
第二节  根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

--- Hi, Helen, what do you think of our class in children’s literature?

--- It looked pretty good.               61                    

---Yes. I can use this to finish the requirement in my course.

---: Have you finished the first assignment yet?

--- Not yet. I just bought the books today. How about you?

--- I started this afternoon.             62            

---Dr. Seuss? I don’t remember seeing his name on the reading list.

---: His full name is Theodore Seuss Geisel. That is how he is listed in the bibliography.   63           

--- I loved reading those stories as a child. It’ll be interesting to read them now from a different perspective.             64                        

---Those stories are also great for classroom use.

--- 65

--- Well, take a typical Dr. Seuss’ book like the Cat and the Hat. It has a controlled vocabulary of only 200 words.

--- So that means the children get lots of practice using a small number of words over and over.

---Sounds interesting I think I’ll get started on those readings tonight.

A. How is that?

B. I don’t  think so

C. Doctor Seuss is his pen name.

D. Can you help me with my course?

E. Are you majoring in Primary Education?

F. I guess it will give me a good idea how children think.

G. It’s great fun reading those wonderful children’s stories by Dr. Seuss.


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