
【题目】---Can you tell us your ______________ for happiness and a long life?

---Living every day to the full, definitely.





考查名词词义辨析。A. range范围;B. recipe秘诀;C. record记录;D. receipt收据。句意:——你能告诉我幸福长寿的秘诀么?——充实地过好每一天,这是肯定的。根据“happiness and a long life”可知此处表示“秘诀”,故B项正确。


【题目】Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

What elements pop up in your mind when you think of scientists? A pair of glasses, or a few wrinkles on the forehead? And do you think of a man, or a woman?

Well, as recently reported by BBC News, children in the US 1 women with scientists more than in previous decades, according to a new study.

“Draw a scientist” is an open-ended test designed to investigate children’s 2 of a typical scientist, and has been conducted by sociologists in various studies since the 1960s. After it began, a singular theme 3: most of the scientists drawn were men.

In the 1960s and 1970s, less than one percent of children drew a woman when asked to draw a scientist. But now, the number has risen to as high as 28 percent, given the fact that women’s 4 in the scientific workforce has improved significantly.

Jocelyn Steinke, a professor at Western Michigan University in the US, told the Washington Post “the study is important because it shows that children’s gender stereotypes(成见) of scientists have 5 over the past five decades in the United States.”

However, children are still far more likely to draw a(n)6 male figure when asked to draw a scientist. As found in the study, girls draw on 7 58 percent of scientists as men, with boys drawing 96 percent.

“The fact that children are still drawing more male than female scientists reflects their environment. Given the under-representation of women we observe in several science fields, we shouldn’t expect equal numbers. But 8, we can see that children’s stereotypes change over time,” David Miller, the study’s lead author, told BBC news.

The author of the study suggested that media stereotypes play a 9 role in children’s views of scientists as they get older. For example, children may determine 10 characteristics of a scientist based on certain aspects they see in the media, including a scientist’s sex or what they wear.

Meanwhile, as the Washington Post noted, gender stereotypes “exist across other professions”. For example, when asked to draw a teacher in another study, only 25 percent children in one study drew a man.

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