

假如你是李华,你的美国中学生网友( Nick)来信询问你春节期间在家乡当导游的打工经历。请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:








Dear Nick,

Best wishes !

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Melissa Poe was 9 years old when she began a campaign for a cleaner environment by writing a letter to the then President Bush. Through her own efforts, her letter was reproduced on over 250 donated billboards across the country.

The response to her request for help was so huge that Poe established Kids For A Cleaner Environment (Kids F.A.C.E.) in 1989. There are now 300,000 members of Kids FACE worldwide and is the world's largest youth environmental organization.

Poe has also asked the National Park Service to carry out a "Children's Forest" project in every national park. In 1992, she was invited as one of only six children in the world to speak at the Earth Summit in Brazil as part of the Voices of the Future Program. In 1993, she was given a Caring Award for her efforts by the Caring Institute.

Since the organization started, Kids F.A.C.E. members have distributed and planted over 1 million trees! Ongoing tree-planting projects include Kid's Yards – the creation of backyard wildlife habitats (栖息地) and now Kids F.A.C.E. is involved in the exciting Earth Odyssey, which is a great way to start helping.

"Starting the club turned out to be a way to help people get involved with the environment. Club members started doing things like recycling, picking up litter and planting trees as well as inviting other kids to join their club."

"We try to tell kids that it's not OK to be lazy," she explains. "You need to start being a responsible, environmentally friendly person now, right away, before you become a resource-sucking adult."

1.Kids F.A.C.E is _____.

A. a program to help students with writing

B. a project of litter recycling

C. a campaign launched by President Bush

D. a club of environmental protection

2.What can we learn about Poe?

A. She was awarded a prize in Brazil.

B. She donated billboard across the country.

C. She got positive responses for her efforts

D. She joined the National Park Service.

3. Kid’s Yards is _____.

A. established in a national park.

B. started to protect wildlife

C. a wildlife- raising project

D. an entertainment park for kids.

4.Which of the following can be inferred from the text?

A. Adults are resource-sucking people

B. Poe sought help from a youth organization

C. Kids F.A.C.E members are from the U.S.

D. Kids are urged to save natural resources.


Presently selfie (自拍) is popular among many young persons, even some elders. Danny Bowman was so crazy about it in order to attract girls when he was at school. He spent 10 hours a day ________ more than 200 selfies trying to find the ________ one.

He would take 10 photos of ________before he washed and would go ________ class secretly three times every hour. At 16, he dropped out of school________ he could throw himself into his addiction, and he ate ________.He did not leave his house for six months, and when he failed to take the perfect picture, he tried to ________ himself by taking an overdose(过度用药). His mother, Penny, ________ to save him, and forced him to ask for help after his addiction had become ________ .

Then 19-year-old, believed to be Britain's first selfie ________ , is now under special treatment ________ . He has not taken a picture of himself in seven months and has ________ that achieving perfection is ________ . He told the Sunday Mirror, "I was constantly ________the perfect selfie and when I realized I couldn't, I wanted to die. I ________ my friends, my education, my health and almost my life. The only thing I ________ about was having my phone with me so that I could satisfy the desire for a picture of myself at any time of the day." He expressed his ________ to the doctors and said their help kept him ________ and called on others to ask for help __________ they ended up in hospital.

One psychologist at a clinic ________ Danny was treated said the addiction to taking

selfies has now become a mental illness.

1.A. getting B. making C. taking D. having

2.A. good B. perfect C. beautiful D. comfortable

3.A. himself B. his teacher C. the classroom D. others’

4.A. into B. away C. inside D. out of

5.A. because B. so that C. but D. as if

6.A. nothing B. more C. everything D. less

7.A. surprise B. calm C. kill D. thank

8.A. failed B. managed C. succeeded D. decided

9.A. in order B. out of date C. under control D. out of control

10.A. killer B. addict C. winner D. loser

11.A. in hospital B. at home C. at school D. at work

12.A. recognized B. expected C. realized D. imagined

13.A. unpleasant B. impossible C. possible D. necessary

14.A. in search of B. in need of C. in memory of D. in favor of

15.A. missed B. left C. lost D. got

16.A. dreamed B. talked C. cared D. worried

17.A. sadness B. happiness C. regret D. thanks

18.A. patient B. alive C. wise D. wealthy

19.A. after B. until C. while D. before

20.A. where B. which C. how D. when


If you're looking for a challenging situation to practice your English, pick up the phone. Not being able to see the other person and the body language can make the chatting difficult. __1.__ Here are some tips to guide you through an average phone conversation in English.


Every phone call should begin with a polite greeting such as “Hi, how've you been?” or “Nice to hear from you”. Even if you're calling a business contact for a specific purpose, it'd be rude to jump right into business. __2.__

2.Getting to the point

There always comes the point where you want to move on from friendly chatting and get down to business. What should you do in this situation? __3._ However, if you are waiting to find out why someone called you, you can guide the conversation by saying “So what can I do for you?”

3.Interrupting without offence

Sometimes you may happen to be speaking with a very talkative person. __4.__ Keep in mind when you'd like to interrupt, and be sure to do it politely. For example, begin with “I'd like to say something here”.

4.Closing the call

This can be the trickiest part of the conversation! It may be the time to offer good wishes if it's appropriate. _5.__ Sometimes it's easiest to just say you enjoyed speaking to the other person. Also remember cleverly saying the word well at the beginning of a sentence can indicate you're ready to end the conversation.

A.Use the phrase “I'm just calling to...” to change to the topic at hand.

B.Additionally, you may want to confirm any plans you've made.

C.You should make a little small talk at the beginning.

D.You'd better greet him or her in a friendly way.

E.So it may be difficult to get a word in.

F.Practice English through phone calls.

G.Never fear, though!

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