


I was invited to attend a presentation at the Kentucky School. That evening I found gratitude had amazing to change our attitude and our life.

The young musician Mr. Patrick was onto the stage in his wheelchair and began to play the piano. His fingers danced across the keys as he beautiful music. He then began to sing as he played, and it was wonderful. But what shocked me most was his smile.

Mr. Patrick was born with no eyes and an illness in the legs, which him lame for life. However, as a child, he was with artificial eyes and placed in a wheelchair. Before his first , he discovered the piano. When his mom hit any note on the piano, and within one or two , he’d get it. By his second birthday, he was playing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”. His father was .“We might not play baseball, but we can play music together.”

When Patrick was at the University of Louisville, his father classes with him. He was also a part of the 214-member marching band! He was a blind, wheelchair-bound trumpet player; and he and his father did it together. His father the night shift(夜班) in order to accompany his daytime band practice. Patrick says, “My dad’s my .”

But even more than his musical talent, it was Patrick’s “attitude of gratitude” that my soul. On stage, between songs, he talked to the audience about his life and about how he was with a great father. When his performance was over, Patrick and his father were on the stage together. The crowd rose to their feet and for over five minutes.

We all face misfortune in our lives. , it’s not the hardship but how we to it that will determine the joy and happiness in our lives. During times, do we spend too much time feeling for ourselves, or can we, with gratitude, learn how to dance in the rain?

1.A.knowledge B. quality C. wisdom D. power

2.A.rolled B. held C. allowed D. dragged

3.A.wrote B. provided C. made D. gave

4.A.strange B. magic C. bitter D. friendly

5.A.took B. led C. forced D. left

6.A.fitted B. connected C. associated D. filled

7.A.place B. birthday C. performance D. attempt

8.A.memories B. words C. tries D. notes

9.A.confused B. amused C. interested D. overjoyed

10.A.listed B. found C. attended D. organized

11.A.worked B. found C. refused D. canceled

12.A.dream B. hero C. music D. song

13.A.unbearable B. unreasonable C. unconditional D. unbelievable

14.A.touched B. calmed C. freed D. felt

15.A.satisfied B. concerned C. blessed D. laughed

16.A.cheered B. whispered C. shouted D. laughed

17.A.Therefore B. Otherwise C. However D. Besides

18.A.see B. react C. agree D. put

19.A.happy B. modern C. usual D. tough

20.A.great B.sorry C.hopeful D.proud



1.__You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how:

Plan your time carefully. When planning your work, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying. 2.__ A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you realize what is happening to your time.

Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or television. When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.

Make good use of your time in class. 3._ Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material. 4._ If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you’ll remember it longer.

Develop a good attitude towards tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be over worried.

5._ You will probably discover them after you have tried these.

A. There are other methods that might help you with your studying.

B. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.

C. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.

D. No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E. Maybe you are an average student.

F. Make full use of class time to take notes of what the teacher says in class.

G. This will help you understand the next class.

I am a music store owner. One day, when I was cleaning the instruments in my store, I saw an old man come in. His short steps dragged on the carpet. “Is 77 too old to learn the banjo (班卓琴)?” he asked.

“You can learn to play it well,” I replied, holding back my doubts. My mind told me I was giving false encouragement. I reached the instructor’s schedule and gave the rates, the available time and the additional information that he would need. To my surprise and delight, the old man, Carl, began banjo lessons three days later with my most patient teacher.

With nothing to do at home but practice, Carl made surprising progress. After breakfast he practiced for his required half hour. While waiting for lunch he picked up his banjo again for just a couple of minutes. Since TV was difficult for him to see and hear, he often played the banjo in the evenings. Carl was always early for lessons so it was a surprise that he didn’t arrive one Tuesday.

The next morning I listened to the answering machine with sadness. “Carl’s in hospital,” the voice recorded.

Two months later, I shared the newspaper obituary with the banjo teacher. We both shed tears for a surprisingly clever banjo student.

Several months later, a woman came into the store carrying a plant. “This is for Carl’s banjo teacher,” she said. “I’m his wife, Mary.”

“Why did Carl want to play the banjo?” I asked. Mary took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Carl was at some show when he was 10 years old. He came close to the stage to watch the performers. When they were packing up their instruments, the banjo player said to Carl, ‘You want to see this up close?’ Carl climbed up on the stage and from then on he wanted to play the banjo.” Carl had waited 67 years to realize a dream! Mary gave the plant to Carl’s banjo teacher. “Thank you for the best six months of his life,” she said.

1.How did Carl learn to play the banjo well?

A. By working hard.

B. By taking short cuts.

C. By asking his wife to help him.

D. By finding the best teacher.

2.From Paragraph 2, we can know the author ______.

A. was unwilling to help Carl

B. was giving true encouragement

C. didn’t want to encourage Carl

D. encouraged Carl though he had doubts

3.The underlined word “obituary” in Para.5 means a notice that _______.

A. announces somebody has died

B. announces somebody is needed

C. announces a good piece of news

D. announces a gift for somebody

4.Why did Carl want to learn banjo?

A. He wanted to become a banjo performer.

B. He wanted to make his dream of his young age come true.

C. His wife encouraged him to learn it.

D. He wanted to spend the last best six months of his life.

There are probably no people on Earth who like to gossip as much as the British. If prying into (打探) other’s lives were an Olympic sport, then Team GB would surely take the gold medal.

And when the British can’t watch the lives of real people, they have another source of entertainment to fall back on—the soap opera. British soap operas are very different to US TV dramas. For one, they are normally longer running. The two most popular, Coronation Street and East-enders, have been running for 48 and 24 years respectively. Both are broadcast several times a week, so remarkably there have been more than 7,000 episodes of Coronation Street.

The most obvious difference is that, unlike US dramas, the British soap operas focus on the real world. There is little glamour (魅力), the stars are rarely rich, and they normally have boring jobs. Perhaps the appeal is that the lives of the characters often mirror the lives of the audience—but with some drama added. This means the viewer can relate to the characters and feel the pain and happiness they go through on the show.

Because these soap operas last for decades, the cast is ever changing. The shows rarely focus on one or two main characters. Like the real world, people come and go all the time. However, there are exceptions. Coronation Street’s William Roach, 76, has played the role of Ken Barlow since the very first episode of the show in 1960, and he is still a regular.

The choice of which soap opera you follow is often cultural: People from the north of British tend to watch Coronation Street as it is set in Manchester. People from the south generally prefer East-enders, which is set in the east of London. The show is generally considered grittier and is aimed at a younger audience.

1.What is the main difference between American dramas and British soap operas?

A. American dramas are longer.

B. British soap operas are longer.

C. American dramas deal with dangerous things.

D. British soap operas deal with real people.

2.Why do British people like to watch such operas?

A. They can find their own life from the operas.

B. They can enjoy the operas in their free time.

C. They can watch the operas for many years.

D. They care about the fate of the characters in the operas.

3. The underlined world “episodes” in the 2nd paragraph probably means ______.

A. plays B. pages

C. issues D. parts

4.One characteristic of British operas is that ______.

A. the characters play the same role for a long time.

B. the characters in the play often change

C. people don’t know what will happen next

D. there is only one or two characters in them



My mum was young when she fell pregnant with me. After I was born it was decided that my father’s relatives would ______ me in Manchester. No one spoke about Mum. Eventually, I was shown letters from Mum, ______ that she was a drug addict.

All this was running through my head as I arrived in Glasgow on 27 December last year. My sister Leanne, from my mother’s side, had ______ me down on Facebook, and we had been ______ for a while, but had met only once or twice. Leanne had been brought up by our mother’s parents, and had some ______ with Mum throughout her life. She was now living in Canada, but returning for Christmas and ______ to see all the family together. A big party had been arranged to welcome her back, and everyone would be there, including our ______.

In a very short time my sister and I hatched a ______ . I’d meet my sister as she arrived at Manchester airport, then we’d drive up to Glasgow ______ . Keeping it a surprise gave us a rush. After about a four-hour drive, we were there. I’d ______ called someone “Mum” before. But there she was.

We embraced (拥抱) and were soon ______ . We could hardly get the words out fast enough. Seeing someone so alike looking back at me was the strangest but most ______experience. Though a lifetime may have ______ us, this woman at a party in Glasgow was my mum. She ______ at me for a second, before giving me a tight hug. All she could say was that she never thought we’d ______ again.

She’d been ______ of drugs for five years. She told me how she now works for a charity that helps young people ______ the same problems she had. We now talk regularly, and I feel ______ she’s my mother. That’s something I couldn’t have even ______ when the door opened to her at that Christmas party. Life may be short, but it’s always ______ enough to reconcile (和好).

1.A. teach B. control C. serve D. raise

2.A. foreseeing B. revealing C. arguing D. promising

3.A. knocked B. tracked C. rolled D. turned

4.A. negotiating B. complaining C. messaging D. searching

5.A. contact B. bargain C. fun D. trouble

6.A. reluctant B. afraid C. confident D. desperate

7.A. sister B. father C. mum D. grandparents

8.A. deal B. plan C. trick D. change

9.A. in advance B. in turn C. in secret D. in time

10.A. ever B. even C. always D. never

11.A. looking away B. chatting away C. turning up D. picking up

12.A. disturbing B. annoying C. comforting D. frightening

13.A. separated B. deserted C. ruined D. cheated

14.A. laughed B. yelled C. stared D. pointed

15.A. part B. suffer C. recover D. meet

16.A. clean B. aware C. short D. fond

17.A. discuss B. overcome C. explore D. stress

18.A. guilty B. embarrassed C. proud D. shocked

19.A. imagined B. ignored C. questioned D. recalled

20.A. tough B. happy C. simple D. long

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