

1. the names on the list,there are six other applicants. (除了)

2.The plants died water. (因缺乏,缺少)

3.He for being late. (因…向我们道歉)

4.Just the children while I am out,will you?(照看,留意)

5.I've most of my friends from college.(失去了联系)

6.In sum,theory must be practice.(相结合)

7.The citizens held a memorial those who died for the liberation.


8.I had to my savings to pay for the repairs.(凭借,利用)

9.It's an agreement that will be both parties.(对…有利的,有好处)

10.He has from overwork.(累垮了)


What looks like an angry old man and lives at the bottom of the ocean? It’s the world’s ugliest animal---the blobfish(水滴鱼).

Its strange skin is shaped by its habitat. It lives 800 meters below the ocean’s surface, a depth where very few other creatures can survive.

Most fishes have a swim bladder(鱼鳔), which is filled with gas and helps them stay afloat. At the depth that the blobfish live, water pressure is 80 times higher than that at higher sea levels and any swim bladder wouldn’t be able to serve its purpose.

The blobfish don’t have a swim bladder because their skin works the same way. It helps them stay afloat without having to use any energy.

The blobfish have a pretty relaxed attitude towards eating. All they do is stay and wait for crabs or lobsters to come by.

Since the blobfish like to eat crabs and lobsters, they often get caught in nets that are used to catch lobsters or crabs and end up dying or being killed. They are not suitable for eating so they are useless for fishermen.

There’s a purpose behind the blobfish’s new title; it has become the new mascot for the Ugly Animal Preservation Society, an organization whose purpose is to preserve endangered ugly animals.

“We’ve needed an ugly face for endangered ugly animals for a long time and I’ve been amazed by the public reaction,” said the Society’s Simon Watt. “For too long cute animals have taken the limelight(风头) but now the blobfish will be a voice for those who always get forgotten.”They hope this new face will help the world know that we need to help preserve the populations of ugly animals too.

1.The biggest difference between the blobfish and most other fishes is that the blobfish_____ .

A. cannot be eaten by people

B. don’t have a swim bladder

C. only live at high sea levels

D. aren’t active in catching food

2.What makes the blobfish stay afloat?

A. Their skin. B. Their tail.

C. Their mouth. D. Their swim bladder.

3.We can learn from what Simon Watt said that _____ .

A. most ugly animals are in danger

B. the population of the blobfish is increasing

C. the blobfish have attracted the public’s attention

D. people knew nothing about the blobfish in the past

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To discuss the importance of preserving animals.

B. To give the reason for starting an organization.

C. To present the results of a survey.

D. To introduce a special animal.

Today’s museums include plenty of high culture, but you can still find shrines(圣地)to the extraordinary. Here’s a look at five curious museum stops across Canada.

Vancouver Police Museum

The setting, terrible enough, is the old Coroner’s(验尸官)Court and forensics lab, including the morgue(room where dead bodies are kept). Artifacts, from the 1870s on, include badges, uniforms, police equipment, items from criminals, and even preserved organs—all in all an arresting experience.

Vulcan Tourism & Trek Station

Designed to resemble a spacecraft, the Treck Station celebrates Vulcan’s coincidental relationship to Mr. Spock’s planet, Go to a building that features an 800-piece collection of Star Trek memorabilia — including Spock’s ears and floor-to-ceiling space paintings. If you want to know more about it, click here: http//www. Vulcantourism. com


Through instruments, photos and recordings, the museum traces the history of the accordion and its influence on Quebec culture. They’ve even acquired Asian instruments that show the use of the free reed— call them ancient ancestors of the accordion—that date back 4000 years.

Chocolate Museum

It’s chocoholic heaven — whole museum featuring displays on how chocolate is made, hands-on exhibits, collections of historic chocolate boxes, and antique candy- making equipment and, of course, lots of chocolate treats ,located in an old candy factory building. Click below to learn all about their hours and admission rates. http:// www. Chocolate museum .ca

Potato museum

A 14--foot high potato greets you at what’s billed as the world’s largest exhibit of potato artifacts. Explore the humble potato’s role in the economy, a collection of farm tools related to growing and harvesting potatoes, Hall of Fame.

1.If you are very interested in thrilling movies, you will probably be attracted by .

A. Accordion Museum B. Vancouver Police Museum

C. Potato Museum D. Chocolate Museum

2.We can infer from the passage that the ancestors of accordion originated in .

A.Canada B.America C.Asia D.Africa

3.The passage is most likely to be taken from .

A.a magazine B.a newspaper

C.a website D.a brochure

The Sands of Time

St Cyrus National Nature Reserve is much more than just golden sands and beautiful flowers. The area has a long human history too. From Stone Age hunters to amazing pioneers, discover the daring deeds and sad stories from St Cyrus' past.

Date: 23rd August 2010

Time. 2 p. m.—3:45 p. m.

Type of event. Guided walk

Between the Tides

A celebration of the world between the tides. Join local salmon (大马哈鱼) fisherman Jim Ritchie on a fascinating walk to learn how local folk have made a living from the world between the tides, harvesting salmon from the beach at St Cyrus for hundreds of years.

Date: 25th August 2010

Time: 2 p. m.—4 p.m.

Type of event: Family event

Ice & Fire

St Cyrus National Nature Reserve has had an eventful life! From its days near the equator (赤道) to volcanic eruptions and ice ages. Celebrate the start of Scottish Geology Month with a walk through the reserve and travel back in time to uncover the clues to St Cyrus' past hidden in the cliffs.

Date: 31st August 2010

Time: 2 p. m.—3:45 p. m.

Type of event: Guided walk

Scary Stories

It's getting darker at nights... it's almost Halloween, when the ghosts (鬼怪) come out to play. Join us for some spooky stories of Dinnet and Deeside long ago... and listen out for things that sound strange in the night!

Date: 25th October 2010

Time: 7 p. m.—9 p. m.

Type of event: Family event


* All under 18's must be accompanied by an adult

* Pets allowed: No

* Cost: Free

* Phone: 01674?830736

* Location: SNH Visitor Centre, St Cyrus National Nature Reserve

1.Which of the following events may help you learn about the local people's way of life?

A. Between the Tides.

B. Scary Stories.

C. The Sands of Time.

D. Ice & Fire.

2.The underlined word “spooky” in the text probably means ________.

A. interesting B. frightening

C. real D. funny

3.What do the four events have in common?

A. They are held in August.

B. They are held in the evening.

C. People can't take their pets with them.

D. People need to be guided during the journey.

4.According to the text, ________.

A. you need to pay to join in the activities

B. a ten?year?old child can attend these events only in adults' company

C. St Cyrus National Nature Reserve is famous for salmon

D. St Cyrus National Nature Reserve was set up not long ago

Long March exhibit

The Shanghai History Museum is putting on an exhibition to mark the 60th anniversary of the Long March. On show are more than 220 photos and 40 items that explain with pictures how the communist Red Army drew back from its besieged (被围困的) bases in Jiangxi Province and fought its way to northern Shanxi province in the mid-1930s. Explanations are all in Chinese. The show will end on November 20.

Time: 10:00 am—4:00 pm.

Address: 1286 Hongqiao Road

Admission: 8 yuan for Chinese/ 15 yuan for foreigners

Thai elephants

Eight elephants from Thailand are entertaining visitors at Changfeng Park by riding bikes, playing basketball, balancing on a beam, dancing and blowing a mouth-organ. People are encouraged to have a tug-of-war (拔河比赛) with the animals or lie on the ground and have the elephants walk over them. The elephants give three shows a day at 9:30 am, 3:30 pm and 8:00 pm and there is an additional show at 1:30 pm at weekends. The show will end on November 15.

Address: 189 Daduhe Road

Admission: 30-40 yuan

Dancing dolphins

Dolphins jumping from the water to touch a ball, swaying their bodies to music, kissing people and solving math by tapping their tails have made the dolphinarium in Peace Park an attraction for children. Seals and sea lions also perform.

Hours: 10:30 am, 4:00 pm, and 7:30 pm

Admission: 20 yuan for adults and 10 yuan for children.

1.If you go to visit the Long March exhibit with an Australian, how much will you pay altogether for the admission?

A. 16 yuan B. 23 yuan C. 30 yuan D. 20 yuan

2.At the exhibition, you will see ________.

A. many articles written by famous writers

B. many things left by the Red Army

C. books on the Long March

D. many photos and pictures about the Long Match.

3.Which of the following is NOT done by the Thai elephants?

A. Riding bicycles.

B. Blowing a mouth-organ

C. Doing math

D. Having a tug-of-war with people.



Elaine was a saleswoman,who drove all over the city five days a week.When all the freeway lanes were at a dead stop, she would drive quickly along the emergency lane.While driving she usually ______ on her cell phone. Drinking a soda or eating a sandwich----her hands,legs,and mouth were always______ while she was driving.

Last night she got ______ in Friday evening rush hour.She was going to be______for her date.She was already______ when things seemed to be getting worse and all the traffic stopped.Elaine drove ______over to the emergency lane.Soon she saw the red flashing lights in the mirror. She had to ______her car.A good-looking officer walked up.“Officer, I’m pregnant.I have constant morning sickness.I’m just trying to get to the nearest store to buy my______” She looked at the officer with ______eyes.

He looked at her pitifully, then said______.“Okay,ma'am. Take the first exit you come to.I hope you'll be feeling better.”

The officer walked back to his car and Elaine drove on. This was the second time that ______had worked for her.She had one more thing to do before she got home. She had to mail a package.When she got to the shopping mall at 7 pm,no parking was ______ ,except for the handicapped(残疾人的)space. Elaine drove right into it.It would only be a minute,and she told______.All she had to do was______ the mailbox store,get the package ______,and pay the clerk.

Fortunately,there was no______in the store.Everything was done so______that she was whistling while she walked back out to her car.Then she stopped______.There was an envelope on the windshield.She opened it slowly.She knew ______ it was,but not how much it was.She screamed when she saw the______. A dog started barking.

1.A.depended B.carried C.talked D.sold

2.A.full B.open C.free D.busy

3.A.hurt B.stuck C.annoyed D.punished

4.A.late B.ready C.excited D.mad

5.A.satisfied B.angry C.exhausted D.calm

6.A.unwillingly B.immediately C.guiltily D.gratefully

7.A.stop B.start C.discard D.speed

8.A.gas B.ticket C.medicine D.package

9.A.proud B.aggressive C.addicted D. innocent

10.A.softly B.rudely C.strictly D.skeptically

11.A.officer B.excuse C.driver D.mistake

12.A.adoptable B.accessible C.acceptable D.available

13.A.the clerk B.the guard C.the worker D.herself

14.A.take out B.get out C.run into D.push into

15.A.weighed B.bought C.repaired D.paid

16.A.car B.line C.police D.service

17.A.quickly B.slowly C.strangely D.quietly

18.A.talking B.driving C.thinking D.whistling

19.A.how B.why C.what D.that

20.A.letter B.order C.amount D.invitation



Sometimes “ love” can be the hardest word, especially when it comes to saying it to our parents. But a new video campaign named Tell Them Now has launched to get people to show true emotions to their fathers on Father’s Day. Echo, who came up with the idea, said: “ We wanted to bring fathers and their kids face to face with each other. Many people don’t feel they express their love well enough to the people close to them. ”

In total, around a dozen children and their fathers were asked to take part in Echo’s short video. During the short film, a woman gets emotional as she speaks to her elderly father, who almost dies. “Dad I’m grateful, because we don’t know how long you are going to be with us,” she says. Meanwhile, a teenage girl considers how her views about her father will change in the future once she’s fled the nest. “ At the time when I’m graduating and leaving, it’s really going to hit me,” she says before giving her father a big hug.

But it’s not just children showing the love. Parents also take time to say why their children make them proud. One father clearly finds it a difficult task when he’s put on the spot. “ I’ve always been impressed by you. You made parenting easy.” Another man states how fatherhood helped him to seek help for alcoholism. “ Thank you”, he tells his son during the public heart –to-heart scene.

Echo hopes the campaign will encourage viewers to pick up the phone, and get the L word out to the fathers----“Tell him why you’re grateful; tell him why you’re proud. He might just do the same”.

1.Why did Echo launch the campaign Tell Them Now ? (No more than 15 words.)

2.What feeling did the woman in the video express to her father? (No more than 3 words.)

3.What questions were the fathers asked ? (No more than 15 words.)

4.How do you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph? (No more than 7 words.)

5.What will you do to your father on Father’s Day ? (No more than 25 words.)

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