People often say that a good child should be honest£¬while for me£¬I always lie to other and do not realize the results of what I say£®Yesterday£¬I learned a lesson about tell lies£®Early in the morning£¬I did not want to go to school£¬so that I told my father that I had caught the cold£®I pretended to feel terribly£®My father looks worried and he went out quickly£®I thought he went to work£¬but after a while£¬he came back with any medicine£®He said that he had asked leave that day and that he would look after me at home£®He felt very regretful about telling that lie£®Finally£¬I told him the true and promised not to tell lies again£®
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½â´ð People often say that a good child should be honest£¬while for me£¬I always lie to other and do not realize the results of what I say£®Yesterday£¬I learned a lesson about tell lies£®Early in the morning£¬I did not want to go to school£¬so that I told my father that I had caught the cold£®I pretended to feel terribly£®My father looks worried and he went out quickly£®I thought he went to work£¬but after a while£¬he came back with any medicine£®He said that he had asked¡Äleave that day and that he would look after me at home£®He felt very regretful about telling that lie£®Finally£¬I told him the true and promised not to tell lies again£®
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4£®the¸ÄΪa ¿¼²é¹Ú´Ê£®catch a coldÒâΪ"¸Ðð"£¬Êǹ̶¨´îÅ䣮
5£®terribly¸ÄΪterrible ¿¼²éÐÎÈÝ´Ê£®feelÊÇÁ¬Ïµ¶¯´Ê£¬ºó½ÓÐÎÈÝ´Ê×÷±íÓ
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A£® | turned up | B£® | put up | C£® | made up | D£® | showed up |
A£® | However he tried hard£» in passing | |
B£® | No matter how hard he tried£» to pass | |
C£® | However hard he tried£» in passing | |
D£® | No matter how he tried hard£» to pass |