


76.Many children s________ to death in Africa because of the lack of food.

77.Can you r________me some new books on this subject?

78.The medicare cost is e________ to be one billion dollars.

79.F________causes a rolling ball to stop finally.

80.There is a general a________that smoking is harmful.

81.I asked the photographer to e________ the picture to fit in with the big frame.

82.A d________ man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

83.He is always very p________. He is never late.

84.Golf has gained p________ among the wealthy in my country.

85.In order not to let water through, the company will come up with a new technique for w______walls.



76.starve   77.recommend   78.estimated  79.friction    80.awareness  81.enlarge    82.desperate   83.punctual    84.popularity   85.waterproof 




第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
Today we went to climb the West Hill.Early in morning    76.__________________
we started out and arrived an hour late.Then we began     77.__________________
to climb.The hill was high and some of us got tired        78.__________________
soon, and all of us were very excited.We cheered          79.__________________
happily when we got the top.We had our lunch there       80.__________________
and had enjoyed ourselves very much.Unfortunately,     81.__________________
when we walked down the hill,We were caught by         82.__________________
a rain.We remained calmly,shared umbrellas and         83.__________________
raincoats and walked carefully.Finally we both reached     84.__________________
the parking lot safely.In spite of the unexpecting rain       85.__________________
and wind,we had a good time.




On the one hand, the robots sent to the planets have not yet found

any ______(迹象) of life on Mars, but they have found evidence                           76. __________

that water ______ freely over the planet’s surface millions of years                77. __________

ago. ______ addition, water in the form of ice exists below some                   78. __________

p      of the Martian surface today.                                                           79. __________

On the other hand, d       life on Mars would change the                       80. __________

present view of the Universe and also give a big push toward man’s.

work there. But a group of experts o      by President Barack Obama          81. __________

told him last October that US ______(太空) policy should now focus             82. __________

on sending human beings to Mars instead of ______(又一,再一) moon         83. __________

landing. Michael Griffin, a former head of NASA, believes ______                84. __________

a human trip to Mars could be p       by 2037.                                                 85. __________


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