
  为了丰富外国留学生的生活, 你校学生会将举办一次音乐周活动。 请你以组织者的身份写一个书面通知。



  活动:1. 演唱歌曲: 流行歌曲

     2. 器乐演奏: 古典和民间音乐

     3. 音乐比赛: 听歌曲片断, 然后猜出处




  1. 书面通知应写成一篇连贯的短文;

  2. 可以适当增减细节;

  3. 词数100左右;

  4. 通知格式已为你写好;

  5. 生词: 古典 - classical

       民间 - folk

       乐器 - musical instruments

       比赛 - contest

  April 10, 2000

  Dear students,

     Come to the great fun!

Students Union


One possible version:

Dear students,

    The Students Union has decided to organise a music week. It will be held in the first week of May. The activities include singing pop songs and playing classical and folk music. Bring your own musical instruments, please. A music contest will be included, too. The students taking part in the contest will listen to part of a song or a piece of music, and then guess where it comes from. If you'd like to take part in the music week, please come and sign up for it before April 20th. The place for the activities will be announced later.

   Come to the great fun!

Students Union


建议使用句型:   take part in ...   come and sign up for ...

建议使用动词:  include, be announced

写作技巧提示: 句式熟记6:

1. 抱歉……

 (1) 真抱歉,我不能接受你好意的邀请参加欢迎会。

   I am sorry to say that I cannot accept your kind invitation to the reception.

 (2) 前几天我碰见你时,我答应过今天到你家拜访, 但很抱歉今天不能来看你,因为早上我身体一直不舒服。

   When I saw you the other day, I promised to call at your house today. But I am sorry to say that I cannot come to see you today, as I have been out of sorts since this morning.

 2. 老实说;说实在的;坦白说

 (1) 说实在的,我一直忙着准备入学考试。

   To tell the truth, I have been so busy preparing for the entrance examination.

 (2) 自从我学习英语以来已经四、五年了, 但说实在话,我既不能阅读原文书,也不能正确用英语写信。我还得更努力学习。

   It is already four of five years since I began to study English. But to tell the truth, I cannot read English books in the original, nor write a letter in English properly. I must study much harder.

 3. 因为;由于;为了……

  (1) 由于过度操劳他病倒了。He has fallen ill on account of overwork.

  (2) 他为了求学而去了美国。He went to America for the purpose of study.

 4. 以免……

  (1) 我的记性不好,所以写下来免得忘掉。

   As I have a bad memory, I write it down lest I should forget it.

  (2) 把我的雨伞带去,免得途中挨雨淋。

   Take my umbrella with you, for fear that you may be caught in the rain on the way.

  (3) 把这本书放在大衣里以免淋湿。

   Carry this book under your overcoat lest it should get wet.

 5. 太……而不能……


  (1) The book is too difficult for me to read.

  (2) The book is so difficult that I cannot read it.

  (3) 这条街灰尘太多。刮风的时候,我们无法睁开眼睛走过去。

   The street is so dusty that we cannot walk on a windy day with our eyes open.

6. 没有(一件事)像……那样……

  (1) 没有一件事像登山那样有趣。There is nothing so interesting as mountaineering.

  (2) 没有一件事比登山更有趣。There is nothing more interesting than mountaineering.

  (3) Nothing is more interesting than mountaineering.

  (4) 没有姐妹像她们长得那么像。No sisters are more alike than they are.

7. 再……也不为过;愈……愈好


  (1) I cannot be too grateful to you.

  (2) I cannot thank you too much.

  (3) You cannot be too careful in doing things.

  (4) 书本就好比邻居。如果这本书内容不错,那么愈长愈好。否则的话,愈早把它丢掉是愈好。

  A book may be compared to your neighbo(u)r. If it is good, it cannot last too long. Otherwise, you cannot get rid of it too soon.

8. 未必……;不一定……

  (1) 体操对健康未必都有好处。Physical exercise is not always good for the health.

  (2) 通常大家认为燕子春来秋去,但最近发现了一个新的事实就是燕子并不一定都如此。

  Swallows are generally considered to come over in spring and go away in autumn. But a new fact has been discovered that they do not necessarily (or always) do so.

9. i. 绝谈不上(远非)……;ii. 不但不……反而……

  (1) 他的身体绝谈不上强健。He was far from being robust.

  (2) 他不但不强健反而极为虚弱。So far from being strong, he was rather weak.

  (3) 暑假快到了,这对学生来讲是件乐事, 但对那些要参加入学考试的学生却谈不上快乐。

  In all schools the summer vacation is drawing near, and it is a joyful thing for students to have it. But for those who are going to take an entrance examination it is far from being a delight.

10. i. 句尾的as it is “照原样;照实”

  ii. 句首的As it is “但实情和设想相反”

 说明: 用“as it was”表示过去的时间。i句型可以用be动词以外的动词,主语不一定是it。

 (1) The painter does not copy nature as it is. 画家并不是照自然那样原原本本地写生。

(2) If I were rich, I should do so. As it is, I do nothing.



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