
Have you ever been in a situation, where you felt uneasy because of something you think you may have forgotten to do or perhaps a feeling that you annoyed someone whom you wanted to get along with really well. If you have experienced such feelings and worse on a regular basis, then you most probably are a victim of anxiety attacks.
All of us, to some extent, have experienced anxiety at different levels. There are somethings you may know about anxiety, and some things that you may not be familiar with. So in order to be prepared for your unexpected feeling of anxiety, you need to get to know what anxiety is before it escalates into a panic attack.
Anxiety is simply the feeling of discomfort, uneasiness or fear of what may eventually happen resulting from an imagined, or a real threatening condition. On the extreme end panic attacks can occur due to heightened(增加) feelings of anxiety.
There are two main symptoms(症状) during an anxiety / panic attack and these are physical and emotional symptoms. Physical symptoms include difficulty in breathing, shaking, direct feeling of heat, rapid heartbeat and tiredness while emotional symptoms deal with worrying, depression, fear, and lack of focus.
In spite of the negative impression we have for anxiety, it is not dangerous in any way whatever. The feeling of anxiety is not bad, in fact it’s more of a defensive feeling which protects us from possible danger by engaging a response within us in fight or fight situations. So it’s not the “bad guy”, you just have to learn how to control it. Panic attacks, however, are far more dangerous and should be a concern to your health. Panic can sometimes result in blurred (模糊不清的) vision, difficulty in breathing due to a tight chest. The best way to different anxiety from any serious illness is to ask a medical expert for advice on a regular basis.
小题1:According to the passage, a panic attack is _______________.
A.as serious as an anxiety attackB.not so serious as an anxiety attack
C.resulted from an anxiety attackD.resulted in an anxiety attack
小题2: The underlined word “escalates” in the second paragraph means “_______________”.
A.happens suddenlyB.becomes more serious
C.mixes things togetherD.connects something with
小题3:A victim of anxiety attacks may have the symptoms that ______________.
A.he doesn’t want to have anything to eat
B.he has trouble in hearing and vision
C.he is always worried about others
D.he can’t pay attention to what he does
小题4:From the passage we can draw a conclusion that ______________.
A.an anxiety attack does good to usB.an anxiety attack does no harm to us
C.an anxiety attack is a serious illnessD.an anxiety attack is very dangerous
小题5: What is the best title for this passage?
A.Symptoms of Anxiety AttacksB.Ways of Getting Rid of Anxiety
C.Harm Caused by AnxietyD.Getting to know Anxiety


The sleep debt is the difference between the amount of sleep you should get and the amount you actually get. It grows every time we skim some extra minutes off our nightly sleep. “People accumulate sleep debts gradually,” says Dr. William Dement, founder of the Stanford University Sleep Clinic. Studies show that such short-term lack of sleep leads to a foggy brain, impaired vision, worsened driving and troubled remembering. Long- term effects include obesity, insulin(胰岛素) resistance, and heart disease.
A 2007 survey by the National Sleep Foundation reports that Americans sleep for 6.9 hours per night, 6.8 hours on average during the week and 7.4 hours on the weekends. Generally, experts recommend eight hours of sleep per night, although some people may require only six hours of sleep while others need ten. That means on average, Americans lose one hour of sleep each night more than two full weeks of sleep every year.
The good news is that the sleep debt can be repaid with some work, though it won’t happen when you sleep longer for once. Adding an extra hour or two hours of sleep a night is the way to catch up. For the long-term sleep shortage, it takes a few months to get back to natural sleeping pattern, says Lawrence J. Epstein, medical director of the Harvard Sleep Health Center.
Go to bed when you are tired, allowing your body to wake you in the morning, with no alarm clock. You may find yourself uncomfortable at the beginning of the recovery cycle. Expect to bank to ten hours shut-eye per night. As the days pass, however, the amount of sleeping time will gradually decrease. For recovery sleep, both the hours of the sleep and the intensity(强度) of the sleep are important. The most refreshing sleep occurs during deep sleep, which is generally considered a restorative (促使健康的) period for the brain. And when you sleep for more hours, you allow your brain to spend more time relaxing.
As you reduce the sleep debt, your body will come to rest at a sleeping pattern that is specifically right for you. Sleep researcher believe that genes determine our individual sleeping patterns. So you can’t train yourself to be a “short sleeper”. A 2005 study in the journal Sleep found that the more tired we get, the less tired we feel.
46. Which of the following is NOT the side effect of sleep debt?
A. Putting on weight.  B. Having a bad memory. 
C. Having trouble eating food.  D. A temporary loss of eyesight.
47. We learn from the 2007 survey that _______.
A. Americans generally don’t have enough sleep
B. Americans sleep too much over the weekends
C. everyone is supposed to sleep for eight hours
D. most people lack two weeks of sleep every year
48. What should we do to make up for the sleep shortage?
A. We should go to sleep when we are free.
B. We should sleep for at least ten hours every day.
C. We should sleep for one or two more hours at night.
D. We should sleep day and night during the holidays.
49. Why is the intensity of the sleep important to us?
A. Our brain is resting when we are sleeping deeply.
B. Deep sleep helps our brain to fully recover.
C. We feel more relaxed when sleeping soundly.
D. Short sleep makes our body more refreshing.
50. The author seems to believe that _________.
A. the more tired we are getting, the more sleep we need 
B. the sleeping patterns have nothing to do with our genes
C. it is possible for us to reduce our sleep time by training
D. it is wise for us to adapt to our natural sleeping patterns.

Songs that make our hearts happy can make them stronger too, US researchers reported on Tuesday.
They found that when people listened to their favorite music, their blood vessels (血管) dilated in much the same way as when they are laughing, or taking blood medications.
"We have a pretty impressive effect," said Dr Michael Miller, director of preventive cardiology (心脏病学) at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore.
"Blood vessel diameter improved," he said. "The vessel opened up pretty significantly. You can see the vessels opening up with other activities such as exercise." A similar effect is seen with drugs such as statins.
When blood vessels open up more, blood flows more smoothly and is less likely to form the clots (凝块) that cause heart attacks and strokes. "We are not saying to stop your statins or not to exercise but rather to add this to an overall program of heart health," said Miller, who presented his findings to a meeting of the American Heart Association in New Orleans.
Miller's team tested 10 healthy, non-smoking men and women, who were told to bring their favorite music. They spent half an hour listening to the recordings and half an hour listening to music they said made them feel anxious while the researchers did ultrasound tests designed to show blood vessel function.
Compared to their normal baseline measurements, blood vessel diameter increased 26 percent on average when the volunteers heard their joyful music. Listening to music they disliked — in most cases in this group heavy metal — blood vessels narrowed by six percent, Miller said.
Miller said he came up with the idea after discovering that laughter caused blood to literally flow more smoothly. "I asked myself what other things make us feel really good, besides calories from dark chocolate of course. Music came to mind. ... It makes me feel really good," he said.
Most of the volunteers chose country music but Miller said the style is not so important rather than what pleases each individual.
1. The underlined word dilate (in paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to “_____”.
A. widen             B. move               C. change              D. increase    
2. According to the passage, which of the following will NOT cause blood vessels to open up?
A. Taking exercise.                            B. Listening to unpleasant music.
C. Bursting into laughter.                       D. Taking drugs like statins.
3. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
A. blood clots are caused by heart attacks and strokes
B. music is better than chocolate for your health
C. the style of music has different effects on different people
D. a person’s overall health is more influenced by how much exercise he gets
4. What is the passage possibly taken out from?
A. A scientific journal.                      B. A school textbook.
C. A medical brochure.                            D. A local newspaper.
5. What’s the best title of the passage?
A. Pleasant Music Cures              B. Research into Blood Vessel
C. Music and Heart Attack                   D. Music and Happiness 
Even facts “forgotten” by people during a busy day may be retrieved if this is followed by a good night’s sleep.
Researchers from the University of Chicago asked volunteers to remember simple words.Many found their memories letting them down towards the end of the day, but the following morning, those who had slept well could recall much more.
Researchers, writing in the journal Nature, said the brain could “rescue” lost memories during the night.
When the brain is first asked to remember something that memory is laid down in an “unstable” state, meaning that it is possible that it could be lost.At some point, the brain consolidates those it deems important into a “stable”, more permanent state.However, the Chicago researchers suggested that it was possible for a “stable” memory to be made “unstable” again.This would mean that memories could be modified then filed away again in the face of new experiences.
The 12 volunteers tested in the experiment were played words created through a speech synthesizer which were purposely difficult to understand.Initially, the written version of the word  from the audio version only.Tests revealed that the ability to recall the right word tended to tail off as the day ended.
However, when the volunteers were retested after a good night’s sleep, they were able to recall some words that they had “ forgotten” the previous evening.
Dr Daniel, one of the study authors, said: “Sleep consolidates memories, protecting them against subsequent interference or decay.Sleep also appears to “recover” or restore memories.” He said: “If performance is reduced by decay, sleep might actively recover what has been lost.”
Dr Karim Nader, from the Department of Psychology in McGill University in Montreal, said: “Memory research is undergoing a transformation---no longer is memory thought to be a hard-writing of the brain, instead it seems to be a process of storage and restorage.”
Sleep helps some memories “mature” and also prunes out unimportant memories.
小题1:What does the first paragraph implies?
A.A busy day makes people forget things easily.
B.People need a good night’s sleep after a busy day.
C.A good night’s sleep helps memories.
D.A good night’s sleep helps people forget a busy day.
小题2:The words the 12 volunteers played in the experiment were not ____
A.created through a speech synthesizer
B.hard to understand
C.available at the beginning
D.designed to test people’s ability of understanding
小题3:According to the passage, memory_____
A.is a hard-writing of the brain
B.is not a process of storage
C.is not a process of restorage
D.will be mature with the help of sleep
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.When people first remember something, the memory is in an “unstable state”.
B.The brain will change those important unstable memories into stable.
C.Once the memory become stable, it will never become unstable again.
D.Sleep can protect memories from being harmed.
A new study has found no evidence that sunscreen, commonly used to reduce the risk of skin cancer, actually increases the risk.
Researchers from the University of Iowa based their findings on a review of 18 earlier studies that looked at the association between sunscreen use and melanoma (黑素瘤).They said that they found faults in studies that had reported associations between sunscreen use and higher risk of melanoma.
Most health experts believe that by protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, sunscreen helps prevent skin cancer, which is increasing in incidence (发生率) faster than any other cancer in the United States.
But questions has been raised about sunscreen and whether it may has opposite effect, perhaps by allowing people to remain exposed to the sun longer without burning.
The researchers said that among the problems with some earlier studies is that they often failed to take into account that those people most at risk for skin cancer--- people with fair skin and freckles (雀斑), for example--- are more likely to use sunscreen.As a result, it may appear that sunscreen users get cancer more often.
The studies, which generally relied on volunteers to recall their sunscreen use, were also unable to prove how well the products had been applied, said the new study.
小题1:People with fair skin and freckles         .
A.seldom use sunscreen
B.are more in danger of skin cancer
C.can be free from the harm of the sun
D.often expose themselves to the sun
小题2:We can learn from the passage that         .
A.sunscreen users get skin cancer more often
B.the volunteers have proved the effect of sunscreen
C.the new study was based on the experiences of volunteers
D.the number of skin cancer patients is increasing in America
小题3:Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?
A.Sunscreen to Prevent Skin Cancer
B.Sunscreen to Increase Skin Cancer
C.Skin Cancer Caused by Sunscreen
D.Skin Cancer Caused by Freckles
Dieters are often advised to stop drinking alcohol to avoid the extra calories lurking in a glass of wine or a favorite cocktail. But new research suggests that women who regularly consume moderate(适度的) amounts of alcohol are less likely to gain weight than nondrinkers and are at lower risk for obesity (fatness).
The findings, reported this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine, are based on a study of 19,220 United States women aged 30 to 40 who fall into the “normal weight” based on their body mass index. Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston tracked the women’s drinking habits over 13 years. About 60 percent of the women were light or regular drinkers, while about 40 percent reported drinking no alcohol.
Over the course of the study, 41 percent of the women became overweight. Although alcohol is packed with calories, the nondrinkers in the study actually gained more weight over time: nine pounds, on average, compared with an average gain of about three pounds among regular moderate drinkers. The risk of becoming overweight was almost 30 percent lower for women who consumed one or two alcohol drinks a day, compared with nondrinkers.
The findings are certain to be confusing for women who continue to receive conflicting messages about the health benefits and risks of alcohol. Although moderate drinking is associated with better heart health, regular drinking also increases breast cancer risk.
The trend toward less weight gain among drinkers doesn’t appear to hold true for men. A 2003 study of British men showed that regular drinkers gained more weight than nondrinkers. Studies suggest that drinking alcohol has different effects on eating habits among men and women. Men typically add alcohol to their daily caloric intake, whereas women are more likely to substitute(替代)alcohol for food. In addition, there may be differences in how men and women metabolize(代谢)alcohol. Metabolic studies show that after men drink alcohol, they experience little if any metabolic change. But alcohol appears to slightly speed up a woman’s metabolism.
The findings don’t mean women should rush to drink alcohol to lose weight. Other research shows that once a person is already overweight, her alcohol metabolism is more efficient, and so an overweight woman may gain more weight from alcohol than a lean(瘦的) woman. The data do, however, suggest that for many women facing weight problems, the extra calories are probably not coming from alcoholic drinks.
小题1: According to the study, which of the following regular drinker is less likely to gain weight than nondrinkers?
A                 B                 C                  D
小题2:That men regular drinkers gained more weight than women regular drinkers is due to the following except ______.
A.women are more likely to substitute alcohol for food.
B.men drink alcohol much faster than women.
C.men and women metabolize alcohol differently.
D.men have different effects on eating habits with women.
小题3: The underlined word “whereas” may probably mean _______.
A.soB.in order thatC.butD.and then
小题4:What can a dieter probably do before reading this passage?
A.Rush to drink alcohol to lose weight
B.Add alcohol to his or her daily caloric intake.
C.Face the weight problems alone.
D.Try to stop drinking any alcohol or wine.
American farmers are raising five percent more goats for meat these days.
Goat meat is high in protein(蛋白质)and lower in unhealthy fat than many other meats.Even so,the industry is small compared to chicken,beef and pork. But immigration has brought more of a taste for goat to America from all over the world.
Experts from the University of Illinois offer some questions for people to consider if they are thinking about raising goats.
First of all,do you understand that there always has to be someone to care for the goats?
◆How much land do you have available? And how good is it? Poor ground may support two to four goats on half a hectare.Better grassland can support six to eight. If goats and cattle share the land,two goats can be added for each cow. The goats will eat weeds and other plants that cattle do not like.
◆Do you have buildings for the number of female goats you plan to keep during winter? An open,cold,dry barn is better than a closed,warm barn where the air is wet.
◆Do you have the equipment to clean barns(畜棚) and to harvest hay(草料) to feed your goats? Or will you get someone else to do it,or buy the hay?
The experts say a profitable business in goat meat may take three to five years to establish.And, of course, there are no guarantees .
小题1:On which section of a newspaper will this passage appear?
A.International AffairsB.Entertainment
小题2:Which of the following is NOT a factor in making goat meat more popular?
A.Goat meat is healthy food.
B.Immigrants bring different tastes.
C.The industry still leaves room for profit.
D.Raising goats is challenging.
小题3:If someone has two hectares of good grass land, what is the maximum number of cows and goats he can raise?
A.32 cows and 64 goats.B.32 cows and 32 goats.
C.16 cows and 32 goats.D.8 cows and 16 goats.
小题4: What is the experts’ opinion about the goat-raising business?
A.You can make sure money.
B.You had better be cautious and patient.
C.Goats are hardly possible to raise.
D.Goat meat still needs to be recognized.

All of my childhood and early, adult life, my mom weighed over 220 pounds (one pound =" 0.454" kilograms). I could feel the pain that my mom experienced with her fatness.
I was never uncomfortable about my mother, but I think she was uncomfortable about herself, and that feeling was painful for all of us. And she began to lose weight.
After more than twenty years of battling obesity(肥胖), my mother completed a forceful eighteen-month diet that left her ninety pounds lighter than before. A new woman was born! At age twenty-eight, I got a new mom! For the first time, I met the woman my mother truly was, the beautiful little lady under the fatness. It wasn’t so much her new body that was the surprise, but rather her new spirit.
To celebrate her new size and to devote herself to dancing again, my mother joined a “Mrs. Forty-Plus” competition, where she would have to model, give a speech and provide a dance performance. She told our family that she did not care if she won — she simply had always wanted to perform on stage.
She told each one of us, “I’m not doing it to win; I’m doing it to dance!”
The competition was exciting! I prayed that my mom would win, but while watching her on stage I was simply overjoyed just by her effort. To me, she had already won. She posed to perfection, her speech brought tears to everyone’s eyes, and her performance was wonderful.
That night, at age fifty-three, my mother was crowned (为......加冕) “Mrs. Forty-Plus”. She was the first person in our family to ever win such a title.
64. The first two paragraphs mainly show that the author’s mom was __________.
A. experienced      B. painful          C. comfortable        D. fat
65. After the author’s mom completed a forceful eighteen-month diet, she was about __________.
A. 85 kilograms    B. 41 kilograms      C. 130 pounds         D. 90 pounds
66. In order to join in the “Mrs. Forty-Plus” Competition, the author’s mom has to do the following EXCEPT __________.
A. providing a dance performance            B. telling a funny story about herself
C. giving a speech to a large number of people  D. wearing special clothes to show to people
67. The underlined part in Paragraph 6 means that __________.
A. the author’s mom succeeded in modeling and speaking
B. the author’s mom’s performance was very wonderful
C. the author’s mom was not successful in modeling
D. the author’s mom succeeded in making a speech
Enough sleep is important to health. The amount o f sleep needed depends on the age of the person and the conditions in which sleep takes place. The young may need more sleep than the old, but usually eight hours are enough for the health of grown-ups.   Some can do with less than this amount, but others may need more. Every person knows his own need. It is then a matter of good judgement to satisfy his need. Sleep should always be enough to make one bring back his strength and get ready for a day’s
Fresh air is necessary to sound sleep. It is not without reason for some people to think that it is practicable to sleep in the open air. When one can keep himself warm, out-of-door sleeping probably gives the body its most complete relaxation(松弛). Ability to sleep is largely a habit . The conditions referred to only lead to sleep. Out-of-door exercises, a good habit of regular hours and the avoidance(避免) of late eating and worry, which are largely within the control of any person, are all helpful to sound sleep.
A bath at bedtime, neither hot nor cool but of body temperature, may be helpful to sleep. Sleep-producing drug(药)should never be taken except when suggested by a doctor.
小题1:How many hours are usually enough for the health of a pupil?
A.Less than eight hours. B.No more than eight hours.
C.Eight hours or so. D.No less than eight hours.
小题2: Which of the following is helpful to good sleep?
A.Keeping good habits.
B.Staying up late at night.
C.Eating something at bedtime.
D.Forming the habit of taking sleep-producing drug.
小题3: The amount of sleep a person needs has something to do with________.
A.his ageB.his height
C.his weightD.his character
小题4:Before going to bed, you’d better not_______.
A.take a bathB.do any housework
C.think a lotD.go out for relaxation

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