
19.假如你叫李平,你的美国笔友Tom来信询问你十一假期(National Day holiday)过的怎样.请根据表格中的信息给他回信,说明你在十一假期中的活动和理由.
看望乡下的祖父母 帮助他们做点家务,并给他们谈了身边的新鲜事陪伴他们,消除他们的孤独
Dear Tom,
I'm very glad to receive your letter.And it's a pleasure to tell you something about                                                                                  Yours,
Li Ping.

分析 本文为回信.写作要点为:1.休息.学习紧张,缺少锻炼和休息; 2.看望乡下的祖父母,帮助他们做点家务,并给他们谈了身边的新鲜事;3.和朋友进行短途旅游.欣赏大自然,呼吸新鲜空气.注意一下几点:(1)认真审题,确定体裁. (2)构思要点.根据题目要求,理解要表达的要点.设计好文章的层次段落,考虑所用时态、人称等,把要点串联起来,构成文章框架.(3)选词造句,避难选易.(4)认真检查,避免错误.仔细阅读全文,查找是否有错,注意时态、单词拼写、字母大小写、标点是否有误,句式是否正确.逻辑是否一致.
And it's a pleasure to tell you something about how I spent the National Day holiday.(高分句型)
First,I had a good rest because recently I often felt tired as a result of my heavy study burden as well as lack of sleep and physical exercise.(高分句型)
What's more,I had a trip with my friends to appreciate the beauty of nature and breathe fresh air.(高分句型)

解答 Dear Tom,
     I'm very glad  to receive your letter.And it's a pleasure to tell you something about how I spent the National Day holiday.(高分句型)
     First,I had a good rest because recently I often felt tired as a result of my heavy study burden as well as lack of sleep and physical exercise.(高分句型)Of course,it took me two days to stay with my grandparents living in the countryside and help them do some housework and tell them what happened to me and my friends.(高分句型)What's more,I had a trip with my friends to appreciate the beauty of nature and breathe fresh air.(高分句型)What did you do in your summer holidays?I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Li Ping

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.

20.Award-winning novelist Jamaica Kincaid is talking with Time about her new book See Now Then.
Your new book,See Now Then,features a Caribbean writer whose husband is a composer and who lives in the Northeast with two kids.Sounds like you.How autobiographical(自传的)is it?
(36)DBut I wasn't thinking of myself.My own self,my own everyday life,is sort of very untidy and smelly and kind of annoying under close observation.
What do you mean,untidy and smelly?
I like to be in my pajamas(睡衣)all day.Sometimes I don't wash for days because I like to read and sit around.(37)AI'm not fun to be with.
There's less in this book about slavery and race than in some of your previous work.(38)C
Race is not particularly interesting to me.Power is.Slavery interests me because it's against humanity and has not stopped.It's necessary to talk about that.
So it's not interesting to you that the most powerful man in America is black?
Not really.As I say,race is not important to me.The first time I saw Barack Obama,he gave a wonderful speech.But what made me really like him is that his wife came out and she was darker than he is.(39)G
You went to the U.S.to be a maid.What do you think today when you see maids from the West Indies?
That they probably are not as lucky as I was.I've been extremely lucky my entire life.And I've never said no to any kindness.(40)B
A.I like to eat in bed.
B.I've always taken it and said thank you.
C.Are you still interested in those topics?
D.A lot of events in the book would seem to parallel my own life.
E.Has your husband read this seemingly autobiographical novel?
F.When you find someone you hate a lot,you should really look at it.
G.It's so rare to see a black man married to a woman who is darker than he is.
7.Tomatoes are generally easy to grow.Experts suggest you start seeds indoors if the ground is still cold.For best results with the least risk,they say,plant when the soil is warm,soon after the frost-free date for your area.
Small plants may be placed a third of a meter apart in rows.If you grow staked plants,set the sticks in the ground about half a meter apart.Some larger varieties of tomatoes may need about a meter between plants and at least a meter and a half between rows.The idea is to leave enough space for harvesting.
Work the soil to remove weeds(杂草).But do not work the soil too deeply or you could damage the tomato plants.Water the plants regularly during long dry periods.Give them plenty of water.Plants in containers may need water daily or even more than once a day.Besides,do give the tomato plants complete organic fertilizers(肥料).
Some gardeners train tomato plants to grow on supporting materials.Whatever you choose,make sure the supports are tall enough.Most modern tomato plants grow about a meter tall.Others reach almost two meters.
Tomatoes started from seed take forty-five to ninety days till harvest.The average air temperature should be about 24℃.In that case,you can pick the tomatoes when they are firm and fully colored.But if the weather is very hot,pick the tomatoes every day or two.Let them soften and develop their full color indoors.
There was a time when people thought tomatoes were poisonous.In fact,they are just the opposite.Tomatoes are good for you.But are they a fruit or a vegetable?Technically,a tomato is a fruit-the fruit of the tomato plant.But some fruits,including tomatoes,may be called"vegetables"because they are used in tasty foods instead of sweet cooking.
Title:(76)Growing Tomatoes
Sowing and transplantingStart seeds indoors when it is still cold outside.
Plant them soon after the (77)frost date ends.
Set proper (78)space/distance for the plants.
(79)Managing the fieldWeed without (80)damaging the plants.
Water the plants regularly,especially in dry periods.
(81)Feed/Fertilize/Fertilise the tomato plants.
Choose proper (82)supports to train the plants to grow tall.
Harvesting the fruitsPick the ripe fruits when the temperature is about 24℃.
Get in the fruits (83)earlier to ripen indoors if it's too hot.
Interpreting tomatoesPeople used to consider tomatoes as a (84)poison but actually they aren't.
A tomato can be called either a fruit or a (85)vegetable.
14.On the morning of Apr.20,different from any other Saturdays,a powerful earthquake which measured 7.0 magnitude occurred in Ya'an,Sichuan Province.The quake happened close to the area where 70,000 died when another powerful hit took place in 2008.The 4.20 earthquake shook Sichuan with 208 people missing or dead.Nearly 14,000 are reported to have been injured.Thousands of buildings collapsed,leaving victims homeless.Water and electricity supplies were cut off,which left concerns about the welfare of the survivors.In Lushan,where the most of the damage was concentrated,facilities of communication broke down.Victims lost contact with the outside world.
All the country have been shocked at the tragic news.Numerous relief is pouring in from all over Chinato the victims of the Lushan earthquake.Governments of all levels have taken some efficient measures to relieve the impact of earthquake.On Sunday,Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made it to the worst-stricken Lushan,issuing several statements to ensure rescuing the buried and other injured people.Meanwhile,he visited some of those being treated for their injuries in the temporary hospitals set up with an open-air emergency facility.Rows of Red Cross tents are now home to some of the thousands left homeless by this deadly earthquake.State media says thousands of troops along with volunteers help with the rescue operation and to hand out supplies.
People from across the country are called on to donate to relieve and help rebuild the earthquake-hit area.Lots of students ranging from university students to kindergarten kids have given away their pocket money just to do their own bit in this relief campaign.Hong Kong special government at first proposed to donate 100 million HONG Kong dollars,which was rejected by some of members of government's parliament(议员),who questioned whether China's Red Cross could put every cent into practical use honestly,for in 2008 Wenchuan earthquake China's Red Cross failed to make it clear how they spent the charity money.Anyway the proposal was at last passed on May 3.At the same time,China's Red Cross,determined to make a bit change,promised to give a detailed account of where every cent would go.
TitleYa'an Earthquake
TimeApril 20,2013
OutbreakA powerful earthquake (61)measuring 7.0 magnitude hit Ya'an,Sichuan Province.
DestructionThe quake(62)claimed over 200 people's lives,leaving 14,000 people (63)injured.
Thousands of buildings (64)felldown,making thousands of people homeless.
Water and electricity supplies were cut off.
(65)ReliefmeasuresChinese Premier Li Keqiang made several statements to ensure the(66)rescueof the victims.
Volunteers throughout the nation along with troops are participating in helping to(67)distributesupplies.
DonationA nationwide donation campaign has been(68)underway.
Some of Hong Kong members of parliament questioned the(69)honestyof China's Red Cross.
HK donation proposal was(70)finally/eventually passed as China's Red Cross promised to report its expending charity money.
4.Most people agree that eating healthy food is important.But sometimes making good food choices can be difficult.Now,there are apps that can help people learn about the food they eat to improve their health and their dining out experience.
OpenTable app
OpenTable app helps people choose restaurants when they want to go out to eat.It is a free service that shows users restaurant available based on where and when they want to dine.It gives users points when they make reservations,which can add up to discounts (折扣)on restaurant visits.
Max McCalman's Cheese & Wine Pairing app
Wine and cheese can be a great combination.But which wines go best with which cheeses?Max McCalman's Cheese & Wine Pairing app can help.It provides information about hundreds of different cheeses and suggests wines to pair with each.Max McCalman's Cheese & Wine Pairing app is free.
HappyCow app
Vegetarians do not eat animal meat.Vegans do not eat any animal products.The HappyCow app is made for both groups.Users can search for vegetarian-vegan restaurants and stores around the world.
LocalEats app
Restaurant chains,like McDonalds,can be found almost anywhere a person might travel.But sometimes travelers want to eat like locals.The LocalEats app is designed for that.It can help you find local restaurants in major cities in the US.and in other countries.It costs about a dollar.
Where Chefs Eat app
"Where Chefs Eat"is a 975-page book.Most people would not want to carry that around.But there is a much lighter app version of the same name for just﹩15.Six hundred chefs provide information on 3,000restaurants around the world on the Where Chefs Eat app.

33.What can users get when making a reservation with OpenTable app?C
A.prizes.   B.Books.
C.Points     D.Cheeses.
34.Happycow app is designed for those who preferC.
A.local foods.        B.wine and cheese
C.vegetables           D.animal meat
35.What app costs you most according to the text?B
B.Where Chefs Eat
D.Max MeCalman's Cheese & Wine Pairing.
11.Ellen Parker was worried about her health.She could not walk very quickly and it was difficult for her to climb stairs.Sh e was soon out of breath.
"I suppose I had better go to the doctor,"she thought.
She went to the doctor and told him her problem.
"I'm not at all surprised,"he said."It's clear what your problem is."
He examined her and then gave her some advice.
"If you don't do what I say,Mrs.Parker,"he said,"you will have a heart attack.It could kill you."Ellen was very worried as she left the doctor's.She knew that she had to take his advice but that it would not be easy and it would take time.
         The next day she went shopping.The first shop she went into was a butcher's shop(肉铺).
"I'd like ten pounds of steak(牛排),please,"she said.
"Certainly,madam,"the butcher replied and went into the cold room and found  a
large  piece of steak.He brought the huge piece of meat b ack into the shop and placed it on the scale(天平).
"That's just under ten pounds,"he said.
"That's big enough,"Mrs.Parker said.
    The butcher worked out the price."At$4.99 a pound that will$49.50,please.
Would you like me to cut it up into smaller pieces for you?"
"Oh,I don't want to buy the meat,"Mrs.Parker said.
"If you don't want to buy it,"the butcher replied angrily,"why did you ask me to get it for you?"
"My doctor told me that I am overweight and have to lose ten pounds.I wanted to see what ten pounds of flesh looked like."
21.The reason why Ellen Parker visited the doctor is thatB.
A.she had had a heart attack.
B.she had a problem with her health.
C.she was unhappy about her weight.
D.she could not sleep well.
22.Parker asked for ten pounds of steak becauseD.
A.she wanted to buy some for dinner.
B.she wanted to lose weight.
C.her doctor had told her to eat steak.
D.she wanted to see what ten pounds of meat looked like.
23.What was Ellen Parker's real problem?B
A.She ate too much steak.
B.She weighed too much.
C.The doctor did not know.
D.She could not walk very quickly.
24.What did the doctor think might happen to Ellen?C 
A.She might put on more weight.
B.She might stop eating too much.
C.She might have a heart attack.
D.She might go to another doctor.
9.Susan Williams went to a boarding school.Here is one of the letters she wrote to her parents from the school.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm afraid I have some very bad news for you,I have been very naughty and the school principal is very angry with me.She is going to write to you.You must come and take me away from here.She does not want me in the school any longer.
The trouble started last night when I was smoking a cigarette in bed.This is against the rules,of course.We are not supposed to smoke at all.
As I was smoking,I heard footsteps coming towards the room.I did not want a teacher to atch me smoking,so I threw the cigarette away.Unfortunately,the cigarette fell into the waste-paper
basket,which caught,fire,there was a curtain near the waste-paper basket which caught fire,too.Soon the whole room was burning.The principal phoned for the fire department.The school is a long way from the town and by the time the fire department arrived,the whole school was in flames.
Many of the girls are in the hospital.
The principal says that the fire was all my fault and you must pay for fire damage.She will send you a bill for about a million dollars.
I am very sorry about this.
Much love,
PS (附言).None of the above is true,but I have failed my exams.I just want you to know how bad things could have been!
33.Susan wrote homeA.
A.to tell her parents about the fire
B.to ask for a million dollars
C.to tell her parents she had failed her exams 
D.to tell her parents she had to leave school.
34.The principal was angry with Susan for the reason thatC.
A.she had failed her exams.
B she had been caught smoking in bed.
C.it was her fault that the school had caught fire.
D.she had not phoned for the fire-department in time.
35.Susan told her parents about the fireD.
A.to warn them about what the principal would do
B.to make them feel worried
C.to make them less angry at her real news 
D.to make them laugh.

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