
9.About three decades ago,China was known as the"Bicycle Kingdom".But later on bikes were replaced by their fuel-powered competitors.
But recent months have seen a popularity of bikes across China,with an increasing number of people choosing cycling instead of driving to schools,to workplaces or to do sightseeing.The introduction of sharing bikes,pioneered by start-ups (新创办的公司)like Ofo and Mobike,has brought the trend to a new level.
People can unlock the shared bikes by simply using their smartphones.The bikes are equipped with GPS and can be left anywhere in public for the next user.They're popular among many Chinese people as they provide an effective solution to the"last mile"problem,which refers to the final part of a person's journey.
"In places where the subway doesn't arrive,where it's difficult to change from one kind of transport to another,it's so easy to get where you want to go with Mobike,"Hu Hong,29,told AFP.She pedals to her work.
However,the plan has also led to various problems.Last month,two nurses in Beijing were placed under administrative punishment for five days for putting locks on two shared bikes.And in December,a man who stole a shared bike was sentenced to 3month in prison,and fined 1,000 yuan by the Shanghai Minhang People's Court.
"Bike-sharing is a greener method of transportation,"said Liu Xiaoming,vice-minister of transport."But it's a connection of online and offline business.Operators are usually strong in online services,but lack (缺少) offline business experience,which causes problems."To deal with these problems,the company came up with the idea of encouraging people to return the bikes to stations by rewarding free time for their next rides.

8.Who has made the use of bikes popular again?A
A.The pioneered start-ups.
B.The students and workers.
C.The local government.
D.The businessman.
9.Which of the following doesn't belong to the"last mile"problem?A
A.Missing the business plane for traffic jam.
B.Getting to somewhere the subway doesn't reach.
C.Having trouble in changing from a bus to a taxi.
D.Having difficulty with the final part of a person's travel.
10.What reason causes many problems in bike-sharing?B
A.There are no laws on this business at the moment.
B.Operators have no enough offline business experience.
C.The bike-sharing business is too difficult to run.
D.Some people do damage to the bikes on purpose.
11.What can we learn from the passage?B
A.Cycling is free of charge.
B.Riding bikes comes into fashion again.
C.There are some laws against bike-sharing.
D.A new smartphone disappears in our life.

分析 通篇文章讲述了社会新流行的"共享单车"现象及其初期出现的很多问题.

解答 8.A 细节理解题.根据题干,信息源在第二段"The introduction of bike-sharing schemes,pioneered by start-ups like Ofo and Mobike,has brought the trend to a new level",可知答案为A.
9.A 细节理解题.根据题干"last mile"problem,锁定信息源为第三段"which refers to the final leg of a person's journey".再细读这一段可以知道"In places where the subway doesn't extend""在地铁不延伸的地方,故B项正确;"where it's difficult to change from one kind of transport to another"很难从一种运输方式转变到另一种运输方式,故C项正确;"it's so easy to get where you want to go with Mobike,"去你想去的地方与自行车很容易.故不属于"last mile"problem的为A.
10.B 细节理解题.本题信息源在最后一段."Operators are usually strong in online services,but lack offline business experience,which causes problems."可以知道正确选项为B.
11.B 文章主旨题.Bike-sharing is a greener method of transportation,"said Liu Xiaoming,vice-minister of transport."But it's a connection of online and offline business.Operators are usually strong in online services,but lack (缺少) offline business experience,which causes problems."To deal with these problems,the company came up with the idea of encouraging people to return the bikes to stations by rewarding free time for their next rides.共享单车其实是一种绿色出行的交通方式,但是它是一种线上和线下的业务.经营者通常喜欢线上服务,缺少线下服务经验.为了解决这些问题,公司提出了下次免费骑行的办法来鼓励人们使用共享单车.结合选项,故选B

点评 题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

2.Women are overtaking men in education and in the workplace,a senior Government minister said yesterday-creating a new generation of stay-at-home fathers.
Universities minister David Willetts predicted relationships and traditional household structures will be transformed as the female's power ahead,and women earn more than their male partners.
Successful women will have to"marry down"by choosing partners less qualified than them-and may increasingly select men based on how supportive they might be to their careers,rather than whether they can support them financially.
And experts say women will often become the main breadwinners,with more men staying at home to look after children.
Mr.Willetts said there was clear evidence from schools that boys are"lagging behind",and are being overtaken by female students at university.He said:"I am not against women having those advantages but there is now a rather striking gap,if you look at the statistics,where it looks as if approximately 50percent of women are graduating from university by the time they're 30and perhaps about 40percent of men."He added:"It may lead to changes in the patterns of household living.So there are some deep questions here."
The Philadelphia-based Pew Research Centre study,published in The Atlantic magazine,suggests female graduates are being put in similar situation to that faced for some time by black women.In America,70percent of black women have no husband and there are twice as many black women as black men with university degrees.
Many educated British women believe there is already a dearth of traditional husbands.Claire Davis,33,who works in financial services and lives in south London,told The Times:"I have a good job and my own flat and I can pretty much do what I want,but a lot of them I meet aren't really of the right quality.If I look at the friends I went to university with,the men don't tend to be doing as well as the women."

28.David Willetts'attitude toward women's overtaking men in education and in the workplace could be described asA.
A.worried       B.positive   C.supportive   D.excited
29.Claire Davis'example is used to indicate thatD.
A.a lot of women prefer to be single
B.black women do not want to be married
C.women are less excellent than men in general
D.excellent women have difficulty in looking for a good husband
30.The underlined word"dearth"in the last paragraph most probably meansA.
A.shortage      B.respect   C.oversupply   D.pride
31.The best title of this passage would probably beA.
A.Successful Women Forced to"Marry Down"
B.A Poor Generation of Stay-at-home Fathers
C.The Marriages'Influence on Economy
D.The Advantages of the Traditional Family Pattern.
17.Nobody likes doing the dishes,but it turns out that doing this daily task might pay off in an unexpected way.According to a new study published in the Journal of Pediatrics,washing dishes by hand instead of using a dishwasher might prevent th development of allergies.
Researchers in Sweden surveyed the parents of 1,029 children ages 7 and 8.They discovered thatchildren whose families hand-washed the dishes instead of using a machine were less likely to have allergies.
Earlier research has shown that dishes washed by machine are cleaner than those washed by hand.So why would kids who eat off slightly dirtier plates be better off when we talk about preventing allergies?One explanation is based on a theory known as the"hygiene hypothesis (卫生假说),"which says the reason why kids develop allergies is that their surroundings are actually too clean.
Your immune(免疫) system keeps you healthy by fighting germs (病菌) like bacteria and viruses.But when you hav allergies,it overreacts and tries to fight ordinary things like pollen (花粉) or certain foods.
Being exposed to germs,particularly early in life,is good training for the immune system,says the lead author of the study,Dr.Bill Hesselmar of Queen Silvia Hospital in Sweden."You excite the immune system in various ways and it becomes tolerant."
This study shows that while using the dishwasher might be easier,the old-fashioned method of cleaning up could be better for your health.

24.What's the advantage of washing dishes by hand?C
A.Hand-washed dishes are much cleaner.
B.It encourages people to do housework.
C.Ithelps prevent allergies.
D.Dishes are easier to wash.
25.What can we know about the theory of the"hygiene hypothesis"?A
A.There is no harm done if kids live in a slightly dirty place.
B.There is no need to keep the surroundings clean.
C.It's better for kids to use clean plates to kep healthy.
D.It's wise to use a dishwasher to prevent allergies.
26.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 4 refer to?B
A.Pollen.B.The immune system.C.The germ.D.A certain food.
27.What's the result when our immune system becomes tolerant?D
A.It'll overreact to the foods we eat.
B.It'll lead to the development of allergies.
C.It'll make germs in our body more active.
D.It'll prevent allergies and keep us healthy.
4.Snowiest Destinations:Greenland
This frosty getaway is a wonderland like no other.Have you heard the tale that Viking explorers named Iceland and Greenland in order to discourage others from the former so they could keep the discovery of a relatively temperate land-the Iceland-to themselves?Whether the legend is true or not,the difference in climate is-while Iceland offers many wintry activities,Greenland is the place for true ice-and-snow adventures,like a three-day,160-kn,Arctic Circle Race for skiers;hunting by dog sledge;ice fishing in a bay;or a camping trip to the Greenland ice cap,the word's second-largest body of ice.
Snowiest Destinations:Siberia
Even to Canadians,a snowy destination like Russia creates images of endless winter and deep snows.Visit the Russia House tourist centre near Novosibirsk in Siberia to experience a classic Russian winter.Stay in wooden houses,take troika (horse carriage) rides,enjoy traditional Russian cuisine and experience the ban-ya,the Russian-style sauna,complete with a dunk in an ice hole to refresh the senses.
Snowiest Destinations:Sapporo
This wintertime haven calls itself"blessed by snow"and it's no wonder-with an average annual snowfall of 630cm (248 inches),you'd have to find a way to love it.Visit during the February Snow Festival to view snow and ice sculptures and play snow games;the city's White Illumination(照明)brightens dark winter nights with an artistic light display around such themes as Christmas and the starry skies.
21.Why did the Viking explorers named Iceland according to the tale?C
A.Because Iceland is really full of ice and snow.
B.Because Iceland is really full of green plants.
C.Because Vikings wanted to make it a secret.
D.Because Vikings discovered it secretly.
22.Where will true ice-and-snow adventurers choose to go?B
23.Where can travelers experience typical Russian winter activities?C
24.Why does Sapporo call itself"blessed by snow"?A
A.It has a large snowfall.
B.Snow blesses Sapporo.
C.God blesses this place.
D.Everyone will love it.
14.A.estimate   B.recognition   C.tricked  D.accurate  E.volume   F.engaged
G.separate    H.stimulating     I.function   J.measuring    
Time seems to pass faster or slower depending on the language you speak,new research has revealed,because of the way your native tongue speaks about time.A team from the University of Lancaster say their work also shows how bilingualism(双语) may affect pur perceptions of time,(35)Gthe brain to think in new ways.
In one experiment,40 Spanish speakers and 40 Swedish speakers were (36)F in seeing a computer animation(动画) of a slowly line.All the animations lasted 3 seconds,but the line didn't always grow to the same length.The researchers expected that because Swedes talk about time in terms of distance,they would find it harder to (37)A how much time had passed,and they were right.Meanwhile the Spanish speakers,who refer to time in terms of (38)I(as in a"small"break rather than a"short"break),were much better at realizing that the same 3 seconds had fled,no matter how far the line grew."The Swedish speakers tend to think that the line that grows longer takes longer,"one of the researchers explained."Spanish speakers aren't (39)C by that.They seem to think that it doesn't matter how much the line grows in distance,it still takes the same time for it to grow."
In another experiment,participants were shown animations of a jug(水壶) slowly being filled up:the length of the animation was fixed,but the jug filled up by (40)J amounts.Sure enough,this time it was the Spanish speakers who had more trouble(41)Hthe passage of time.
Interestingly,when the spoken instructions in a particular language were taken away,the volunteers were much better at judging time,as if being asked out loud how much time had passed triggered something in the brain.To gain (42)Dinsight into what was happening,74 bilingual speakers of both Spanish and Swedish were also recruited,and shown similar animations.The end results were the same:when instructed in Swedish,the volunteers were more easily fooled by the line animations,and when instructed in Spanish,it was the jug animations that interfered with their(43)Bof time.

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