

第二卷(共35 分)


填空(共10小题: 每小题1分,满分10分)

阅读短文,根据所读内容在表中的空格处填上适当的单词或短语, 每空不超过3个单词。

Most Americans have a city they like best. Over the years, American songwriters have described these feelings in music. More songs have been written about America's biggest city, New York, than about any other city. Many others dream about leaving their small towns to go there. They want to become rich and famous. Frank Sinatra sings about this dream in the most popular song written about New York. 

  Almost three-million people live in the middle western city of Chicago, Illinois. It is now America's third largest city. It used to be the second largest city. So, of course, it needed its own song. Judy Garland sings the song, "Chicago, Chicago. "

   One of America's most exciting cities is Las Vegas, Nevada. In nineteen-sixty-four, Elvis Presley starred in a movie called "Viva Las Vegas." Here is the song from that movie. It is sung by the group Z-Z Top.

As we all know, one of the most beautiful cities in America is San Francisco, California. The most popular song about the city is called "I Left My Heart in San Francisco." Tony Bennett recorded it in nineteen-sixty-two. It sold more than three-million records.

Many people love Los Angeles, California. It is now America's second largest city. Los Angeles is popular because the weather is warm and the sun shines almost all the time. Randy Newman sings about his feelings for the city in the song, "I Love L.A." Not everyone, however, loves Los Angeles. Some people do not like all the big roads around the city. They like living in a smaller place. A place like San Jose, California. Dionne Warwick sings about going back to this city. The song is, "Do You Know The Way To San Jose."

Songs about American Cities





Songwriters/ Band

New York

America's biggest city

A song about New York




79. America's ____________ city

"Chicago, Chicago"

Judy Garland



America's second largest city


Randy Newman

San Francisco


"I Left My Heart in San Francisco."




"Do You Know The Way To San Jose

Dionne Warwick


Las Vegas


A song from "Viva Las Vegas."

85. the group ___________

76. Cities  77. California 78. Frank Sinatra  79. third largest. 80. Los Angeles

81. "I Love L.A”  82. beautiful  83. Tony Bennett  84. San Jose  85.  Z-Z Top


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
Today we went to climb the West Hill.Early in morning    76.__________________
we started out and arrived an hour late.Then we began     77.__________________
to climb.The hill was high and some of us got tired        78.__________________
soon, and all of us were very excited.We cheered          79.__________________
happily when we got the top.We had our lunch there       80.__________________
and had enjoyed ourselves very much.Unfortunately,     81.__________________
when we walked down the hill,We were caught by         82.__________________
a rain.We remained calmly,shared umbrellas and         83.__________________
raincoats and walked carefully.Finally we both reached     84.__________________
the parking lot safely.In spite of the unexpecting rain       85.__________________
and wind,we had a good time.




On the one hand, the robots sent to the planets have not yet found

any ______(迹象) of life on Mars, but they have found evidence                           76. __________

that water ______ freely over the planet’s surface millions of years                77. __________

ago. ______ addition, water in the form of ice exists below some                   78. __________

p      of the Martian surface today.                                                           79. __________

On the other hand, d       life on Mars would change the                       80. __________

present view of the Universe and also give a big push toward man’s.

work there. But a group of experts o      by President Barack Obama          81. __________

told him last October that US ______(太空) policy should now focus             82. __________

on sending human beings to Mars instead of ______(又一,再一) moon         83. __________

landing. Michael Griffin, a former head of NASA, believes ______                84. __________

a human trip to Mars could be p       by 2037.                                                 85. __________


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