完形填空,阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A、B. C和D 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项小涂黑。

I had just started my second year studying at Cambridge University when I was faced with the news I had never expected. A lump in my neck _________ out to be cancer. I would _________ six months of chemotherapy(化疗).

After the shock, I was struck by this thought: my _________ didn’t have any room for cancer. I had so much I wanted to _________ and so many goals I wanted to chase.

I was faced with the _________ job of telling my friends and family. Then, I had to decide whether to _________ in Cambridge and take five exams at the end of the year. My doctor _________against it, and so did my parents and teachers.

My doctors and teachers convinced me that taking some time off to _________ and relax would be the best thing for me. I could not think of anything _________ . I did not want to_________ a year of my life, receiving pity from those around me.

Together with my parents, I tried to persuade the university to _________me to stay at Cambridge and study only half the course. At the end of the year I would take two exams. It was really a_________ to persuade them to agree.

Treatment began and I was up and down from Cambridge to London every other week. It made me feel _________ , but to a much lesser degree than I had expected. I was_________ to read, eat and socialize exactly as I used to. I slept a lot and rested a lot, but I also worked hard at my studies. It gave me focus, and it also gave me purpose. Completing my _________ at the end of term felt like a great personal victory.

I took a _________to continue studying while undergoing treatment, and it _________ . I was successful in my exams----and more _________ , I made a full recovery.

Every person facing a disease like cancer must make the _________ that are right for them. I am _________ that I made the decision that was right for me.

1.A. stuck B. came C. turned D. worked

2.A. require B. expect C. sense D. arrange

3.A. bodyB. memories C. family D. dreams

4.A. face B. achieve C. show D. understand

5.A. necessaryB. temporary C. difficultD. disappointing

6.A. join B. treat C. settle D. continue

7.A. fought B. advised C. acted D. decided

8.A. recover B. exercise C. study D. play

9.A. better B. worse C. more D. less

10.A. save B. spend C. take D. miss

11.A. help B. remind C. allow D. invite

12.A. struggle B. failure C. burden D. trouble

13.A. tired B. relaxed C. confident D. nervous

14.A. afraid B. ready C. able D. eager

15.A. purpose B. projects C. treatment D. exams

16.A. rest B. risk C. privilege D. job

17.A. ended up B. passed on C. paid off D. broke out

18.A. clearly B. interestinglyC. specificallyD. importantly

19.A. choicesB. changes C. efforts D. chances

20.A. surprised B. excited C. determinedD. proud

If you live in the U.S., you’re probably used to throwing banana peel into the trash. But people in other countries, including India, have been taking advantages of their nutritional benefits for many years.

While the flesh of a banana is soft and sweet, the skin is thick, hard and slightly bitter. To eat the peel, you can fry, bake, or boil it for at least 10 minutes. Also, the riper bananas get, the thinner and sweeter banana peel will become. That’s because of a natural plant hormone(激素) called ethylene(乙烯) that fruits release as they ripen. Ethylene interacts with the sugars and fiber in the banana skin, changing complex sugars into simple sugars and breaking down pectin, a form of fiber in bananas that keeps them stiff. That’s why the older your banana is, the flimsier(不结实的) it feels.

The sweet flesh of a medium-sized banana contains great percentages of your daily recommended intake of various nutrients, such as:

·12% of your daily fiber, which helps with digestion and may help lower your risk of diabetes(糖尿病)

·17% of your vitamin C, which is important for your immune system as well as your growth

·20% of your vitamin B6, which aids the body’s ability to turn food into energy

·12% of your potassium, which helps with the development of cells, tissues, and organs throughout the body

If you eat the skin along with the flesh, you will get an even bigger increase in these same nutrients.

Eating the peel is not only good for your body but also better for the earth. The average American ate 11.4 pounds of bananas in 2014. Since a medium-sized banana weighs about 0.3 pounds, that equates to about 38 bananas per person, or about 12 billion for the whole of the U.S. And since most of us throw away the peel, that also means a lot of organic waste.

1.We can learn from the text that in the U.S. people ________.

A. like eating bananas

B. waste a lot of food every year

C. don’t make good use of banana peel

D. know little about the value of the flesh of bananas

2.What’s the role of ethylene in bananas?

A. Helping bananas grow faster.

B. Making banana peel stay strong.

C. Keeping banana flesh from going bad.

D. Helping to soften and sweeten banana peel.

3.Which of the following helps humans digest?

A. Vitamin C.B. Potassium.C. Vitamin B6.D. Fiber.

4.The last paragraph mainly shows that eating banana peel benefits our ________.

A. dietB. economyC. environmentD. physical health

根据中文意思完成句子 (每条横线上只能填写一个单词)


Exactly when the first people arrived in ________ we now know as California, no one really knows.


Children are easy _________ ________ _________.


If only the scientists’ patience and determination ________ ________ _________.


All attempts to destroy world peace _________ _______ to be _______ ________.

5. 一旦经过调教谈吐得体,三个月后她就可能在大使的花园舞会上冒充公爵夫人。

_________ ________ to speak properly, she could pass herself off in two months as a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party.


Professor Higgins thought that Eliza could be accepted into the upper class ________ ________ ________ beautiful pronunciation and proper grammar.


To everyone’s relief, the temple which _________ _________ over 1000 years ago is well preserved.


He returned to the scene of the accident, only _______ ________ _______.


During World War II Jewish people ________ ________ a good __________ hardships.


There only seem to __________ powders _________ to kill snakes.

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