
16.From a very early age,some children exhibit better
self-control than others.Now,a new study that began with about 1,000 children in New Zealand has tracked how a child's low self-control can predict poor health,money troubles and even a criminal record in their adult years.
Researchers have been studying this group of children for decades now.They observed the level of self-control the youngsters displayed.Parents,teachers,even the kids themselves,scored the youngsters on measures like"acting before thinking"and"Persistence in reaching goals."
The study led  by Moffitt of Duke University and colleagues followed 1,000 children from birth to age 32 in Dunedin,New Zealand.
"The children who had the lowest self-control when they were age three to ten,later on had the most health problems in their 30s,"Moffitt said,"and they had the worst financial situation.They were more likely to have a criminal record and to be raising a child as a single parent on a very low income."Moffitt explained that self-control problems were widely observed,and weren't just a feature of a small group of misbehaving kids.
Moffitt said it's still unclear why some children have better self-control than others,though she said other researchers have found that it's mostly a learned behavior,with relatively little genetic influence.But good self-control can be set to run in familles because children with good self-control are more likely to grow up to be healthy and prosperous parents.But the good news,Moffitt said,is that self-control can be taught by parents,and through school curricula that have been shown to be effective.
61.From the first two paragraphs we learn that.B
A.the research has been carried out for five years
B.self-control in kids tends to determine their future
C.self-control was assessed by children's intelligence
D.children's self-control is almost the same at early age
62.Children with low self-control are more likely to.D
A.become wealthy in later life     B.get good school performance
C.have better financial planning   D.adopt negative behaviors
63.According to Moffitt,D 
A.only good genetic factors can shape their lives in the future
B.scientists know well why some children have better self-control
C.self-control in childhood has nothing to do with criminal activity
D.willpower as a child really influences people's chances of adulthood
64.What can be inferred from the passage?D
A.Self-control cannot be taught in schools.
B.The study is restricted within few participants.
C.It's never too late to deal with self-control problems.
D.Good parenting can improve self-control and life success.
65.Which of the following might be the best title of the  passage?A
A.Child's self control predicts future health,success
B.Kids are encouraged to take risks at an early age
C.Children's development cannot be changed by teachers
D.How to teach the kids a bit of self-control in schools.

分析 本文是一篇健康环保类阅读,文章主要讲述了自制力弱的孩子可能会健康状况不佳,资金困难,甚至在成年后会有犯罪倾向.而孩子的自我控制能力能够决定未来的成功与健康.此外,良好的教养可以提高自我控制能力,遗传因素对其影响较小.

61.B理解判断题.根据前两段的a child's low self-control can predict poor health,money troubles and even a criminal record in their adult years.可知自制力弱的孩子可能会健康状况不佳,资金困难,甚至在成年后会有犯罪倾向.由此可知,自我控制的孩子往往能决定自己的未来.故选B.
62.D细节理解题.根据第二段a child's low self-control can predict poor health,money troubles and even a criminal record in their adult years.可知自制力弱的孩子可能会健康状况不佳,资金困难,甚至在成年后会有犯罪倾向.由此可知,自制力弱的孩子更有可能接受消极的行为.故选D.
63.D理解判断题.根据第四段The children who had the lowest self-control when they were age three to ten,later on had the most health problems in their 30s,可知三到十岁孩子如果自制力弱的话,在他们30多岁时,将会有很大的健康问题.由此可知,孩童时的意志力真的会对成人后造成影响.故选D.
64.D推断理解题.根据最后一段though she said other researchers have found that it's mostly a learned behavior,with relatively little genetic influence.可知自我控制能力是一个学习行为,遗传因素对其影响较小.又Moffitt said,is that self-control can be taught by parents,and through school curricula that have been shown to be effective.可知自我控制能力需要被父母教授.由此推知,良好的教养可以提高自我控制能力,更有可能收获成功.故选D.

点评 本题是健康环保类的阅读理解题.这类题型是高考常考题型之一,要求考生先把文章内容通读一遍,在了解大意的基础上再结合选项内容以及上下文做出正确的选择.

7.A new study shows students who write notes by hand during lectures perform better on exams than those who use laptops.Students are increasingly using laptops for note-taking because of speed.But the research has found laptop users are less able to remember and apply the concepts (概念)they have been taught.
Researchers performed experiments that aimed to find out whether using a laptop increased the tendency to make notes"mindlessly"by taking down word for word what the professors said.
In the first experiment,students were given either a laptop or pen and paper.They listened to the same lectures and were told to use their usual note-taking skills.Thirty minutes after the talk,they were examined on their ability to remember facts and on how well they understood concepts.
The researchers found that laptop users took twice as many notes as those who wrote by hand.However,laptop users performed worse at remembering and applying the concepts.Both groups scored similarly when it came to memorizing facts.
The researchers'report said,"While more notes are beneficial,if the notes are taken mindlessly,as is more likely the case on a laptop,the benefit disappears."
In another experiment aimed at testing long-term memory,students took notes as before but were tested a week after the lecture.This time,the students who wrote notes by hand performed significantly better on the exam.
These two experiments suggest that handwritten notes are not only better for immediate learning and understanding,but that they also lead to revision in the future.

63.More and more students prefer laptops for note-taking because they can.B
A.write less notes                  
B.write more notes
C.get higher scores                 
D.understand lectures better
64.The results of the study show that laptop users performed.C
A.better on the exam.
B.worse at remembering facts
C.worse at remembering concepts    
D.better for immediate learning
65.The author of the passage aims toC
A.examine the importance of revision   
B.encourage the use of laptops
C.explain the benefit of taking notes    
D.explain the benefit of taking notes by hand
66.The passage is likely to appear in.A
A.a science magazine               
B.a computer textbook
C.a newspaper advertisement         
D.a finance report.
4.In a computer age,a broadband Internet connection is very popular now.Whether cable or mobile broadband,today's connections are many times faster than those in the early days.Videos play smoothly,complex websites load quickly,and files download much faster than ten years ago.And the files are much bigger too.
There's a hidden problem:You have to live near enough to a major city to get broadband Internet.If you don't,it's slow dial-up access for you.And for those living really far out,there may be no Internet access at a11.
Technology experts often talk about the"last mile"problem,which refers to the difficulty of bringing Internet access to remote locations.In cities and suburbs(郊区),it's relatively easy to provide access for everyone.It is much more difficult to deliver access to those living far from cities,especially in developing countries.Internet service providers.for their part,have been reluctant to provide access to sparsely(稀疏地)populated areas.The handful of Internet users they would reach wouldn't cover the expense.
But every year,technological advancements allow of more and more Internet users.Most broadband connections today run over existing cable TV and telephone lines although these technologies aren't available everywhere.
Some companies have delivered the Internet over standard power lines.Advancements in cheaper more efficient fiber optics cables(光纤电缆)promise to bring extremely fast Internet connections to more users.Still.the"last mile"problem remains hard to deal with.There will always be somewhere that doesn't have an affordable broadband connection.But someday that might not matter.If the rapid progress in cell phone technology is any indication,it may not be too long before an Internet connection simply follows you wherever you go.
29.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.Internet connections have been popular everywhere.
B.Internet service providers are willing to care about rural(农村的)customers.
C.The problem of Internet access hasn't been completely dealt with
D.Computer can't become popular in developing countries.
30.Paragraph 4mainly tells us that technological advancementsD.
A.make TV and telephone available everywhere
B.bring great change to people's everyday life
C.bring faster Internet connections to users
D.make it possible for more people to use the Internet
31.What may eventually settle the"last mile"problem?B
A.The broadband connection's getting faster.
B.The rapid progress in cell phone technology.
C.More and more Internet connections.
D.More and more Internet users
32.The best title for this passage may beA.
A.Internet Connection Problems  
B.Internet Connections Need Improving
C.Progress in Internet Connections 
D.Internet Connections Today.
By combing through newly digitized census data from the 19th century,J.David Hacker,a demographic historian from Binghamton University in New York,has recalculated the deathtoll and increased it by more than 20 percent-to 750,000.
Called the iBrain,this simple-looking contraption is part of an experiment that aims to allow Dr.Hawking-long paralyzed by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,or Lou Gehrig's disease-to communicate by merely thinking.
CWhat we wear can affect not only what people think of us,but also the way our brains work,a study involving a doctor's coat shows.
DEven after 20 years of studying in the country,Brian L.Fisher,an entomologist,was surprised by the ability of a cyclone to derail an expedition.
EA Canadian project aimed at creating a genetically engineered pig whose manure would be less harmful to the environment is being halted after failure to find a company willing to bring the animal to market,according to the lead researcher.
FScientists have for the first time identified several gene mutations that they say sharply increase the chances of autism,and have found that the risk increases with the age of the parents,particularly the father.
46.Move to Market Gene-Altered Pigs in Canada Is HaltedE
47.Mind Games:Sometimes a White Coat Isn't Just a White CoatC   
48.A Little Device That's Trying to Read Your ThoughtsB
49.Scientists Link Gene Mutation to Autism RiskF
50.New Estimate Raises Civil War Death TollA.
1.You feel happiest when you create a healthy balance between giving and receiving.If you give and give without making time to fill your own needs,then it's likely you will burn out,or feel upset.When you take and take without giving anything back,you never feel fulfilled,so you are always searching for ways to fill the void in your life.
The way to create a healthy balance between giving and receiving is to know and then live by your values.I break values up into two groups which I call being and having values.Your being values are the character traits of the ideal person you would like to be.I suggest to my clients that they choose three being values that they are willing to make a commitment to live by.An example of some being values are:kind,loving,generous,inspirational,peaceful,wise and even powerful.By acting on these values you give to others through your actions and you inspire others by being a positive role model.Mastering being these character traits becomes your life purpose.
Your having values are the feelings you need to create in order to be happy.These could be companionship,achievement,support,being valued or financial security.This is what you receive.You take responsibility for filling your own needs by taking steps to create these feelings and conditions in your life.
When you make a commitment to live by your being values,it becomes easier to make conscious choices rather than reactionary ones.If your usual pattern is to talk about your problems,you could choose to think and act like a calm person.A calm person might go for a walk,meditate(沉思),or set a time limit before responding.If your usual pattern is to worry,you could choose to act like a responsible or wise person.In other words,you would act like the person you choose to be-this is the key to personal power.
When you choose to act on your values,you not only feel good about yourself,you reinforce(加强)your chosen beliefs.Over time acting in this way changes how you see the world,and in turn the way other people think of you.

60.The main purpose of this passage is toC.
A.persuade the readers to make a commitment
B.explain to the readers what personal values are
C.inform the readers how to be truly happy
D.instruct the readers how to make wise choices
61.According to the text,living by your being values,you wouldB.
A.gain a lot of power B.form positive personality
C.seek all human virtues D.fill your own needs
62.The underlined word"void"in Paragraph 1meansA.
A.a feeling of emptiness    B.an absence of one's mind
C.a break of continuity     D.a state of confusion
63.What can be inferred from the text?B
A.Having values are better than being values.
B.A calm person does not choose to complain.
C.The way other people think of you decides who you are.
D.A responsible person does not care about financial security.
8.Animals are considered to be endangered if the species is close to extinction throughout all or most of its environment.Animals become endangered for a variety of reasons.
Some animals become endangered when their habitats contain resources for humans.For example,commercial forest cutting in the Amazon Rainforest has seriously reduced the population of many animal species and lead to the extinction of other groups.Land itself is an important resource to humans since it provides us with living space,and when people replace animal habitats with human habitats,it can lead to larger loss of natural species.
Commercial and industrial operations may reduce land or water for animals and pollute their environment.Due to water pollution,the baiji,a fresh water dolphin native to China,was declared extinct,meaning it's unlikely the population can recover.Even noise pollution from human activities can lead to the disorder of animal behavior.
Another cause that makes animals become endangered is over-fishing or over-hunting.Over-hunting whales led to near extinction of many species of whales.
The introduction of a non-native species to a habitat may make animals become endangered.The native species may not defend against a new one,and the effects can be dangerous.In Australia,the introduction of the common house cat led to the extinction of the red-fronted parakeet and has seriously damaged the populations of several small animals.
Introduced species can also bring new diseases with them.As a result,animals become endangered.Native animals may not have the power to fight against non-native diseases,and population levels can suffer.Another cause of disease is human-introduced chemicals.The use of DDT is believed to be one of the leading causes in driving the California Condor to near extinction.
When animals become endangered,the entire food chain can be affected.For example,in 2008 disease seriously harmed the honeybee,which is largely responsible for pollinating(授花粉)  plants,including many fruits and vegetables.Without their pollination,a very large part of the human diet could be reduced.In fact,if the honeybee should become extinct,our life would be affected and billions of dollars would be lost.Therefore,many people argue that when animals become endangered it is in man's own self-interest to protect them.

61.The passage is mainly aboutD.
A.ways of protecting animals'habitats
B.effects caused by species endangerment
C.dangers of bringing in non-native species
D.reasons why animals become endangered
62.Which of the following examples shows that environmental pollution may cause species endangerment?B
A.The extinction of the whales.
B.The extinction of the red-fronted parakeet.
C.The decreasing population of the dolphin.
D.The effect of the honeybee on the human diet.
63.Why is it dangerous to introduce a non-native species to a habitat?A
A.Native species are likely to die from the new diseases.
B.It's hard for non-native species to survive.
C.Non-native species will take up more space.
D.Native species are so powerful for non-native species.
64.The California Condor is in danger of dying out because ofB.
A.loss of habitat                                                       
B.harmful chemicals
C.forest cutting                                                        
D.unfamiliar diseases
65.We can infer from the last paragraph thatD.
A.humans are to blame for species extinction
B.small animals mean little to the whole food chain
C.protection of the honeybee has cost billions of dollars
D.humans protect animals for the benefit of themselves.
5.From a very early age,some children exhibit better
self-control than others.Now,a new study that began with about 1,000 children in New Zealand has tracked how a child's low self-control can predict poor health,money troubles and even a criminal record in their adult years.
Researchers have been studying this group of children for decades now.They observed the level of self-control the youngsters displayed.Parents,teachers,even the kids themselves,scored the youngsters on measures like"acting before thinking"and"Persistence in reaching goals."
The study led  by Moffitt of Duke University and colleagues followed 1,000 children from birth to age 32 in Dunedin,New Zealand.
"The children who had the lowest self-control when they were age three to ten,later on had the most health problems in their 30s,"Moffitt said,"and they had the worst financial situation.They were more likely to have a criminal record and to be raising a child as a single parent on a very low income."Moffitt explained that self-control problems were widely observed,and weren't just a feature of a small group of misbehaving kids.
Moffitt said it's still unclear why some children have better self-control than others,though she said other researchers have found that it's mostly a learned behavior,with relatively little genetic influence.But good self-control can be set to run in familles because children with good self-control are more likely to grow up to be healthy and prosperous parents.But the good news,Moffitt said,is that self-control can be taught by parents,and through school curricula that have been shown to be effective.
61.From the first two paragraphs we learn that.B
 A.the research has been carried out for five years
 B.self-control in kids tends to determine their future
 C.self-control was assessed by children's intelligence
 D.children's self-control is almost the same at early age
62.Children with low self-control are more likely to.D
 A.become wealthy in later life    
B.get good school performance
 C.have better financial planning  
D.adopt negative behaviors
63.According to Moffitt,.D
 A.only good genetic factors can shape their lives in the future
 B.scientists know well why some children have better self-control
 C.self-control in childhood has nothing to do with criminal activity
 D.willpower as a child really influences people's chances of adulthood
64.What can be inferred from the passage?D
 A.Self-control cannot be taught in schools.
 B.The study is restricted within few participants.
 C.It's never too late to deal with self-control problems.
 D.Good parenting can improve self-control and life success.
65.Which of the following might be the best title of the  passage?A
 A.Child's self control predicts future health,success
 B.Kids are encouraged to take risks at an early age
 C.Children's development cannot be changed by teachers
 D.How to teach the kids a bit of self-control in schools.

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