
5. ______animals like wolves and bears usually hunt for small animals for food.

A.Meat-eaten    B.Meat-eating

C.Eating—meat D.Eaten-meat





The Greenbelt, a wide belt of open land around the cities and towns of the San Francisco Bay Area, includes about 3.75 million of the Bay Area’s 4.5 million acres. The Bay Area Greenbelt is one of the largest areas of open land in any U.S. urban area. Open land is land that has few buildings and lots of natural areas. The Greenbelt’s open land includes parks, forests, beaches, and more than 8,500 farms.
What are the advantages of the Greenbelt?
The Greenbelt has many advantages for people in the Bay Area, which include:
l walking and biking areas close to the cities and towns;
l places for wild plants and animals;
l cleaner air and water;
l income from farms.
Is the Greenbelt in danger?
Five hundred seventy thousand acres of the Greenbelt are in danger. There are builders who want to build suburbs on them. If those acres become suburbs, many things will change:
l the urban and suburban area will almost double;
l many farms will disappear;
l traffic will become worse; 
l the air will become dirtier.
What is Greenbelt Alliance (联盟)?
Greenbelt Alliance, an organization that saves land in the San Francisco Bay Area, works alone and with other groups to save the Greenbelt in four ways:
1. Try to persuade people to build new buildings on land that is already urban, not on open land.
2. Make sure that the city and town governments are all making plans to save the Greenbelt.
3. Help Bay Area towns and cities to buy pieces of open land to make into natural areas.
4. Teach people in the Bay Area why the Greenbelt is important and what they can do to help save it.
【小题1】What can we learn about the Greenbelt from the first paragraph?

A.The Greenbelt is the largest open land in the United States.
B.The Greenbelt covers much more than half of the Bay Area.
C.There are few farms on the open land of the Greenbelt.
D.There are more than 8,500 natural areas on the Greenbelt.
【小题2】One of the advantages of the Greenbelt for people in the Bay Area is __________.
A.convenience for exerciseB.income from sightseeing
C.cleaner city streetsD.more plants and animals
【小题3】The Greenbelt is in danger because __________.
A.traffic is getting worse
B.some plans to build suburbs on it
C.the suburban area has doubled
D.pollution is becoming serious
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE about Greenbelt Alliance?
A.It builds new buildings on open land.
B.It buys large open land for the Bay Area.
C.It educates people how to save the Greenbelt.
D.It helps the city governments make plans.

The Greenbelt, a wide belt of open land around the cities and towns of the San Francisco Bay Area, includes about 3.75 million of the Bay Area’s 4.5 million acres. The Bay Area Greenbelt is one of the largest areas of open land in any U.S. urban area. Open land is land that has few buildings and lots of natural areas. The Greenbelt’s open land includes parks, forests, beaches, and more than 8,500 farms.

What are the advantages of the Greenbelt?

The Greenbelt has many advantages for people in the Bay Area, which include:

l walking and biking areas close to the cities and towns;

l places for wild plants and animals;

l cleaner air and water;

l income from farms.

Is the Greenbelt in danger?

Five hundred seventy thousand acres of the Greenbelt are in danger. There are builders who want to build suburbs on them. If those acres become suburbs, many things will change:

l the urban and suburban area will almost double;

l many farms will disappear;

l traffic will become worse; 

l the air will become dirtier.

What is Greenbelt Alliance (联盟)?

Greenbelt Alliance, an organization that saves land in the San Francisco Bay Area, works alone and with other groups to save the Greenbelt in four ways:

1. Try to persuade people to build new buildings on land that is already urban, not on open land.

2. Make sure that the city and town governments are all making plans to save the Greenbelt.

3. Help Bay Area towns and cities to buy pieces of open land to make into natural areas.

4. Teach people in the Bay Area why the Greenbelt is important and what they can do to help save it.

1.What can we learn about the Greenbelt from the first paragraph?

A.The Greenbelt is the largest open land in the United States.

B.The Greenbelt covers much more than half of the Bay Area.

C.There are few farms on the open land of the Greenbelt.

D.There are more than 8,500 natural areas on the Greenbelt.

2.One of the advantages of the Greenbelt for people in the Bay Area is __________.

A.convenience for exercise                 B.income from sightseeing

C.cleaner city streets                      D.more plants and animals

3.The Greenbelt is in danger because __________.

A.traffic is getting worse

B.some plans to build suburbs on it

C.the suburban area has doubled

D.pollution is becoming serious

4.Which of the following is TRUE about Greenbelt Alliance?

A.It builds new buildings on open land.

B.It buys large open land for the Bay Area.

C.It educates people how to save the Greenbelt.

D.It helps the city governments make plans.



The State of Hawaii is a state of the United States, located on a group of islands in the central Pacific Ocean southwest of the continental United States, southeast of Japan, and northeast of Australia.The state was admitted to the Union on August 21st, 1959, making it the 50th state. Its capital is Honolulu on the island of Oahu.The most recent census puts the state’s population at 1,211,537.

This state includes nearly the entire volcanic Hawaiian Island chain, which is made up of hundreds of islands spread over 1,500 miles.At the southeastern end of the group of islands, the eight “main islands” are Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Maui, and Hawaii.The last by far the largest, and is often called the “Big Island” or “Big Isle” to avoid confusion with the state as a whole.

Hawaii’s tallest mountain, Mauna Kea stands at 13,796 ft (4,205m) but is taller than Mount Everest if followed to the base of the mountain—on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.

All of the Hawaiian islands were formed by volcanoes erupting from a magma (岩浆) source described in geological theory as a hotspot.The theory maintains that as the plate beneath much of the Pacific Ocean moves in a northwesterly direction, the hot spot remains quiet, slowly creating new volcanoes. This explains why only volcanoes on the southern half of the Big Island, and the Loihi Seamount deep below the waters off its southern coast, are presently active, with Loihi being the newest volcano to form.

The last volcanic eruption outside the Big Island occurred at Haleakala on Maui in the late 18th century, though recent research suggests that Haleakala’s most recent eruption could be hundreds of years earlier.

Because of the islands’ volcanic formation, native life before human activity is said to have arrived by the “3W’s”: wind (carried through the air), waves (brought by ocean currents), and wings (birds, insects, and whatever they brought with them).The complete separation of the Hawaiian Islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean from any continent, and the wide range of environments to be found on high islands located in and near the tropic (回归线), have resulted in a vast variety of plants and animals.Hawaii has more endangered species per square mile and has lost a higher percentage of its local species than anywhere else on Earth.




on a group of islands in the central Pacific Ocean

2.       to the Union

on August 21st, 1959



Formation of the Hawaiian Islands

eruptions of 3.      

The Hawaiian Island chain

l    4.       of hundreds of islands

l    eight “main lands” with the largest called the “big Island” or “Big Isle” to avoid being 5.       with the name of the state

The tallest mountain

Mauna Kea with an 6.       of 13,796ft

Ways of the 7.      of native life

“3 W’s”: wind, waves and wings

8.       of varieties of plants and animals

l    being completely 9.       in the middle of the Pacific Ocean from other continents

l    10.       on high islands in and near the tropic


Phillip Island Penguins (企鹅)

The Little Penguin has called Phillip Island home for untold generations. Get to Phillip Island in plenty of time to watch a summer sunset at Summerland Beach - the stage is attractively set to see the Little Penguin leave water and step onto land.

l         Leave Melbourne at 5:30 pm for a direct journey to Phillip Island

l         See the Gippsland area - Guinness Book of Records place for the world’s longest earthworm (蚯蚓)

l         Journey along the coastal highway around the Bay with French Island and Churchill Island in the distance

l         Cross the bridge at San Remo to enter Phillip Island — natural home for Little Penguins and many animals

l         Take your place in special viewing stands to watch the daily evening performance of the wild Little Penguins

Ultimate Penguins (+U)

Join a group of up to 15. This guided tour goes to an attractive, quiet beach to see Little Penguins. You can see penguins at night by wearing a special pair of glasses.

Adult $60.00            Child $30.00

Viewing Platform Penguin Plus (+V)

More personalized wildlife viewing limited to 130 people providing closer viewing of the penguin arrival than the main viewing stands.

    Adult $25.00          Child $12.50

Penguin Skybox (+S)

    Join a group of only 5 in the comfort of a special, higher-up viewing tower. Gain an excellent overview of Summerland Beach.

Adult 16yrs + $50.00

60.   What kind of people is the text mainly written for?

A. Scientists.         B. Students.          C. Tourists.         D. Artists.

61.   We can learn from the text that Little penguins             .

A. have been on Phillip Island for years

B. keep a Guinness record for their size

C. are trained to practice diving for visitors

D. live in large groups to protect themselves

62.   How much would a couple with one child pay for a closer viewing tour?

A. $37.50.          B. $ 62.50.            C. $180.00.           D. $150.00.

Phillip Island Penguins (企鹅)

The Little Penguin has called Phillip Island home for untold generations. Get to Phillip Island in plenty of time to watch a summer sunset at Summerland Beach - the stage is attractively set to see the Little Penguin leave water and step onto land.

l         Leave Melbourne at 5:30 pm for a direct journey to Phillip Island

l         See the Gippsland area - Guinness Book of Records place for the world’s longest earthworm (蚯蚓)

l         Journey along the coastal highway around the Bay with French Island and Churchill Island in the distance

l         Cross the bridge at San Remo to enter Phillip Island — natural home for Little Penguins and many animals

l         Take your place in special viewing stands to watch the daily evening performance of the wild Little Penguins

Ultimate Penguins (+U)

Join a group of up to 15. This guided tour goes to an attractive, quiet beach to see Little Penguins. You can see penguins at night by wearing a special pair of glasses.          Adult $60.00     Child $30.00

Viewing Platform Penguin Plus (+V)

More personalized wildlife viewing limited to 130 people providing closer viewing of the penguin arrival than the main viewing stands.                                    Adult $25.00     Child $12.50

Penguin Skybox (+S)

    Join a group of only 5 in the comfort of a special, higher-up viewing tower. Gain an excellent overview of Summerland Beach.                     Adult 16yrs + $50.00

1.What kind of people is the text mainly written for?

A.Scientists.         B.Students.          C.Tourists.         D.Artists.

2.We can learn from the text that little penguins             

A.have been on Phillip Island for years

B.keep a Guinness record for their size

C.are trained to practise diving for visitors

D.live in large groups to protect themselves

3.How much would a couple with one child pay for a closer viewing tour?

A.$37.50.                           B.$ 62.50.

C.$180.00.                         D.$150.00.

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