
  Hong Kong is an international city where you can find many restaurants,which serve you many different foods from different countries.

  But most people there are Chinese,so 1       food is very popular. Peking Roast Duck,for example,is very popular.

  Peking Roast Duck is 2     from Beijing,which is the capital of China.

It is prepared with a kind of 3     tree,so it has a fruity flavour (味道) .Its skin is very crispy (脆的) . 

  You also  4     it in a very special way. First you need to use special bread. Then you can start your tasty meal. Usually,you cannot finish a 5      Peking Roast Duck,so you can 6     soup with the leftovers (剩余物) . 

  I am very 7     of Peking Roast Duck. I always go to a Chinese restau?rant to 8      this dish rather than prepare it at home 9     it takes some time to cook it,and you need a lot of things to 10     it.

  The duck is  11     into three parts and made in three different 12      . The first way is the most popular. The meat is selected from the best part of the 13        and is boned. Green onions and dressing (调料) are added to make it 14     ,1and a little sweet. It is  15      with thin crepes (薄煎饼) .You just spread the dressing on the crepe,16     some green onions,and roll it up.

  The second way is to use the part of the duck with less meat. It can be fried with garlic,chilies,ginger or onions. The third way allows you to make 17     of the entire duck. You can make soup with cabbage and the duck meat with bones.

  I don't usually eat duck,18      I just cannot refuse this dish because the meat is tender and the 19      of the duck is so crispy. If you come to Hong Kong,you must not 20     the chance to taste it.

1. A. Chinese   B. foreign   C. French   D. Italy

2. A. generally   B. originally   C. usually   D. thankfully

3. A. flower   B. plant   C. fruit   D. pattern

4. A. buy   B. draw   C. drink   D. eat

5. A. normal   B. rest   C. common   D. whole

6. A. demand   B. build   C. make   D. produce

7. A. short   B. conscious   C. fond   D. careful

8. A. book   B. order   C. require   D. ask

9. A. because   B. although   C. unless   D. while

10. A. prepare   B. fry   C. steam   D. construct 

11.A. looked   B. broken   C. changed   D. divided 

12. A. moments   B. rows   C. words   D. ways 

13. A. onion   B. way   C. duck   D. soup 

14.A. soft   B. delicious C. salty   D. fat 

15. A. served   B. held   C. ended   D. done 

16. A. add   B. contain   C. choose   D. replace 

17. A. sense   B. use   C. fun   D. light 

18. A. or   B. and   C. but   D. for 

19. A. head   B. meat   C. bone   D. skin 

20. A. bury   B. miss   C. grasp   D. take


1. A由下文的"Peking Roast Duck,for example,is very popular."可知,中国菜肴是非常受欢迎的。

2. B

3. C根据下文的"…so it has a fruity flavour (味道) ."可知,它是用一种果树烹制出来的,因此有一种水果味。

4. D

5. D根据下文的"with the leftovers"可知,通常你不能吃完一整只北京烤鸭。

whole整个的;normal正常的;rest 其余的,剩余的;common共同的,常见的。

6. C此处指的是"用剩余物做汤"。由倒数第二段的"You can make soup with cabbage and the duck meat with bones."知选 C.

7. C由最后一段的"…I just cannot refuse this dish because the meat is tender -”可推知,"我”非常喜欢北京烤鸭。be fond of喜欢;be short of缺乏;be conscious of 知道,觉察到;be careful of注意,留心。

8. B由下文的"…rather than prepare it at home.-"可知,是去中国饭馆点这道菜。

order点(酒、菜等) ;动词book常表示"口头预订,事先安排(住宿等) "require需要,要求,规定;ask要求。

9. A分析上下文可知,此处是解释在饭店点菜而不是在家做这道菜的原因。故选because,

10. A prepare预备、做(饭菜) ,制作,调制;fry油煎,油炸; steam蒸煮;construct建造,构思。 

11. D由下文的"The meat is selected from the best part ".""The second way is to use the part of the duck with less meat.”以及"…the duck meat with bones.”可知,甲鸟子被分成了三个部分。

be divided into被分成;look into 调查,break into闯入;change into变成。 

12. D由下文的"The first way... ""The second way-.." "The third way…"可知,烤鸭是用三种不同的方法制作的。 

13. C由上文的"Themeatisselected…"可知,是从鸭子身上选取肉。 

14. B加大葱和调料是为了使鸭子美味并且使其口感有甜味。


15. A由下文的"You just spread the dressing on the crepe …"可知,烤鸭与薄煎饼一起使用。

be served with—与……一起提供。 

16. A句意:你只需把调料涂在薄煎饼上,添加一些大葱,并且把它卷起来。动词add意为"添加"。 

17. B前文所介绍的是制作烤鸭的三种方法。此处是指第三种方法允许你利用整只鸭子。

make use of利用;make sense of理解,明白;make fun of嘲笑;make light of 轻视。 

18. C从下文来看,两句话之间为转折关系。故选C项。 

19. D由第三段的"Its skin is very crispy (脆的) ."可知,烤鸭的皮是脆的。 

20. B上文作者说自己通常不吃鸭子,但是不能拒绝这道菜,因为其肉嫩且皮脆。故可推知,如果你来香港的话,不要错过品尝它的机会。miss错过。


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