
10.My brother is very tall.The little bed won't _______ for him.(  )

分析 我的兄弟很高,这个小床不适合他.

解答 答案:D.
A prepare for为…做准备;B match是及物动词,后面直接加宾语; C fit指大小、尺寸合适,是形容词,构成be fit for;   D do for适合;如果选择C项,前面应该使用系动词.故D正确.

点评 本题考查动词辨析,首先分析每个选项中动词的意思和用法,然后结合句意确定恰当的答案.

17.Many people give up studies because of money,but they have not got the realization that they need studies more than ever because of their poverty.Without studying,how could you change your fate?The final result may be that you are always short of money.I have been long holding a view that you can save money in every aspect in your life but not in your study.
I used to save every penny when I was studying abroad and bought everything as cheap as possible.When it came to textbooks,I would never think about saving money but bought it without the least hesitation even though it might cost me almost 70euros.My classmates might borrow my books to copy,but I thought it to be time-consuming and I would easily get some pages lost.Besides,it was because I knew that the book was bought at a high price that I would try my best to finish it,while my classmates might put it away after flipping through a few pages.
It is the same with studies.When you use a lot of money trying to learn a language or a skill,and the money was earned with your hard work or was even borrowed from others,would you give it up easily?For a rich student and a poor student who spent the same money for a course,will their attitudes towards the course are the same?Definitely not!And I can claim for sure that the poor student would study harder than the rich student.
Moreover,from my students'case,I also see a common problem in our society:When coming across difficulties,the first thing popping up in our mind is not to think about how to try them,but to give up.Many people would feel headache when meeting a small problem and then  amplify the problem to find an excuse of giving up.Actually what we need to do is not fearing the problem but trying every means to solve it.When you get addicted to this habit,no matter what you do,you will not succeed,because everything you do will have its own problems,whether small or big.

32.Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?D
A.Even if we don't study,we can change our fate.
B.The author used to spend little money in buying books.
C.The poor students'and the rich students'attitudes towards a course are the same.
D.We should try our best to solve the problems that we face.
33.Why didn't the author borrow books from his classmates to copy?C
A.Because he was a rich students.
B.Because those books were not what he needed.
C.Because it might be time-consuming and he would easily get some pages lost.
D.Because he would try his best to finish reading it.
34.In the fourth paragraph,the underlined word"amplify"most probably means"B".
A.ignore           B.expand 
C.shrink           D.solve
35.By writing the article,the author wants toB.
A.advise us to form good habits
B.tell us we should study hard and don't fear challenges
C.learn from the poor students
D.encourage us to save money in every aspect in our life.
Dear Miss Manners,
    My friends'kids always ask for gifts or say,"You didn't give me a gift"for their birthdays or Christmas.This is done while their moms are present,and they don't say anything. How do I ask my friends to tell their kids that it's rude to ask people for gifts?
Dear Paul,
    Never mind the mothers,who are obviously not going to teach them manners.I suggest responding directly and pleasantly to the children with,"Why-were you planning to give me one?"Their astonishment should give you the opportunity to explain politely that we are not supposed to force others to give gifts and giving presents is generally expected to be mutual.
Dear Miss Manners,
I am celebrating a milestone birthday with a formal theme party at a club.The time of the party is 7 p.m.to midnight.It includes a cocktail hour at 7,with dinner following.
    Can I add the 7 p.m.cocktail hour to the invitation?I would hate guests to misunderstand and think that they could arrive anytime between 7 and midnight.
Dear Caroline,
    The temptation to tell one's guests when they are expected to leave is one with which Miss Manners sympathizes.Clear signals are often neglected.If the hosts do not rise from the table to announce coffee in the living room as the final act,guests feel awkward about being the first to get up.And then some people just never know when to go home.
    However,putting both starting and finishing times on an invitation,often done for cocktail parties,indeed suggests that they may arrive during the event-not toward its end,to be sure,but not necessarily at the starting point.
    You are giving a dinner party,so you should inform your guests that it will start at 7,as drinks before the meal are part of the routine.That tells them to arrive on time-and you can only hope that they will take themselves off at a decent hour.
70.According to Miss Manners,the proper way to deal with a kid asking for gifts isC.
A.to ignore the kid's request for gifts
B.to scold the kid for asking for presents
C.to tell kids gift giving is voluntary and two-way
D.to advise the kid's mum to teach him proper manners
71.Which of the following does Miss Manners advise you to do at a party?D
A.Suggest guests arriving during the event.
B.Directly remind guests to leave at a proper time.
C.Inform guests of both starting and finishing hours.
D.Give guests clear hint when they should leave the party.
72.In witch part of a newspaper can you find this passage?A
A.Advice Section.
B.Live Chats Section.
C.Entertainment Section.
D.Classified Ads Section.
2.What separates me from everyone else?The difference is not what clothes I wear or the music I listen to,but what I feel inside.
Ever since I was young,I have loved professional wrestling.I woke up every Saturday to watch my favorite"Superstars."As I grew older,I got a lot of flak for watching this"fake"sport.My peers would laugh at me for following what was called a"man's soap opera."So,I put my love for wrestling on the shelf.Like everyone else,I wanted to be associated with the cool clique.I yearned to be invited to the parties of the in-crowd and hang out with the popular kids.I became pretty successful.Although my Friday evenings were busy with parties,I would still wake up early Saturdays to watch wrestling.It wasn't until freshman year that I realized I wasn't being myself.
That year,I tried many new things and activities and made new friends.In my town,football was the sport,so I decided to play football,thinking it might give me a head start in popularity.The team started with 48 athletes.At the end,there were 14 of us left.I stuck it out not because I liked it,but because I am not a quitter.That long season taught me a lesson:I wasn't a football player.More importantly,it taught me to be myself.
After that season,I went back to being a wrestling fan.I watched it religiously,no matter what insults were thrown my way.I came across a quote:"Don't Dream It,Be It."When I read this,my friend Dan had the same idea I had.
"What if we build a wrestling ring?"we asked.We acquired the necessary wood and equipment for its construction.The following weekend,we met at his house.We saw our dream in a pile in his backyard.We worked from dawn to dusk to build our great establishment.By Sunday night,our mission was complete.Our hard work (combined with a little creativity) had paid off.We had a real ring.We decided to hold an"event."We practiced for hours,trying to improve every aspect of our wrestling ability.The date was May 24th.Our show had a start time of 9:00 p.m.To our surprise,about one hundred family,friends and fans showed up to support us.It was the most important night of my life and a complete success.Since that time,we have held five shows with as many as two hundred and fifty people turning out.We continue to live this dream.We accomplished what we set out to do.We are now well known throughout school.When I walk down the halls,I am respected by my peers.Some are the same peers who ridiculed me for watching wrestling when I was younger.When they approach me,they often say,"Good match,Chris."I humbly say,"Thank you,"knowing I did something I believed in.
As my senior year winds down,I'll remember all of my high school memories.But what will stick out most is the memory that I did something I loved,despite what everyone said or thought.I accomplished my goal…I lived my dream.

41.What makes the writer different from the others isD.
A.the different sports he loves   
B.the different clothes he wears and the different music he listens to
C.that he is younger than the others.
D.the different ideas he has
42.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?C 
A.I practiced wrestling secretly in my spare time.
B.I put the clothes for wrestling on the shelf.
C.I decided to quit following wrestling.
D.I began not to watch wrestling on TV.
43.When the writer was a freshman,heC.
A.knew he couldn't be a good football player      
B.realized he was being himself
C.was still sociable                           
D.built a wrestling ring
44.The writer built the wrestling ring in order toB.
A.play football there                         B.make his dream realized  
C.be a professional player                    D.have parties there.
45.What is the writer's attitude towards his experience in high school?A.
A.Optimistic       B.Pessimistic      C.Doubtful       D.Surprised.
3.Having worked at a 7-Eleven store for two years,I thought I had become successful at what our manager calls"customer relations".I firmly believed that a friendly smile and an automatic"sir","ma'am",and"thank you"would see me through any situation that might arise,from soothing(安慰,劝慰)impatient or unpleasant people to apologizing for giving out the wrong change.But the other night an old woman shattered  my belief that a glib(非诚恳的)response could smooth over the rough spots of dealing with other human beings.
The moment she entered,the woman presented a sharp contrast to our shiny store with its bright lighting and neatly arranged shelves.Walking as if each step were painful,she slowly pushed open the glass door.She coughed dryly,breathing noisily with each breath.On a forty-degree night,she was wearing only a faded print dress,a thin sweater too small to button,and black slippers with the backs cut out to expose heels.There were no stockings or socks on her blue-veined legs.
After strolling around the store for several minutes,the old woman stopped in front of the rows of canned vegetables.She picked up some corn niblets and stared with a strange intensity at the label.At that point,I decided to be a good employee and asked her if she needed help.As I stood close to her,my smile became harder to maintain; her red-rimmed eyes were partially closed by yellowish crusts; her hands were covered with layer upon layer of dirt,and the unpleasant smell of sweat rose in a thick vaporous cloud from her clothes.
"I need some food,"she muttered(嘟囔)in reply to my bright"Can I help you?"
"Are you looking for corn,ma'am?"
"I need some food,"she repeated."Any kind."
"Well,the corn is ninety-five cents,"I said in my most helpful voice."Or,if you like,we have a special on bologna(大红肠)today."
"I can't pay,"she said.
For a second,I was tempted to say,"Take the corn."But the employee rules flooded into my mind:Remain polite,but do not let customers get the best of you.Let them know that you are in control.For a moment,I even entertained the idea that this was some sort of test,and that this woman was someone from the head office,testing my loyalty.I responded dutifully,"I'm sorry,ma'am,but I can't give away anything for free."
The old woman's face collapsed a bit more,if that were possible,and her hands trembled as she put the can back on the shelf.She shuffled(蹒跚)past me toward the door,her torn and dirty clothing barely covering her bent back.
Moments after she left,I rushed out the door with the can of corn,but she was nowhere in sight.For the rest of my shift,the image of the woman kept coming to my mind.I had been young,healthy.She had been old,sick and desperate.Wishing with all my heart that I had acted like a human being rather than a robot,I was saddened to realize how fragile a hold we have on our better instincts(本能,天性).

55.What does the underlined world"shatter"in Paragraph 1probably meanB?
56.Which is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 2C?
A.The old lady's clothes.
B.The environment of the store.
C.The writer's feeling.
D.The old lady's difficulty in walking.
57.What can we learn from the textD?
A.The old lady couldn't afford the foods at the store.
B.The writer was an experienced shop assistant.
C.The writer talked with the old lady in a polite way.
D.The old lady was satisfied with his service.
58.According to the text,which is not the employee ruleC?
A.You should wear a friendly smile on your face.
B.You should use polite words,such as"sir","ma'am","thank you".
C.You should do whatever the customers asked you to do.
D.You should be clear about your duty and be loyal to the company.
59.How did the writer feel after the old lady left the storeC?
60.What's the best title for the textC?
A.A Lady and I                             
B.Working at A Store.
C.If Only …

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