Mr£®Hill was a chicken farmer whose had hundreds of chickens£®He sold eggs and got quite a lot of money£¬so the house he lived in was hot and uncomfortable£®He found his hen laid hardly any eggs in summer£¬and then he decided to put his air conditioner£¨¿Õµ÷£© into his chicken house so that his hens could lay well all through year£®The boss of the air conditioning company came to see her one day£®When he saw Mr£®Hill's house£¬he thought that he might be able to persuading him to buy for an air conditioner£®"Your wife would be more happier and more comfortable then£®"he said to Mr£®Hill£®But Mr£®Hill was not interesting£®"My wife didn't lay eggs£®"Mr£®Hill said£®
·ÖÎö ±¾ÎĽ²ÊöµÄÊÇÒ»ÔòЦ»°£»Ñø¼¦³¡µÄ³¡Ö÷Mr£®HillÑøÁËÐí¶à¼¦£¬¿¿Âô¼¦µ°Ò²×¬Á˲»ÉÙµÄÇ®£¬µ«ËûסµÄ·¿×ÓÈ´ÓÖÈÈÓÖ²»Êæ·þ£»ÒòΪËû·¢ÏÖ¼¦ÔÚÏÄÌ켸ºõ²»Ïµ°£¬ÓÚÊǾͰÑËûÓõĿյ÷°´ÔÚÁ˼¦ÉáÀ¿Õµ÷¹«Ë¾µÄÀÏ°å·¢ÏÖMr£®HillסµÄ·¿×ÓÀïûÓпյ÷£¬±ãÏëÈ°Ëû¸ø×Ô¼ºµÄÆÞ×ÓÂòһ̨¿Õµ÷£¬Mr£®HillÈ´²»ÀÖÒâµØ˵£º"ÎÒÆÞ×ÓÓÖ²»Ïµ°£®"
½â´ð Mr£®Hill was a chicken farmer whose had hundreds of chickens£®He
sold eggs and got quite a lot of money£¬so the house he lived in was
hot and uncomfortable£®He found his hen laid hardly any eggs in summer£¬
and then he decided to put his air conditioner£¨¿Õµ÷£© into his chicken house
so that his hens could lay well all through¡Äyear£®The boss of the air conditioning
company came to see herone day£®When he saw Mr£®Hill's house£¬he thought
that he might be able to persuading him to buyfor an air conditioner£®"Your wife
would bemore happier and more comfortable then£®"he said to Mr£®Hill£®But Mr£®
Hill was notinteresting£®"My wifedidn'tlay eggs£®"Mr£®Hill said£®
1£®whose¸ÄΪwho ¿¼²é¹Øϵ´ú´Ê ±¾¾äΪ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£»¹Øϵ´ú´Êwhoseͨ³£ÔڸôӾäÖÐ×÷¶¨Ó¶øÓÉÓÚ´Ë´¦µÄÏÈÐдÊa chicken farmer £¨Ö¸ÈË£©£¬ÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷µÄÊÇÖ÷Ó¹ÊÓùØϵ´ú´Êwho£®
2£®so¸ÄΪbut ¿¼²é¾äÒâÀí½âÒÔ¼°Á¬´Ê ±¾¾äµÄÒâ˼ÊÇ£ºËûÂô¼¦µ°£¬²¢ÇÒ׬Á˲»ÉÙÇ®£¬µ«ËûסµÄ·¿×ÓÈ´ÓÖÈÈÓÖ²»Êæ·þ£»´Ë´¦±íʾתÕÛ£¬²¢·ÇÒò¹û¹Øϵ£»¹ÊÓÃbut£®
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4£®yearÇ°¼Óthe ¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨¶ÌÓï all through the yearÒâΪ£ºÈ«Äꣻ¹ÊÔÚyearÇ°¼Óthe£®
5£®her¸ÄΪhim ¿¼²éÈ˳ƴú´ÊµÄÒ»ÖÂÐÔ ´Ë´¦ÔÚ¾äÖÐ×÷±öÓ¸ù¾ÝÏÂÎÄ¿Õµ÷¹«Ë¾µÄÀÏ°åÈ°Mr£®Hill ¸ø×Ô¼ºµÄÆÞ×ÓÂò¿Õµ÷¿ÉÖª£»ÕâÀïÖ¸µÄÓ¦ÊÇMr£®Hill£»¹ÊÓÃhim£®
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9£®interesting¸ÄΪinterested ¿¼²é¹ýÈ¥·Ö´Ê ´Ë´¦ÔÚ¾äÖÐ×÷±íÓ˵Ã÷Ö÷ÓïMr£®Hill £¨Ö¸ÈË£©µÄÇé¿ö£»¹ÊÓÃinterested£®
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A£º£¨56£©E Sometimes it's just impossible to understand£®
B£º£¨57£©F The more you listen to English£¬the easier it becomes£®
A£ºThat's easier said than done!
B£º£¨58£©D Then you can listen to Radio Beijing or VOA English programmes on the radio£®
A£ºDo you think that would help£¿
B£º£¨59£©A And why not buy some English tapes and some books to go with them£¿I'm sure you'll find them useful£®
A£ºYes£¬that's a good idea£®But I have another difficulty£®£¨60£©C
B£ºOh!Well£¬for that£¬you'd better find an English pen friend£®
A£®Of course£® B£®Certainly not£® C£®My written English isn't very good either£® D£®Why don't you buy a radio£¿ E£®I find listening really hard£® F£®Well£¬you just need lots of practice£® |
A£® | whom | B£® | them | C£® | who | D£® | which |
A£® | found | B£® | finding | C£® | to find | D£® | to have found |