






Li Ming as well as his classmates are always helping others.On May Day,his class went to the Senior Center and did some voluntary works.On arriving,they were all warm welcomed.Then they begin to work,cleaning the windows and swept the floor.Everything done,we sat in the yard reading newspapers to the elderly.The manager here praised and thanked them.They felt very proud because of what they did brought joy to others.From their experience, I've learned that the elderly should be paid more attention.So I've made a promise which I will give the elderly as much help as I can.


【解析】【 1】“Li Ming as well as his classmates are always helping others.”as well as用作连词,连接两个并列的同等成分,其意为…………”连接两个主语时,谓语动词应该和第一个主语保持一致,故应把are改成is。

【2】“Then they begin to work”work为不可数名词,所以应把works改成work。

【3】“On arriving,they were all warm welcomed.”句意:到达后,他们都受到了热烈地欢迎,修饰动词应该用形容词的副词形式,故应把warm改成warmly。

【4】“Then they begin to work”本文是在讲述过去发生的事情,时态应该为一般过去时,故应把begin改成began。

【5】“cleaning the windows and swept the floor”and前后动词应保持一致,故应把swept改成sweeping。

【6】“we sat in the yard reading newspapers to the elderly.”结合全文可知,作者通篇采用的是第三人称,故应把we改成they。

【7】“y.The manager here praised and thanked them”句意:敬老院的经理表扬并且感谢他们,故应把here改成there。

【8】“They felt very proud because of what they did brought joy to others.”because后加句子,而because of 后加短语,故应把of去掉。

【9】“ I've learned that the elderly should be paid more attention.”pay attention to sb意为:对某人注意,被动形式时to不能省略,故应在attention后加to。

【10】这句话属于同位语从句,.So I've made a promise which I will give the elderly as much help as I can.which不能引导,故应把which改成that。


【题目】Chinese parents are very generous when it comes to educating their children.Not caring about the money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England, the US or Australia.They also want their children to take extra course activities where they will either learn a musical instrument or ballet, or other classes that will give them a head start in life.The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is.So parents will spend unreasonable amount of money on education.Even poor couples will buy computers for their sons or daughters.

However, what most parents fail to see is that the best education they can give to their children is usually very cheap.

Parents can see that their children’s skills vary, skilled in some areas while poor in others.What most parents fail to realize though, is that today’s children lack self respect and self confidence.

The reasons are that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple choice tests and how to study well, but parents are not teaching them the most important skills: they need to be confident, happy and clever.

Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and doing other housework.

Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life.Cooking demands patience and time.It is an enjoyable but difficult experience.A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually finish his job successfully.His result, a well cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of confidence.These activities are not only teaching a child to work, but rather to think, and to use his mind.And that is more important.



Map Artist is the perfect tool for creating customized maps to include in research projects and reports. Map Artist offers endless possibilities. It has a huge collection of map styles to choose from, and they can be customized to suit your special needs. In this program, we will assume you have been asked to create a map for a social studies report.

Step 1. When you open Map Artist, a world map will be displayed. Type USA in the dialogue box. Click GO. A map of USA will be displayed.

Step 2. Click on the drop-down menu next to the outline map of the state. Click on the type of map you need for your report.

· OUTLINE shows only the outline shape of the state with no highways or population centers indicated.

· TOPOGRAPHIC indicates elevations(海拔)as well as the location of major cities.

· SHADED RELIEF shows only natural landforms (mountains, valleys, rivers) and national parks.

· POLITICAL shows major cities, interstates, and major highways.

· HISTORICAL recalls the oldest maps on record.

For the purposes of this program, select OUTLINE. A map showing an outline of USA will be displayed.

Step 3. Click CUSTOMIZE on the menu bar down the left side of the screen.

CUSTOMIZE allows you to place custom data on the map you have selected.

1.Click on the button next to the appropriate symbol. For practice, chick on the shovel(铲子), symbolizes archaeology(考古).

2.Next to the word TEXT, type “The Presidio”, which is an archaeological site near San Francisco.

3.Now use your mouse to click on the spot on the map where you would like this data to be placed.

4.You can add as many sites as you wish.

Step 4. Click SAVE if you would like to save the map to a file. Later, after opening the saved document, click on the map with your right mouse button and select COPY. And then PASTE it at the location where you want the map to appear. 5u

【1】If your report is about Plants and Animals in New York, you may click on map.



【2】Which function is required to place a specific location on a CUSTOMIZE map?

A.Clicking on GO.

B.Cutting and pasting.

C.Opening the file

D.Clicking on the map.

【3】Which of the following orders is true according to the Map Artist Program?

【题目】The Netherlands on Monday launched its first-ever “intelligent bicycle”, fitted with a set of electronic devices (设备) to help bring down the high accident rate among elderly cyclists in this country.

The intelligent bicycle runs on electricity. Its seat shakes when other cyclists approach from behind, while the handlebars do the same when obstacles appear ahead to inform cyclists to pay attention to the danger. It also has a cradle (置物架) in which a computer can be inserted (插入), to wirelessly connect and “talk” to the bicycle through a particular application. The computer also flashes a bright signal if there is an approaching obstacle in the bicycle’s path, like a tree, or if another cyclist comes up from behind intending to pass.

A commercial-available bicycle is expected to be on the market in the next two years and should sell for between 1, 700 euros to 3, 200 euros per bicycle. It weighs about 55 pounds but researchers are working on making the on-board systems smaller.

‘‘Accidents often happen when cyclists look behind them or get frightened when they are passed at high speed,” said Maurice Kwakkernaat, one of the scientists involved in the project, “The on-board system technology has already been at work in the automotive (自动的) industry”.

“More and more elderly people are using a bicycle,not only for short distances,but also for longer distances,” Dutch Environment Minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen said, “This type of bicycle is truly needed in the Netherlands because it will help us bring down the number of elderly people who are injured every year and allow them to continue enjoying cycling,” she said.

1What does the text mainly talk about?

A. The newly-invented bicycle can warn of danger.

B. The intelligent computer runs on electricity.

C. More elderly people enjoy electronic devices.

D. The means of transportation in the Netherlands.

2When a car appears ahead,the intelligent bicycle will_________.

A. stop by itself B. make a noise

C. warn its cyclist D. change its color

3What do you know about the intelligent bicycle?

A. It uses gas as the fuel. B. It is widely used now.

C. It will be lighter in weight. D. It will be free for everyone.

4More and more elderly people in the Netherlands______________.

A. try to invent intelligent bicycles B. enjoy themselves by cycling

C. drive cars for longer distances D. devote themselves to computers

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