





Recently a survey has been done find out the reading interests of senior middle school students. With this survey, two thousands senior middle school students from ten schools in Lanzhou were interviewed. They were asking which they liked reading most among the four categories of English articles: news, stories, popular science articles and articles about learning methods.

The survey show that more than a half of the students like to read news most. Twenty-six percent of the students say that English stories are his favorite. Only seven percent of the students are mostly interested in reading articles about learning methods. However, the number of students who enjoy read popular science articles doubles that of those which prefer reading articles about learning methods.













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Reducing the amount of sleep affects students¡¯ performance at school. An American study asked schoolteachers to look at the effects of sleep restriction£¨ÏÞÖÆ£© on children between six and twelve years of age. The teachers found that children who stayed up late had trouble thinking clearly and had more learning problems.

¡¾1¡¿ Doctor Fallone now works at the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri. He presented the results last month at a science reporter conference in Washington, D. C. The Publication Sleep also reported the findings.

The teachers were asked to complete weekly performance reports on seventy-four schoolchildren. The study lasted three weeks. During that period, Doctor Fallone and his team controlled the amount of sleep the children received.

¡¾2¡¿ During another week, every child was kept awake later than normal. Each night, the youngest boys and girls had less than eight hours of sleep. The older ones were limited to six and a half hours. During the final week of the study, each child received no less than ten hours of sleep a night.

The teachers were not told about how much sleep the students received. The study found that students who received eight hours or less had the most difficulty remembering old information. 3¡¾3¡¿

The study did not find that sleep restriction caused hyperactivity(¼«¶È»îÔ¾) in the children. ¡¾4¡¿

Doctor Fallone said that the results provided experts and parents with a clear message: ¡¾5¡¿

A. The sleeping time that the students have can be changed easily.

B. They also had trouble learning new information, completing difficult work and following directions.

C. During one week, the children went to bed and awoke at their usual time.

D. The teacher should restrict the amount of sleep of the students.

E. Gahan Fallone did the study at the Brown Medical School and Bradley Hospital in the state of Rhode Island.

F. The teachers reported that students were, in fact, a little less active at school when they got less sleep.

G. When a child has learning problems, the issue of sleep must be considered among the possible causes.


Change the world

I want the world to be a better one because I am in it. However, ¡°changing the world¡± isn¡¯t easy. Here are some great ways to change it for the better.

Smile At Everyone.

¡¾1¡¿ Smile at people¡ªthe folks on the bus, or the receptionist at the office, for instance.

Depending on your culture, you might feel a bit awkward or shy at first. ¡¾2¡¿ people would respond brilliantly to a smile.

Take it further: Give out free hugs.

Write a Letter to Someone You Love.

If a letter takes too long, write a card or postcard to your parents, or a relative who you don¡¯t see often but who you care deeply about. ¡¾3¡¿ .

Take it further: Write to a sick child, or a stranger in trouble. Your letter or card could make his or her day special.

¡¾4¡¿ .

Being creative is a good way. It¡¯s not necessarily big things¡ªbut your poem, painting, special recipe, blog post, etc, may impress others.

Take it further. Offer your creative skills to a local youth group, school or retirement home. You could play a game, run a class, organize a concert...

Say ¡°Thank you¡±.

Saying a heartfelt ¡°thank you¡± means a huge amount to someone. If you¡¯re a manager at work, take time to thank your men for what they do. ¡¾5¡¿ .

Take it further: Write, phone or email someone in your community to thank them for the role they play.

A. Let¡¯s them know how special they are to you.

B. Keeping writing ill surely improve your social skills.

C. Give it a go anyway!

D. In your family, appreciate your partner, parents or kids.

E. It¡¯s such a tiny thing, but it really does work.

F. Speak less and do more.

G. Create something unique.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿I went to the Tsavo National Park in northern Kenya for a film. We set off early for a distant water hole. A huge elephant covered with dry mud, drank calmly and deeply. He might have traveled 50 km to reach the water. He wasn¡¯t going to hurry now. He¡¯d drink a while and rest in the shade, and then drink again or so we thought. What actually happened was that he drank deeply and stepped away. Then he suddenly fell down. Within minutes he was dead.

We called animal doctor Jeremiah Poghon immediately. He removed the head of a poisoned arrow from the elephant¡¯s body, and let out over 100 liters of pus (°·)£­the result of the elephant¡¯s meeting with a poacher£¨ÍµÁÔÕߣ©months before.

Today's poacher shoots from a blind. He fires an arrow, covered with poison, into the body of an elephant. If the poacher is lucky, the elephant might die in an hour or two; if not, he might have to follow the elephant for days before it dies. Often the arrow head fails to kill the elephant at once£­it doesn't mean the poison won't finally kill the elephant, but it will be a slow death.

Living in Tsavo through these times, I could see the results of poaching from time to time. When I think about the death of that elephant, what stays with me is the extraordinary silence after the shocking sound of his body hitting the ground. I took some comfort from the knowledge that as the dead body returned to the soil, some animals would benefit£­but I couldn't escape the feeling that with the death of such a large animal, the world seemed to be a poorer and emptier place.

¡¾1¡¿ While filming near the water hole, the author and his team ________.

A. knew the elephant was injured

B. found the elephant acted violently

C. tried their best to save the elephant

D. thought the elephant was in good condition

¡¾2¡¿ Further examination showed that the dead elephant________.

A. had suffered an hour or two

B. was killed by a poisonous needle

C. had suffered a lot

D. had had a good fight with a poacher

¡¾3¡¿ How does the author feel when thinking about the elephant s death?

A. empty. B. comfortable.

C. upset. D. relieved.

¡¾4¡¿ Why did the author write the text?

A. To introduce African elephant.

B. To show the cruelty of poaching.

C. To describe his filming experience.

D. To ask readers to protect wild animals.

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