

Playing outside is good for the development of the brain. Thus parents must encourage their children to spend as much time as possible 【1】 the open air. Recent studies show 2 alarming increase in the number of hours spent by children in front of the TV and the computer 3 a decrease in the time spent outside.

4 (suffer) from vision problems, more and more children have to wear glasses. Also the problem of children being overweight concerns many parents 5 don’t know what to do to make their children eat 6 (health).

Children need a space to develop their creativity and parents should encourage 7 all the time. Too many rules hold back children’s personality and creativity and prevent them from developing the desire 8 (learn).

If you tell your child so many times, “don’t do that; don’t make a mess of the room; don’t go there …” he won’t want to do anything. Playing 9 (connect) with the intellectual, emotional and 【10 (society) progress of the child.









【8】to learn

【9】is connected




【1】in 考查固定短语。短语in the open air在户外,在野外;父母亲要鼓励孩子尽可能地在户外活动。

【2】an 考查冠词。本句中不定冠词an表示泛指,与53空后的a decrease形成呼应,泛指孩子看电视玩电脑的时间显著增加。

【3】and 考查连词。本句中an alarming increase in the number of hours spent by children in front of the TV and the computer和a decrease in the time spent outside属于并列结构,看电视玩电脑的时间显著增加,在户外活动的时间大大减少。所以使用and连接这两个并列结构。

【4】Suffering 考查副词做状语。动词短语suffer from...与主句主语more and more children构成主动关系,所以使用现在分词短语在句中作原因状语。

【5】who/that 考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是many parents,关系代词who/that指代先行词在句中做主语。

【6】healthily 考查副词。在英语中副词通常做状语修饰形容词、副词或动词,形容词通常多定语或表语,修饰名词。所以本句转换使用副词healthily修饰动词eat。

【7】them 考查代词。代词them指代前句的主语children,作为动词encourage的宾语。

【8】to learn 考查不定式做定语。本句中不定式作为定语修饰抽象名词desire,构成短语the desire to learn学习的欲望。

【9】is connected考查固定短语。短语be connected with与...有关;句意:玩耍与智力、情感和社会进步能力。

【10】social 考查形容词。横线后面有名词progress,需要使用形容词修饰,所以使用形容词social做定语修饰名词progress。



According to statistics published by the University of Scranton, about 45 percent of Americans usually make New Year’s resolutions—and the most popular resolution is losing weight. Of those who make resolutions, a mere 8 percent achieve them.

___【1】__ Are we just setting ourselves up for failure? Learn how to make realistic resolutions and how to overcome the roadblocks along the way.

Setting a resolution to lose pounds isn’t a goal that’s achievable now. It may be a good long-term goal. ___2__ Registered dietitian Elisa Zied says “… to be real when you make a resolution. It’s okay to shoot for the stars like making a resolution, but why not set a smaller goal and train smart?”

The same concept applies to weight loss. __3___ These goals should help develop healthy habits that will finally help achieve your long-term resolution.

Notice that these goals are simple and achievable. “Instead of going from zero to 60, from never going to the gym to going four to five times a week, why not start with three days a week, get consistent and build from there,” Zied says. Set yourself up for success and map out your course by making appointments with yourself to be active. __4___

You also need to be aware of your current exercise and eating habits to make achievable goals. Keeping a diary of your food and exercise habits can help. Record everything you eat and drink for three to five days and review it. __5___For example, if you notice a tendency to snack on unhealthy fare, set a goal to eat a fruit or vegetable with each snack. Building on these smaller goals over time can help you achieve your long-term goal.

A. So why do so many of us fail to achieve our goals?

B. Once you notice your not-so-good habits, start fixing them.

C. Set between one and three weekly goals that you want to achieve.

D. Resolutions usually involve a commitment to sticking to your goals.

E. However, in order to reach it, you need to take baby steps to get it down.

F. If you treat your goals like set appointment, you’re more likely to achieve them.

G. Losing weight, as well as getting a better job, is among the most popular resolutions for adults.


Are you new to experiencing relationships? Well, let me give you some advice on having a healthy and possibly long-term relationship.

【1Do not hide things from them; do not lie. Don’t be afraid to say things that aren’t very flattering about yourself. Getting them to trust you is the most important element in any relationship. If there’s no trust, there’s nothing there. So please be honest and they’ll learn to open up to you.

Make sure you give them respect. Now respect isn’t just simply treating her or him nicely. There’s a lot more to it. You have to learn to adjust to their liking. 2 Don’t just think about yourself ; think about what your partner needs out of it as well.

3Always be willing to help them and give them honesty and positivity at the same time. Make them feel you are someone they can really count on. This is an important step in a relationship.

Make sure you have a good sense of humor with them. Laughter is the key to happiness. Laugh a lot with them, and joke with them. Laughter may seem silly, but it’s the secret to a lot in life. It will keep the sparks alive. 4

Make sure the communication is good. This goes along with trust, but always communicate how you feel, even if it’s something that upsets you. Instead of screaming, talk to them. 5It’s important to communicate this to them, not to keep it bottled up.

A. If they did somethng that made you unhappy, tell them about it in a respectful manner.

B. Basically, learn to study your partners’moods, wants and needs.

C .Don’t start to neglect them and make them feel unwanted.

D. Make sure you are helpful to your partner.

E. Be an honest person with them.

F. Laughter keeps the relationship strong and lasting.

G. Show them your personality.

【题目】As the capital of China's Shaanxi Province, Xi'an's long history was properly summed up by our English-speaking guide: "If Xi'an is the grandmother of cities, Beijing is a youth and Shanghai is just a baby in the womb. "

However, it was not until 1974, following the chance discovery of the Army of Terracotta Warriors by well-digging farmers, that Xi'an was once again pushed onto the international map. Three decades later, the local government is pouring funds into the tourism sector. Ancient monuments and museums are being restored, and various copies of Buddhist and Tang heritage are being constructed to help Chinese tourists rediscover their national heritage.

One of those ancient monuments is the Big Wild Goose Pagoda-Xi'an's most sacred (神圣的) monument-which was built in 652 by the monk Xuanzang ,who travelled across India for 18 years and returned with a precious collection of Buddhist sacred texts. In 1966,the Red Guards burnt the pagoda's scriptures, silk wall hangings and other relics in a bonfire that raged all night. But that destruction has largely been forgotten as tourists flock to the newly restored pagoda. The only original remainders-the empty shell of the seven-storey pagoda-light up at night, standing out in the city's skyline.

Xi'an is also displaying the glories of the ancient Tang Dynasty, with a 165-acre Tang Paradise Theme Park that is visited by flocks of tourist groups. Although every bit of this Tang heritage is recreated, it is artistically pleasing, landscaped with ponds and lakes, classical gardens, bridges, palaces and pavilions. Explore the vast area on a golf cart, hopping on and off to see shortened operas from the Tang Dynasty days, laser shows on the lake, highly structured man-made waterfalls, as well as murals and statues of historical figures ,philosophers and poets.

A 36km drive northeast takes you to Xi'an's most famous attraction, the Army of Terracotta Warriors. They were made to order in 221BC by the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huangdi, who used the forced labour of 700,000 subjects to create a mausoleum(陵庙) guarded by an entire army.

【1】From the passage we can learn that a large sum of money of the local government in Xi'an is being ploughed into .

A. restoring the monuments

B. restoring the Pagoda

C. tourism industry

D. exploring the history

【2】 How many historical sites in Xi'an have been referred to in the passage?

A. Three. B. Four. C. One. D. Six.

【3】 What can we learn from the fourth paragraph about the Tang Paradise Theme Park?

A. Visitors are pleased with the survivals from the Tang Dynasty.

B. The natural waterfalls in it are very attractive.

C. It is totally recreated but is artistically pleasant.

D. Visitors can appreciate the full Tang Dynasty operas.

【4】 Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Make a visit to ancient sites at once.

B. China's ancient capital rises again.

C. Travel to the Army of Terracotta Warriors.

D. Take a view in the modern city.

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