An unforgettable experience
It was a cold winter day. I rushed down the busy road towards the bus stop. Taxis passed me one after another   36  I didn’t have enough money to get one. My wallet was in my pocket but  37  I had was a five-yuan note. Taking a bus would  38  three, so I would be left with only   39   to buy something to eat. I was very hungry as I had only eaten one meal all day. Waiting at the bus stop, I  40 eagerly for a store   41 I could buy food. Then I heard an old woman’s voice  42 
behind me, “Steamed corn(蒸玉米)!Steamed corn!One yuan each!” Her voice was breaking and  43 deep despair. Staring at the old woman, I felt pity. She was  44  ,just like a beggar. But she was much older than the other beggars in the street. Her face was  45 and her eyes were full of tears. Her large withered(干枯的) fingers kept a tight hold on her basket of steamed corns. What had happened to her? Why was a woman  46  selling corns on such a cold evening? I felt sad. I had to do something. I took the five-yuan note from my wallet and handed it to her. She had said each steamed corn cost one yuan, so I could buy  47 . But if I did that, I would have nothing 48 to pay for the ticket. I wouldn’t be able to get home. Finally, I decided to give the woman two yuan for one steamed corn,   49 my pity for her. To my surprise, she refused to accept the  50 one yuan, saying she wanted to work for her money. She was already  51 to me because I was the only person to buy steamed corns from her all day.
I was   52 moved. She was so old and weak but chose to sell snacks   53  beg. From that moment, I had  54 for her, and didn’t feel pity any more. The corn was sweet and delicious. But  55 made me happier was that I helped a respectable old woman as much as I could.

A. and
B. but
C. so
D. or
A. all that
B. what all
C. all what
D. all which
A. spend
B. pay
C. cost
D. take
A. one yuan
B. two yuan
C. three yuan
D. four yuan
A. looked up
B. looked down
Clooked through
Dlooked around
A. from that
B. which
C. for which
D. from which
A. shouting
B. crying
C. calling
D. speaking
A. full with
B. filled of
C. filling with
D. filled with
A. in red
B. in rags
C. in colors
D. in uniform
A. rosy
B. bright
C. pale
D. red
A. of her age
B. like her age
C. at her age
D. for her age
A . one
B. two
C. three
D. five
A. leaving
B. remained
C. left
D. staying
A. showing
B. to show
C. shown
D. showed
A. total
B. extra
C. whole
D. more
A. grateful
B. thoughtful
C. friendly
D. kind
A. very
B. likely
C. deeply
D. deep
A. rather than
B. more than
C. less than
D. no more than
A. envy
B. surprise
C. respected
D. respect
A. that
B. which
C. all
D. what

The Jordans had the best raspberries in the neighborhood, and that their bushes were always heavy with fruit.So, that summer Friday night, we snuck(潜行) into the Jordans’ backyard and  21  ourselves carefully around the bushes and started  22  their sweet, juicy berry. And we were enjoying every bite of ill-gotten berry  23  all of a sudden the Jordans’ backyard lights were turned on.
“What you boys doing out here?” Mr Jordan shouted. In all  24  ran off my friends, une aten raspberries  25  everywhere.
He made an attempt to grab one or two, but they were too quick. Speed was never my   26  . So I could just stand there and  27  whatever punishment from the Jordans and my parents. I took the scolding that Mr Jordan gave me until we reached my house, where my mother  28  . My friends said they could hear every  29  word from the darkness of our backyard, where they had gathered to celebrate their  30  .
They  31   me about it for days afterwards, while all I could do was complain about how   32   it was that I had to pay the full  33   for doing the exact same thing all of them had done without any  34   consequences. After about a week, I complained it to my father.
“You took raspberries without asking, and you got exactly the punishment you  35 ,”Dad said.
“But what about the other guys?” I asked.
“That’s not my  36  , nor should it be yours,” Dad said. “You can’t control what happens to other people. You can  37   deal with what happens to you.”
Back then I thought Dad just didn’t   38   it. But through the years I come to realize that,   39 , he knew what he was talking about. We didn’t come to earth with a(an)  40  that life would treat us fairly. The only thing we can actually deal with is what happens to us.

A.paid forB.took overC.turned awayD.picked out
A.as wellB.above allC.as usualD.or else

Christmas Eve was tomorrow. I hoped one of the packages that held a camera had already been placed under the Christmas tree. It was the only thing I wanted. I had been dropping hints to my parents. I love taking photos. My bedroom walls are covered with photos I had taken with my mom’s old camera. I’m always trying to capture (捕捉) those perfect moments in which you can hear the laughter or touch the beautiful scene, but my camera has always seemed to fall short.
I knew Mom had put a few presents under the tree this morning, so I went on a hunt in my mom’s room. I opened the door and found my Christmas present was lying unwrapped on the floor — a big pink cat. I felt so disappointed.
Mom seemed to notice that, and she tried to cheer me up. “Stacy, I got your present today. I am so excited to surprise you!” “I can’t wait,” I said.
The next day I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed to tell her.
“Mom, may I talk to you for a second?”
“Sure, dear. What do you need to talk about?” she asked.
And so it came — how upset I was that I was getting a cat.
“Stacy, that cat is for your sister Julia!” she said with a smile.
“Then what am I getting?” I asked.
She just smiled. “You’ll have to wait and see.”
Next morning, I happily got into the living room and sat next to the tree. I pulled out the box with my name on it and opened the wrapping paper to find ...
My camera! “Thank you!” I said to both Dad and Mom.
Dad picked up the camera and took a picture of Julia, Mom and me. It has become one of my favorite pictures. Just on that Christmas morning, I took lots of photos with my camera — my little sister making a face, my parents giving me a soft smile — and all of these photos have come to mean one thing to me: love.
【小题1】The underlined phrase “dropping hints” in Para-graph 1 means _____.

A.talking oftenB.suggesting indirectly
C.sending presents D.taking pictures
【小题2】Why did Stacy feel disappointed at first?
A.Her mother couldn’t understand her at all.
B.Her mother didn’t buy her any Christmas gift.
C.She mistook her sister’s Christmas gift for hers.
D.She didn’t find her present in her mom’s room.
【小题3】We can learn from the passage that _____.
A.her mother bought Stacy a camera after discovering her disappointment
B.her mother knew what gift Stacy wanted for Christmas
C.Stacy thought it’s OK to have an old camera
D.Stacy finally got her gift on Christmas Eve
【小题4】What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The family happiness captured by the camera.
B.The nice Christmas that Stacy spent.
C.The beautiful pictures that Stacy took.
D.The true love that Stacy got from her parents.
【小题5】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.A Christmas gift as wished
B.Love is more important than gifts
C.A wonderful Christmas
D.Love can not be bought


非选择题 (共35分)

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






When I was four years old, I got ill. I took medicine twice                   

a day. The medicine had so a bitter taste that I took it mixed in     76. _____________

orange juice. The problem was that I can still taste the medicine.   77. ______________

In a particular afternoon my mother brought the drink in. As       78 ______________

she gave it to me, the phone rang and she went to answer          79 ______________

it. I looked at the orange drink and decided I couldn’t face them,    80 _____________

so I hid the glass behind a pile magazines. Of course, when        81 _____________

my mother was asked, “Have you already taken your medicine?”   82 ______________

I said, “Yes.” I felt very pleased with me. The next day, my        83 _____________

mother found drink when she was doing the housework. She       84 _____________

looked at me serious and said, “It’s bad to tell likes!”             85 _____________


Sometimes life makes more sense when you look at it in reverse (相反). That's certainly been true for me.

Last Christmas, at 39, I caught a disease which attacked my knees and eyes. At its worst I could hardly walk or see. For months I' d have to crawl (爬) across the floor to use the bathroom or get a drink of water when my husband wasn't home. For a while I could only see shapes and colors so I couldn't drive.

My parents kept begging me to let them come out to stay with me in Los Angeles, but our apartment is small and I knew there was nothing they could really do to help me. For the excellent health insurance my husband had through his job, I was receiving the best medical care possible.

My only problem was that I couldn't drive to my doctors' appointments and I didn't want my husband to keep missing work to drive me. Three days after I explained this to my parents, a check came from them with a note saying this was "taxi money". Several months later another check showed up from my brother to help make up our income since I wasn't able to work. It probably goes without saying that I was extremely grateful to have family members who could and would support me during the hard time.

In terms of my day-to-day existence, I live in a village within Los Angeles called Brentwood so I was able to walk to the local post office, market, bank, and library. But once there, I had to depend on the kindness of strangers to help me. Los Angeles is a big city, but I lived in a village with a wonderful community (社区) of people who were kind and patient.

Slowly I became well. Life was good again and I thought I had a clear understanding of the blessings (恩惠) this illness has provided.

1.When the author's husband was at home, he __________.

A.was still busy working

B.often had a good rest

C.often helped her a lot

D.taught her to drive a car

2.Why did the author not want her husband to drive her to her doctors' appointments?

A.Her husband didn't drive well.

B.Her husband was too busy.

C.She didn't want to affect his work.

D.Her doctor was far away from her.

3.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A.The help that the author received from her family members.

B.The influence of the author's disease on her family.

C.The author's thanks to her family members.

D.The way the author saw her doctors.

4.What did the author feel about Brentwood?

A.She thought it was small but convenient.

B.She felt it was hard to live there.

C.She thought it was small and strange.

D.She felt warm and comfortable there.


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