
【题目】 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

In Australia, it's estimated there are 40,000 daigou, which 【1】_____(mean) "on behalf of" in Mandarin. The online shopping agents are almost from mainland China, 2_____ are young migrants or international students 3_____ (look) for flexible ways to help cover their rent and university fees.

The centre of the trade is in Sydney, a city with a growing Chinese community and frequent direct flights to China, which makes doing business 4_____ (quick) and smoother.

Earlier this year, Beijing 5_____ (tight) regulations on cross-border online shopping, but there is still money to be made, especially in baby milk formula, known as "white gold". Many families don't care about the price 6_____ they do care about the quality. However, customers must be convinced the goods they receive are real, and that the supplier is 7_____ (rely). So Daigou have to pack their products again with Australian magazines to help prove their origin. What daigou are doing is build trust between their customers.

Rika, a girl from the 40,000 daigou, thinks that the income from daigou is reasonable compared to other working 8 _____ (opportunity) like working in a restaurant and that sort of thing. Besides, she thinks daigou are good 9_____ the local economy and our business. So she 【10_____ (clear) believes they are a positive force.














【1】means 考查定语从句。该句为非限制性定语从句,先行词是前面的一句话,所以定语从句中的动词需用单数形式。

【2】who 考查关系代词。这里的先行词是shopping agents,为人,所以需用关系代词who主语。

【3】looking 考查现在分词。这里studentslook之间是主动关系,所以需用现在分词。

【4】quicker 考查比较级。由后文的smoother可知,这里需用比较级。

【5】tightened 考查动词的时态。由early this year可知,该句需用过去时态,所以这里动词需用过去式。

【6】but 考查连词。这里的意思是:许多家庭不关心价格,但是他们关系质量所以这里是转折关系。

【7】reliable 考查形容词。be动词后需用形容词表语,rely的形容词形式为reliable。

【8】opportunities 考查名词复数。由other可知,这里机会不止一个,所以需用复数形式。

【9】for 考查短语。be good for对……有益,为固定短语,所以这里需用介词for。

【10】clearly 考查副词。这里需用副词来修饰动词believe,clear为形容词,其副词为clearly。


【题目】The traditional American school year begins in late August or early September.It ends in May or June, followed by summer vacation. 【1】___ Because long ago, young people had to help their families harvest summer crops. At least this is what people today may think.

2__ A recent report from an education policy center at Indiana University explored the historical roots of the traditional school calendar.

In the early days of the United States, children were not required to attend school School calendars depended on local needs. 3__ They worked on family farms during the other months. City schools were often open much longer, some for eleven months of the year.

After the Civil War, more and more people saw the need for a system of required education.__4______Many city schools wanted a shorter year and a longer summer break. The schools were often crowded. There was no modern air conditioning. Hot days would make it difficult to learn. Many rural educators, however, pushed for a longer school year. They thought it would keep children safe from industrial dangers when there were few child-labor laws.

So the traditional school calendar was a compromise (折中). The average school year used to be one hundred and seventy days. Times have not changed much. 5___ But some experts think the traditional school calendar needs to change because the needs of the nation have changed. This thinking has led some schools to keep students in class longer.

A. Why such a long break?

B. Today the common average is one hundred and eighty days.

C. Americans think highly of their traditional school calendar.

D. Most schools had similar school calendars.

E. But the reason has more to it.

F. Students in rural areas went to school for no more than six months of the year.

G. But they had different ideas for the calendar.

【题目】It seems that the great desire among the young is to be popular. The desire to be popular can force you into looking and acting like everyone else. You can lose yourself in a sea of identical hairstyles and thinking styles.

I was forced to think about popularity not too long ago in a talk I had with my daughter. Margy had to change schools when my busy work schedule made it necessary for me to move houses. I suppose that, for a girl in her teens, entering a new school is like spending a season alone in the tropical jungles. At least that’s how Margy found it at first. However, as the school year drew to a close, one student after another came to her. I told Margy that I would have been more concerned if she had been an instant social success in her new school. Nobody can please everyone. If you try to do so, you will find values as lasting as soap bubbles blown into the air.

Some teenagers claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. But somehow they all end up listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in a certain way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon into a larger cocoon.

I know that it has become harder for a young person to stand up against the popularity wave. Our way of life makes a young nonconformist stand out like a Martian. These days there’s a great barrier for the young person who wants to find his or her own path. But the barrier is worth climbing over. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. Well, go to it. Be yourself. Popularity will come with the people who respect you for who you are. That’s the only kind of popularity that really counts.

【1】Why was the author worried about his daughter’s popularity in her new school?

A.She might find no true friends.

B.She would ignore her academic performance.

C.She had no idea of her own.

D.She might betray her true self.

【2】What does the author think of most teenagers?

A.They’re afraid of getting lost in life.

B.They have difficulty understanding each other.

C.They lack the courage to be truly different.

D.They find it hard to gain popularity as expected.

【3】What is the probable meaning of the underlined word "nonconformist" in Paragraph 4?

A.Someone who cares about others’ opinion.

B.Someone who desires popularity greatly.

C.Someone who behaves in his own way.

D.Someone who wants to please others.

【4】What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?

A.To persuade readers to pursue valuable popularity.

B.To tell parents how to guide their children.

C.To criticize the present values and beliefs.

D.To suggest a good way to be popular.

【题目】Two years ago, Dimas Aliprandi and Elton Plaster didn’t know of each others existence. Then they learned they had been switched at birth by mistake more than 20 years ago. The discovery didn’t bring bitterness. Rather, it led to the creation of a bigger family.

The chain of events started with Dimas, who was always wondering why he did not look like the four sisters he grew up with. He was 14 when his doubts grew after watching a TV news report on babies getting switched at birth because of mistakes at hospitalsHe wanted to do a DNA test, but it was too expensive for the family.

A decade later, Dimas did it on his own. The DNA test showed that he was not the birth son of the man and woman who had raised him. The news was a shock for his parents. They at first refused to believe the results, but eventually decided to help him look for his biological parents.

The search began at the Madre Regina Protmann Hospital where records were checked. The hospital searched its records and found Elton Plaster was born there on the same day.

The records led Dimas to the 35-acre farm where Piaster lived, with his parents, Nilza and Adelson, in the town of Santa Maria de Jetiba, about 30 miles from the Aliprandi home in Joao Neiva. After tests, the Plasters discovered that Elton was the biological son of the man and woman that Dimas had been calling Mom and Dad for 24 years. Meanwhile, the couple Elton, had always regarded as his biological parents were Dimas’ parents.

About a year ago, Aliprandi and the parents who raised him accepted an offer from the Plasters to move to their farm, where they built a home. “This is the way it should be,” Adelson Plaster recently told Globo TV. “ We are all together and I now have two sons living and working here.

1Who was the first to discover the baby switch?

A. Globo TV. B. The hospital.

C. Elton Plaster. D. Dimas Aliprandi.

2Where do the Aliprandis now live?

A. In Sao Pauo. B. In Joao Neiva.

C. In Madre Regina Protmann. D. In Santa Maria de Jetiba.

3What did the Aliprandis do when they knew about the baby switch?

A. They took another DNA test.

B. They switched the hospital s records.

C. They went to Globo TV for more information.

D. They helped Dimas find his birth parents.

4Who are Elton Plaster’s biological parents?

A. The Aliprandis. B. The Plasters.

C. Dimas and Elton. D. Nilza and Adelson.

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