
    I would like to reply to your letter, which   1   before leaving for RomeI was told yesterday that the company   2   me there next week for a business conferenceIf I   3   about it earlier I would have told youAnyway, I’ll ring you as soon as I   4   there.

    John, Marshall came into my office while I   5   the arrangements for my flight to RomeYou   6   him last year when you were in EnglandIf you   7   him, you would remember him because he is over two meters tallHe told me that he   8   for the previous two months on the plans for the new factory in NaplesHe   9   very hard because he looked very tiredBy the time I come to Rome he   10   them so I’ll bring them with me.

1Aarrived two days ago

Bhas arrived since two days

Carrived since two days

Dhas arrived since two days

2Ashall have sent

Bis going to send

Cshall be sending

Dshall send


Bhad known

Cwould have known

Dwould know


Bwill get

Cshall get

Dwill have got


Bdid make

Chad made

Dwas making

6Acan have met

Bmay have met

Ccan meet

Dmay meet



Cwere meeting

Dwould meet

8Ahas worked

Bhas been working

Chad been worked

Dhad been working

9Amust have worked

Bhad to work

Cneed have worked

Dneeded to work

10Awill finish

Bwill be finished

Cwill have finished

Dhas finished




My best friend Li Hua gives me a call this morning.                  71.              
She said it was her birthday and she would have a             72.              
birthday party. I promised that I would go. But I went         73.              
shopping this afternoon and bought a doll as his                       74.              
birthday present. I arrived her home at six o’clock           75.              
on the evening. Many of her friends had already arrived.      76.              
On the table was a big beautiful cake with 14 candle lit.            77.              
Li Hua made wish and blew off all the candles. We all                 78.              
shouted with greatly joy. However, I didn’t see her parents.      79.              
We had a great time, but I think it would be more better if      80.              
we celebrate our birthdays with our parents.

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