
1.They hope to turn our society into one ______ those in need can get help.(  )

分析 他们希望把社会变成一个有求必有应的社会.

解答 答案:D
分析句式可知,______ those in need can get help是一个定语从句,修饰先行词society.在从句中those是主语,表示那些人,get help是谓语部分,所以句子缺少状语,结合society可以指抽象地点,所以用where引导.

点评 考生在答题时能先分清句子结构,判断从句中缺少什么成分,在结合定语从句相关知识做出选择.

8.A poor girl was selling flowers in the street (36)B Christmas Eve.Her parents were ill,so she (37)D get money for food.It was very cold.The girl felt cold and hungry.She stopped (38)A a beautiful house.The girl knocked (39)A the door and a man came out.She asked (40)Che needed some flowers.The man said he didn't want (41)B.She left the house and felt tired.She sat down at the (42)Bof a tall wall.She looked (43)Dthe flowers.'Ihe flowers (44)Cvery nice.She suddenly had an unusual feeling.She felt she became light,(45)A slowly she began to fly into the sky.She (46)D higher and higher and at last she found herself on the clouds.A group of people were coming to meet her.At the head of them (47)B her granny.She welcomed her and asked her why she didn't (48)D.The girl told her that she had to (49)C to get money became her parents were badly ill.Granny told her (50)B and gave her lots of beautiful clothes and delicious food.The girl laughed (51)D.
It snowed (52)A that night.The girl died (53)Ca smile on her face.(54)B,people in the beautiful house began to sing Christmas songs and (55)C.
36.A.in            B.on              C.at               D.(不填)
37.A.could           B.had better        C.would like        D.had to
38.A.in front of       B.in the front of     C.behind           D.beside
39.A.at              B.to              C.in               D.for
40.A.what            B.why            C.if               D.when
41.A.some           B.any             C.nothing         D.something
42.A.head           B.foot             C.top               D.middle
43.A.for            B.up               C.(不填)            D.at
44.A.feels           B.felt              C.smelt             D.smells
45.A.and            B.but              C.so               D.or
46.A.went           B.got              C.looked            D.flew
47.A.has            B.was              C.had              D.were
48.A.get money       B.go out           C.come to see her     D.stay at home
49.A.fly into the sky   B.come here        C.sell flowers        D.help others
50.A.didn't worry     B.not to worry       C.to not worry       D.to worry not
51.A.happy          B.happier           C.happiest          D.happily
52.A.heavily         B.heavy            C.largely           D.strongly
53.A.had             B.has              C.with             D.without
54.A.By the way      B.At the same time    C.except the girl     D.By way
55.A.looked after the girl   B.talked about the girl    C.enjoyed themselves  D.watched themselves.

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