
The Jordans had the best raspberries in the neighborhood, and that their bushes were always heavy with fruit.So, that summer Friday night, we snuck(潜行) into the Jordans’ backyard and  21  ourselves carefully around the bushes and started  22  their sweet, juicy berry. And we were enjoying every bite of ill-gotten berry  23  all of a sudden the Jordans’ backyard lights were turned on.
“What you boys doing out here?” Mr Jordan shouted. In all  24  ran off my friends, une aten raspberries  25  everywhere.
He made an attempt to grab one or two, but they were too quick. Speed was never my   26  . So I could just stand there and  27  whatever punishment from the Jordans and my parents. I took the scolding that Mr Jordan gave me until we reached my house, where my mother  28  . My friends said they could hear every  29  word from the darkness of our backyard, where they had gathered to celebrate their  30  .
They  31   me about it for days afterwards, while all I could do was complain about how   32   it was that I had to pay the full  33   for doing the exact same thing all of them had done without any  34   consequences. After about a week, I complained it to my father.
“You took raspberries without asking, and you got exactly the punishment you  35 ,”Dad said.
“But what about the other guys?” I asked.
“That’s not my  36  , nor should it be yours,” Dad said. “You can’t control what happens to other people. You can  37   deal with what happens to you.”
Back then I thought Dad just didn’t   38   it. But through the years I come to realize that,   39 , he knew what he was talking about. We didn’t come to earth with a(an)  40  that life would treat us fairly. The only thing we can actually deal with is what happens to us.

A.paid forB.took overC.turned awayD.picked out
A.as wellB.above allC.as usualD.or else

【小题1】. C




London---Lazy students can now give up on work altogether as two Oxford University students have made scores of A-grade essays (论文) on the website for students to copy. The essays are on the new website “revise it”. The website includes an “Essay Lab” designed to make cheating (舞弊) as effective and effortless as possible.

    Its homepage announces to surfers (网上冲浪者) ; “Its Essay Lab is a bank of hundreds of A-level essays covering popular topics.”

    “Next time you are asked to write an essay why not see what we have on the subject-if you are in a lazy state of mind you can even use our guide to writing the essays and then just hand them in.”

    Nick Rose and Jordan Mayo, both 19 and first from Manchester, spent much of their first year as students at the university setting up the website. There is no charge for downloading the essays.

    “I have never been very good at essay writing,” Rose admitted. “We don't see essay bank as a cheating way. It's a surprising valuable resource. You can learn a lot by reading other people's work on the subject.”

    Among other tips , the website suggests inventing important speeches to give essays extra weight: “Popular people to quote (引用) are Douglas Hurd or Disraeli.”

    Hurd was a foreign secretary in the 1980s and Disraeli was a 19th century prime minister. Teachers are expressing their opinions by e-mail that they are angry about the website that “encourages students to cheat”, but students disagree. According to Rose: “Exams are a fight. It's us against them.”

1It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

    A. the students who visit the website “revise it” are all lazy

    B. students dislike exams

    C. Nick Rose is poor at writing

    D. writing essays is not a pleasant job

2Nick Rose and Jordan Mayo set up their website for the purpose of ________.

    A. helping the students to cheat in exams

    B. helping students to improve their writing

    C. making money to pay for their schooling

    D. surprising their teachers

3Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

    A. Essay Lab is one part of the website.

    B. Teachers and students have different opinions about the website.

    C. Students are not satisfied with the education system

    D. Douglas Hurd often copied essays from the website.

4Which is the best title for this passage?

    A. Homework Website

    B. Against Exams

    C. Surfers on the Internet

D. A-level Essays


  Basketball legend Michael Jordan arrived in Beijing on Monday night to begin his first Asia tour.

  A five-time winner of the NBA’s most valuable player award, Jordan’s schedule covers four public activities in the capital on Tuesday and Thursday.

  Among his stops is an appearance at a ceremony to donate funds for the rebuilding of the Beijing Dongdan Sports Centre Wednesday morning.On Thursday he will attend a media conference in the morning and visit the “Jordan’s sports career” fan exhibition in the afternoon.He will also go to Beijing Worker’s Gymnasium to present an award to the champion of the second Nike China High School Men’s Basketball League.Jordan will also use the tour to speak to youth about the constant struggle to succeed and the importance of hard work on and off the court.

  “If you want excellence in everything you do, the sky is the limit, ”said Jordan.“During my tour of Asia, I want to pass along this knowledge and encourage youth around the world that positive energy and high aspirations will lead to excellence.”

  The tour continues to Hong Kong and Taiwan on May 21 and 22 before concluding in Tokyo on May 23.


Which of the following about Jordan is not true?

[  ]


He is a legend basketball player.


He is a five-time winner of NBA’s most valuable player award.


He is a talented basketball player and he needn’t work hard at it.


He has both positive energy and high aspirations in himself.


Where will he be on May 22?

[  ]




Hong Kong.






What does the word“concluding”mean in the last paragraph?

[  ]




Coming to an end.




Arrive at an opinion.


Which of the following is not what Jordan will do while in Beijing?

[  ]


He will attend a media conference in the morning.


He will play with the champion of the second Nike China High School Men’s Basketball League.


He will go to present an award to the champion of the Second Nike China High School Men’s Basketball league.


He will appear at a ceremony to donate funds for the rebuilding of the Beijing Dongdan Sports Centre.


  Basketball legend Michael Jordan arrived in Beijing on Monday night to begin his first Asia tour.

  A five-time winner of the NBA’s most valuable player award, Jordan’s schedule covers four public activities in the capital on Tuesday and Thursday.

  Among his stops is an appearance at a ceremony to donate funds for the rebuilding of the Beijing Dongdan Sports Centre Wednesday morning.On Thursday he will attend a media conference in the morning and visit the “Jordan’s sports career” fan exhibition in the afternoon.He will also go to Beijing Worker’s Gymnasium to present an award to the champion of the second Nike China High School Men’s Basketball League.Jordan will also use the tour to speak to youth about the constant struggle to succeed and the importance of hard work on and off the court.

  “If you want excellence in everything you do, the sky is the limit, ” said Jordan.“During my tour of Asia, I want to pass along this knowledge and encourage youth around the world that positive energy and high aspirations will lead to excellence.”

  The tour continues to Hong Kong and Taiwan on May 21 and 22 before con-cluding in Tokyo on May 23.


Which of the following about Jordan is NOT true?

[  ]


He is a legend basketball player.


He is five?time winner of NBA’s most valuable player award.


He is a talented basketball player and he needn’t work hard at it.


He has both positive energy and high aspirations in himself.


Where will he be on May 22?

[  ]




Hong Kong.






What does the word “concluding” mean in the last paragraph?

[  ]




coming to an end




arrive at an opinion


Which of the following is not what Jordan want to do while in Beijing?

[  ]


He will attend a media conference in the morning.


He will visit the “Jordan’s sports career” exhibition in the afternoon.


He will go to present an award to the champion of the Second Nike China High School Men’s Basket ball league.


He will appear at a ceremony to donate funds for the rebuilding of the Beijing Dongdan Sports Centre.


According to the passage, how long will Jordan’s Asian tour last?

[  ]


Three days.


Four days.


Five days.


At least six days.

  Basketball legend Michael Jordan arrives in Beijing on Monday to begin his first Asia tour.

  A five-time winner of the NBA's most valuable player award, Jordan's schedule covers four public activities in the capital on Tuesday and Thursday. Among his stops is an appearance at a meeting to donate(捐献)funds for the rebuilding of the Beijing Dongdan Sports Centre on Wednesday morning.

  On Thursday he will attend a media(媒体)conference in the morning and visit the“Jordan's sports career”fan exhibition in the afternoon. He will also go to Beijing Workers' Gymnasium(体育场)to present an award to the champion of the second Nike China High School Men's Basketball League. Jordan will also speak to the young men about the constant struggle to succeed and the importance of hard work on and off the court.

  “If you want excellence in everything you do, the sky is the limit,”said Jordan,“During my tour of Asia, I want to pass along this knowledge and encourage youth around the world that positive energy and high aspirations(抱负)will lead to excellence.”

  The tour continues to Hong Kong and Taiwan on May 21 and 22 before concluding in Tokyo on May 23.

(1)The aim of writing this passage is to ________.

[  ]

A.introduce what Jordan is

B.show Jordan began his Asia tour

C.praise Jordan for his achievement in basketball

D.analyze the influence of Jordan's Asia tour on the Chinese

(2)How many times has Jordan won the NBA most valuable player award?

[  ]


(3)What won't Jordan do during his stay in Beijing?

[  ]

A.Attending a media conference.

B.Presenting an award to the champion of a match.

C.Donating funds for the disabled people.

D.Communicating with the youth.

(4)Jordan's words suggest ________.

[  ]

A.he encourages people to be excellent in everything

B.it is difficult to succeed in some field

C.constant struggle for success is necessary

D.he will introduce his skills on the court

When you think of American culture, what first comes to your mind? McDonald’s? Coca Cola? Levi’s? Disneyland? Michael Jordan? Julia Roberts? Many people   1  American culture is a   2 of popular symbols like these. Actually, these symbols are only one    3  part of American culture—pop culture.
What is pop culture? Well, pop is   4   for popular. The origins of pop culture can often be traced to popular movies, television shows, music stars and sports figures. Pop culture is   5  promoted by business and advertising. The most   6  examples of American pop culture appear among high school and college students. Trends (趋势)   7  by famous personalities quickly become part of young people’s    8 .
American pop culture has spread around the world. One major reason for its   9  is that English is a universal language. English is the language of diplomacy, international business and transportation.   10  language and culture go together, learning English means becoming   11  of English-speaking cultures. Besides, America is a world   12  in movies, music and magazines. The kind of American culture   13  in those media is pop culture. Finally, pop culture is easy to package and to   14 . For that reason, it is easy to “sell” to the world.
Many people believe that American pop culture is what American is all   15  . Does pop culture   16   the true culture of America? Yes and no. Pop culture does  17  a portion (比例) of American society — especially the   18  young people that are tuned in to the media. But American pop culture is faddish (流行一时的) and    19   . If you want to learn about real American culture, you’ll have to go a little    20    than McDonald’s.


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