

  Dear John,

  I've got a problem and as I don't know what to do, I thought I'd write to you and ask for your advice.

  I've been working at a meat factory for about two months now. It's a part-time job, so I only work in the evenings. I've recently noticed that one of my workmates is stealing, From time to time, I notice that he puts a piece of meat down his trousers just before he leaves the factory. Now the manager has found that things are missing. He says that all this happened after I started work.

  What should I do? Maybe I should have told that workmate I knew what he was doing. Or possibly I should have gone to the manager and told him who was stealing meat.

  I think I'm in a difficult position. Please tell me how I can solve this problem. I'd like to hear your advice.

  Best wishes.


参考词:I'm afraid that it is quite common…; I think …; may not trust you; There is no need, not worry; I advise you to…


  (One possible version)

  Dear Mary,

  Thanks for your letter. I agree that it is a difficult situation. I'm afraid it is quite common that people steal things from their workplace. Besides, this man is a clever thief. He waited until someone new joined the company and then began to steal.

  I think there is a possible problem if you tell the manager about the thief. The other people in the workforce may not trust you in future. They will think that you are the eyes and ears of the manager.

  There is no need to say anything to the other worker. It's his problem, not yours. Try not to worry. After all, you have nothing to lose if you are honest and a good worker.

  But I advise you to check your bag every evening before going home. It is quite possible that the thief might put some meat in your bag, hoping you will be caught and called a thief.

  Best regards.



下面是《21世纪报中学生班》(21st Century School Edition )刊登的一封读者来信,请你以编辑张华的身份给这位中学生写封回信。

Dear editor,

I spend most of my time studying; I hardly talk to my classmates. Sometimes I don’t care much about others, but I do want to talk. I just don’t know what to talk about and how to begin a conversation.

I feel so lonely. How I wish I had a good friend! Could you give me some advice?


                                                        Jin Jing







2. 信的开头已写好,不计入总词数;

3. 词数:不少于100词(不含已写好的部分)。

参考词汇:自信self-confidence  n.

缺乏lack vt.

Dear Jin Jing,

Your problem is a common one among middle school students. Maybe the following advice can help you. _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________















                                                     Zhang Hua

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
