprentice.Months later,I got a report that he had graduated as a skilled grinder (磨工).My wife and I were delighted with what Tony had achieved.
A year or two passed,and again I found Tony in his usual waiting place."Mr.Craw,"he said,"I like to buy a house."In the town,he had found a completely old house for sale.
I called on a banker friend."Do you ever loan money on character?"I asked."No,"he said.
"Now,wait a minute,"I replied."Here is a hard-working man,a man of character,I can promise you that.He's got a good job.And he will pay your interest."
   Unwillingly,the banker loaned Tony 2,000 and helped him buy the house.Tony was delighted.From the non,it was interesting to see that any abandoned odds and ends around our place were gathered and taken home by Tony.
   After about two years,I found Tony in our familiar meeting spot.He seemed to stand a little straighter and looked confident.
"Mr.Craw,I sell the house and buy a farm."
   We sat down and talked.He told me that he had persuaded his childhood friend to move to America.With asatisfied look in his eye,he told me that when they came to his little farm,his friend stood in amazement and said,"Tony,you are a millionaire!"
   Then,during the World WarⅡ,news came from my company that Tony had passed away.
   When my people came to visit his family,they found the farm green with vegetables,the little house comfortable and homey.The children were educated and working,and Tony didn't owe a cent.
   Tony,as well as all the greatest American businessmen,had reached their success in the same way and by the same values:vision,determination,optimism,self-respect and,above all,honesty.
   Tony Trivisonno came to America seeking the American Dream.But he didn't find it-he created it for himself.All he had were 24 precious hours a day,and he wasted none of them.
55.Why did Tony repeat"I mow your lawn"?A
A.He was determined to get a chance to work.
B.He asked for pay for his excellent garden work.
C.He thought he was good at garden work.
D.He was ready to help others out.
56.Which of the following sentences brought out Tony's character of honesty?D
A.Tony was very helpful whenever there were anything heavy to lift or things to fix.
B.Tony persuaded his childhood friend to move to America.
C.Any abandoned odds and ends around our place were gathered and taken home by Tony.
D.The children were educated and working,and Tony didn't owe a cent.
57.What did the author mean by saying"Do you ever loan money on character"?B
A.He was asking the banker the way the banks loan money to people.
B.He thought a determined and diligent man should get a loan despite poverty.
C.He was begging the banker to help Tony for the sake of their personal relation.
D.He supposed a loan should be given to people according to their characters.
58.The fact that Tony sold his house and bought a farm indicated that Tony is a man ofA.
59.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.The author refused Tony's offer of mowing the lawn when they first met.
B.The author didn't pay Tony for his cleaning up the yard.
C.The author doubted Tony's being a good apprentice due to his poor education.
D.The banker loaned Tony $ 2,000 because he believed Tony was honest.
60.Which of the following is probably the best title for the passage?C
A.How to achieve the American Dream      
B.Italian immigrants'life in America
C.Tony Trivisonno's American Dream     
D.Honesty and determination make success.
16.American real estate(房地产)tycoon Donald Trump,whose election as US president surprised many around the world,has been unsurprisingly named Time magazine's"Peron of the Year"for 2016.
Trump said while responding to the news,"It means a lot,especially me growing up reading Time magazine.And it's a very important magazine,and I've been lucky enough to be on the cover many times this year-and last year.But I consider this a very,very great honor."
Trump has long been obsessed with having his face on the cover of magazines,something that happened more and more often as he won early polls,then Republican primaries,then the nomination(提名),then the presidency.Trump keeps piles of these magazines in his office and with this mindset,Time's"Person of the Year"became Trump's long-cherished wish.
Although the magazine featured Trump several times on its cover,it passed on naming him"Person of the Year"for 2015.Instead,it selected German Chancellor Angela Merkel,whom the magazine credited with opening her nation's border to hundreds of thousands of refugees(难民)and managing Europe's debt crisis.Trump did not take that news well."I told you@TIME Magazine would never pick me as‘Person of the Year'in spite of being the big favorite.They picked the person who is ruining Germany,"he said on Twitter soon after the news was announced.
Time managing editor Nancy Gibbs said that the decision in 2016 was easy.This title goes to a newsmaker who has influenced events for better or for worse."When have we ever seen a single individual who has so defied(违背)expectations…beaten not one but two political parties on the way to winning an election…I don't think that we have ever seen one person,operating in such an unconventional way,have an impact on the events of the year quite like this,"Gibbs said.

24.What do Trump's words suggest in Paragraph?C
A.Luck is on his side.
B.He deserves the award.
C.He feels proud of the award
D.Time has a good effect on him.
25.Which is truth according to the article?D
A.Trump is afraid to be famous.
B.Trump is angry about Time magazine.
C.Trump is addicted to having his face on the cover of magazines.
D.Trump is addicted to having his face on the cover of magazines.
26.What can we infer from Paragraph 4?B
A.Merkel ruined Germany.
B.Merkel was"Person of the Year"for 2015.
C.Trump thought well of Merkel.
D.Trump won"Person of the Year"twice.
27.Why was Trump elected as Time's"Person of the Year"for 2016?D
A.He's been on its cover many times.
B.He is the newly elected president.
C.He is the favorite of the magazine.
D.He was highly influential in the year.

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