

Y="Yang" Li       D= Diarmuid

Y: Hi, Diarmuid. Nice to see you again.

D: Hi, you know, Li, it was so nice to meet your friends last night.

Y: Oh,      61     

D: Yeah, they’re really cool. I’ve “ friended ” them already.

Y: You’ve friended….      62    

D:   63    But I also friended them. Do you like social networking?

Y: Eh? Not sure.    64    

D: Well Li, I’m sure you know about social networking sites like Facebook, Bebo and Qzone?

Y: Oh, social networking sites.

D:     65    you can say you add them, or simply friend them.

A.Do you like my friends?

B.you like meeting them?

C.But I know what you mean.

D.When you add someone to your friends list.

E. When you want to make friends with somebody.

F. You mean you’ve become friends with them?

G. Well yes, we’ve become friends.



61—65 BFGCD




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